Amazing Spiderman Suit using TaylorMcManus' print (Pic Heavy) (Suit Complete!)

Absolutely wonderful! Great job man! As Mystery said, can you upload some close up pics of the lenses? I am following your method too!Thanks :)
How many inches is your neck zipper?
And I see you puffy'd the red areas, but did you do the black lines as well?'
They looks great!
Re: Amazing Spiderman Suit using TaylorMcManus' print (Pic Heavy)

I only have the boots left for the puff paint progress! I save the best for last! :lol

I did have some success creating new lenses. Here is what I did:

I picked up some Sculpty from my local art store. I sandwiched two chunks of it between two sheets of wax paper and used a rolling pin to roll them out so they were even. I took them off and placed them on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. I then covered them with a loose layer of seran wrap and 'rolled' joelai009's lenses on each on. By rocking the lenses back and forth it gave me the outline of the lens without the curve.


Now I had my mold! To cast the frames I used a product called InstaMorph. They are basically plastic pellets that are melted in hot water, sculpted (in this case shoved into a mold), and when they cool the set back to hard plastic. I found this container on Amazon for about $20. I didn't use a 1/20th of it to make 4 lenses (with a handful of mistakes). You would be able to get away with the smaller container to make a few pairs of lenses (about $10-$12). The great thing about this stuff is that to curve the frames all I had to do was heat the molded lenses up with a hair dryer and curve them to my face! It also makes it very easy to shape out any imperfections.


One thing I learned the hard way was you really need a mold release agent to prevent the InstaMorph from sticking to the Skulpty mold. I didn't have any so I just brushed on some olive oil. It worked great! So I packed in the melted InstaMorph, and before it cooled I scored the edges with and x-acto knife. After it hardened (with the help of some ice packs to speed up the process) I preyed it out with a butter knife.

Here is the result. They just have to be trimmed, bent, and painted. I don't think it's too bad for my first time doing molding. I'll post some pictured when they are finished. (Hopefully by Saturday!!)


First off, let me start by congratulating you on a great looking suit and give you props for coming up with your own problem-solving solutions as well as tackling sewing and all other aspects of building this suit that were new to you. That's what makes the hobby great, when collectors and costumers also become builders! It's awesome to learn new tricks and even more awesome when you come up with them yourself and share with the forum. That's why this place exists! With that being said, I just want to give you a word of caution because I would hate to see anybody get in trouble over this. Your solution to Joelai's frames contour problem, while it worked for you and it may work for others, is a form of infringement of Joelai's work....basically a recast. Even though you are using different materials and re-shaping, that's his cast. And while it is very kind for you to share your method, you may be giving someone ideas of how to recast Joelai's work...then the problem becomes real once you start seeing these on ebay or the Junkyard. Someone might get banned without even knowing they were doing anything wrong. You get my meaning? Now, I'm not a mod or anything...I'm just giving you a word of advice from someone who's been a member from a number of years now.

For anyone else struggling with Joelai's lenses. Here's what I did, and it worked like a charm. No need to reshape or recast.

If you don't want to use a full face-shell, just use a half shell. Like Joelai said, you can even use a store bought plastic mask and cut up in half. I used one of McLean's shells (which are beautiful).


Use a dremel or exacto to cut up a slightly larger eye socket by tracing the frames on the shell. It has to be slightly larger so the top portion sinks into the socket while the bottom rests on top of the shell like so:


The end result is a flawless countoured fit. The beauty of this is you don't have to keep readjusting the lenses for the right look. They will stay in place every time.


Did not mean to hijack your thread, but Spidey alone has already caused a string of bans as of lately and it wouldn't be fair for you to land in that pool when you have good intentions. The problem is other forum lurkers with not so good intentions. Joelai's lenses are awesome and he deserves his credit for sculpting them from scratch and coming up with very accurate looking lenses.
Re: Amazing Spiderman Suit using TaylorMcManus' print (Pic Heavy)

Damn Fett, that mask looks good! Man, I missed your suit pics :lol
Re: Amazing Spiderman Suit using TaylorMcManus' print (Pic Heavy)

Damn Fett, that mask looks good! Man, I missed your suit pics :lol

Lol....more to come soon my friend...more to come soon. On my own thread of course. I think I already did enough high jacking here with my PSA. :)
How big do you cut the actual eye holes before the lenses?
Looks amazing.
So there is no other way with these lenses without a shell?
Thanks for all of the kind words! Since joining RPF a few months ago I have learned so much, thanks to all of you!

I was worried about the hair drier too, but it was either that or no suit for the party. I rigged it on a microphone stand holding the hairdryer about 12 to 14 inches above the fabric. Note, I'm using the Slick puff paint not the Puffy puff paint. Not sure what you are using.

No face shell. That's all me! :) I painted the red honeycomb and the black webs, not the blue honeycomb. The mask zipper is about 13".

@El Fett
I have followed your thread closely and your work really inspired me to tackle this project. Thank you for the advise. Honestly that thought never crossed my mind. I would hate to have joelai009's lenses ripped off. Would you suggest I remove the previous post? Brilliant idea using only part of the face shell. I wish I would have thought of that!

To those asking for more pics of the lenses, I am going to refrain from posting them. I would hate to get banned from this awesome forum!

Upon further review the right lens is definitely higher. Unfortunately I think it is too late for this suit as I have already glued them to the mask. :( I was going to try some acetone to remove the glue but I am afraid of what it will do to the color of the print. I really need to get a custom mold of my head. It is way too difficult to put these on in a mirror. The mannequin head I have does not have the same contours as my face.
I have already glued them to the mask. :( I was going to try some acetone to remove the glue but I am afraid of what it will do to the color of the print. I really need to get a custom mold of my head. It is way too difficult to put these on in a mirror. The mannequin head I have does not have the same contours as my face.

next mask use magnets :D makes things allot easier. great build mate wish my McManus suit had been sorted originally but gotta say lovin my new print thanks for the zip pics btw they helped alot
No need. As long as people are aware to not try to reproduce and sell the frames, its all good. Whoever ends up doing it, probably already is familiar with the process. I just didn't want you to get in trouble over somebody else doing something like that because they saw it here and thought it would be OK to do so.

As for the acetone, just use a little bit and tap the inside of the mask where the frames are glued to. Do it a couple of times. The fabric should be fine. If the glue has hardened way to much, use an exacto knife to help you out. Just be carefule not to rip the mask or go over the "safe-zone" for where the lenses end up covering the holes.
No need. As long as people are aware to not try to reproduce and sell the frames, its all good. Whoever ends up doing it, probably already is familiar with the process. I just didn't want you to get in trouble over somebody else doing something like that because they saw it here and thought it would be OK to do so.

As for the acetone, just use a little bit and tap the inside of the mask where the frames are glued to. Do it a couple of times. The fabric should be fine. If the glue has hardened way to much, use an exacto knife to help you out. Just be carefule not to rip the mask or go over the "safe-zone" for where the lenses end up covering the holes.

Thanks for the tip! I removed the post just to play it safe.
jeffscpu ~
Today is crunch day.
I have to put my joel lenses on today.
From what Ive been told I need to cut holes the size of pennys?
And I was going to use Loctite glue. (from what Ive been told also)
No face shell. (couldnt get one quick enough)
Any suggestions?
For what it's worth... my costumes (I've had 3 Spidey's over the past 10 years)... none of my eye holes are the size of pennies... technically that's all your eyes "need" to see through (your pupil is the size of a pencil point, right?). All of my eye holes were larger though... not as big as the lenses, obviously, but big.... maybe for better peripheral vision?

Maybe try the penny size holes (without lenses) and see if it affects your sight when you look up, down, left, and right... if it doesn't, then go ahead and glue on those lenses.

Not an expert, just giving my opinions. I never installed my own lenses though.
Actually, my eye holes in my masks are kind of large... probably 3 quarters in area. Again, I didn't put the suits together... I bought them from others who made them.
A guy I know who makes masks and sells them gave me this advice and it worked well. Make sure to glue the lenses first. This way the fabric has no way to rip further. Then after glued and set turn the mask inside out and snip out a little more than a quarter size or whatever your comfortable with. To make sure you place the lenses correctly you can do what i did and put the mask on and point to where your eyes are and have someone mark a small dot where both eyes are. Hope that helps.
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