Star Wars Prequel Clan Hilts Screen Accurate Versions: Resin Bodies


New Member
Hi Everyone! First time sharing a build on the forum. For the past couple years I've slowly been working on screen-accurate replicas of the star wars prequel clan hilts: Specifically Shaak Ti/Adi Gallia's, Ki Adi Mundi's, Plo Koon's, and Kit Fisto's. I know a lot of other jedi shared variations of these hilts, however, these main 4 are the ones I've been trying to tackle first.

It started when I was able to acquire (supposedly) 4 of the Master Replicas prototypes for these hilts. I don't believe the person I bought them from had the right information, but these are the hilts I managed to get my hands on.

These were all very accurate in many ways, but had several inaccuracies... the worst offender being Plo Koon's.

I modeled the four hilts up in Fusion and started making the alterations from there.

My main goal is to replicate what the actors would have used on set as much as possible. That requires casting the main section of the hilts out of resin. I know a few things for certain, one being that the prop department had to make a lot of copies and through all the references I've been able to find, they cast these bad boys out of resin.

I'm definitely not the first to take this on, but as many of you know, it's more gratifying when you make something, especially when that thing happens to be a hyper-fixation you keep coming back to.

Here are my fusion models of the hilts so far. The main sections of the bodies I plan on casting out of resin, and having the other sections of the emitters and pommel pieces machined.

Any suggestions on where I should have the sections machined? Note some sections, specifically the ribbed sections I know happen to be stacked washers.

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I would love everyones feedback!

Thanks, Taylor
Hi Taylor, that is a great start. The models you made look good.
Thank you so much Gustavo! I hope you don't mind me asking, what has your experience been with getting custom parts machined? Is there any advice you can give to a novice like me?
I'm fairly confident that the brass section on Shaak Ti's hilt is a found part. The closest thing i've been able to find is this brass pump v spacer made by CAT, which makes me think the prop builders found a munch of a similar part somewhere and incorporated it along with the various-sized washers just below it.

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They very well could have machined this part themselves, but all the close-up images of the original props that have been auctioned off look exactly the same as if they came from a found part off some sort of machinery.

Does anyone have any ideas?
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