Amazing Spiderman Suit using TaylorMcManus' print (Pic Heavy) (Suit Complete!)

Hello, Amazing build, Jeff. Good descriptions and the result looks great.

I have been tasked as a seamstress of sewing one of these suits together. It didn't come with any instructions so your thread has been really useful in figuring it out.

I do have a question regarding the zips. How many are there in the suit? Also how big are they all?

Thank you
Re: Amazing Spiderman Suit using TaylorMcManus' print (Pic Heavy)

Good thinking:) I found a cheap alternative for nozzle tips if anyone needs it. I took the tips off of some old mechanical pencils and hot glued them to the bottle to get a finer point. It's been working really well for me:)
Re: Eye Pattern and Dried Puff Paint

The longer I looked at it, I stared to think the same thing. I resized my pattern and it looks much better.

Your lenses turned out great! In the matter of saving time, if you are doing a second run I'd love to order a set. Applying the puff paint it taking longer than expected. It's such a detailed and tedious process I can only work on it for a half hour at a time before my hands start to cramp up.

Anyway, keep me updated if you do a second run of lenses! (I posted on your thread also)

I was wonder how you were able to resize your pattern to fit you. I'm about 6'2 6'3 and I recently purchased the file myself
Re: Eye Pattern and Dried Puff Paint

I went to all of my local craft stores and I couldn't find any of the tips i was looking for. I had to order them online so I am platting the waiting game for them to arrive. On a positive note: I found them online for $1.49 each! At that price I purchased 12 to play it safe. :)

While I have this 'time' I decided to work on the eyes. I'm going with TaylorMcManus' idea and prating on transparencies and using gold window tint to give the reflective effect. It took me about 2 hours in Photoshop to get the pattern just right, but I think I did! The size of the hexagons look perfect! (to me at least) I am luckily enough to have a laser printer at home so I was able to print them out right here. (You need to have them prated on a laser printer, inkjet will smudge) Here are some pics along with my reference image.

The gold tint is on order and should be here in a couple days. Now to figure out how to make the frames... :/

Amazing build Jeff, I envy your skill. I want to make one for myself but can't really figure out what the pattern in this picture is for. And one little question, how long did it take you to make it? (It's amazing)
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