Am I REALLY the only one disappointed with TFA?

These movies are more events than anything clever or with dramatic purpose. Avengers, Avatar, SW...are all drivel, story wise, but they are fun.

SW Ep7 is lazy story telling at it's best...a complete lazy rip off of ANH, but I enjoyed it. ANH is a classic because it was first.

I've seen TFA twice and I'll go see it again because it's a fun cheesy ride......I think GL even intended ANH to be cheesy, like a saturday morning crappy TV show from the early 70's

Orrr like a 1950s Saturday morning TV show of a 1930s Republic serial. ;)
I don't think it's been mentioned yet, but I think George Lucas' taste in art and design was missed more than his directorial duties. I just don't think the people making this captured his art direction qualities. I think George was very strong at evaluating costumes and hardware. Does anyone else agree?
I don't think it's been mentioned yet, but I think George Lucas' taste in art and design was missed more than his directorial duties. I just don't think the people making this captured his art direction qualities. I think George was very strong at evaluating costumes and hardware. Does anyone else agree?

I do. Even the new cantina and its patrons were bland.

The Wook
Orrr like a 1950s Saturday morning TV show of a 1930s Republic serial. ;)

...and a mash up of myth, fairy tale, samurai film, hell even Space Battleship Yamato, and future tech but used and old looking.
Amazing and revolutionary. Fantastic spacecraft designs. Even the ships were mashups, X-Wing was built like a dragster and F-4 Phantom mated, all salted with Saturn V.
TIE Fighters like a satellite and a pod from 2001:A Space Odyssey. The whole film was creative mash ups before we even knew what that meant.

Nobody had seen anything like it. Today, it's the opposite with TFA. Everyone has seen it before they saw it.
Let's sit in a dark room bored , and let all of our feelings out on a forum just to share hate to one another about a movie ....Really ??? Is this our generation now, ranting and raving about a movie on the Internet . Come on focus on topics you do like instead of spreading negativity across the forum !!!! Spread positivity rather than negativity !!!! Write up stuff on something you love or care about, because that is what this forum is made for !!!!! Sheesh

No... Not "across the forum", but in ONE thread dedicated specifically to negative feelings towards the film. Again, it is not "spreading across the forum" (as you see it) and was placed in its own thread away from the other threads so that it didn't spoil anyone's fun. So if you don't want to read it, by all means do not open this thread and read it. It is extremely simple. Don't want to hear it, then excercize self control and don't click on the thread.
No... Not "across the forum", but in ONE thread dedicated specifically to negative feelings towards the film. Again, it is not "spreading across the forum" (as you see it) and was placed in its own thread away from the other threads so that it didn't spoil anyone's fun. So if you don't want to read it, by all means do not open this thread and read it. It is extremely simple. Don't want to hear it, then excercize self control and don't click on the thread.
Thanks for the tip bro!!!!
The Nostalgia Debate Around The Force AwakensWhen is cinematic recycling too much?

There’s another problem that’s typical to 2015 blockbusters: story jankiness, caused by the need to set up other franchise properties. Common wisdom is that the prequels got bogged down in too much explanation and world-building, which is probably true (I’d argue those movies’ biggest problems were basic issues of filmmaking competency). But The Force Awakens didn’t only not bother to build a world; it took the old world and made it more confusing. The Resistance is a paramilitary force fighting on the Republic’s behalf but that’s maybe not actually part of the Republic because … Politics? Logistics? Tax benefits? Finn had a crisis of conscience that no other Trooper had because … the Force? R2-D2 randomly woke up because … the Force? Maz ended up with Luke’s lightsaber because … the Force? These things aren’t trivia: You need a working theory about them to understand the plot. But the film decided to turn these questions into cliffhangers for the sequels, or—I suspect in some of the lesser cases—grist for associated novels, comic books, TV shows, and video games. (Indeed, the relationship between all the proper noun organizations in the movie apparently was explained in some recent official novels).
I will be a lot less accepting of another direct-rip movie when Ep#8 comes out.

I just think with Ep#7 we should smile & accept the path they took. It's not a perfect movie but it's geared to what most people wanted to see right now.
I don't think it's been mentioned yet, but I think George Lucas' taste in art and design was missed more than his directorial duties. I just don't think the people making this captured his art direction qualities. I think George was very strong at evaluating costumes and hardware. Does anyone else agree?

I would agree to some extent. I certainly think that was one of GL's strong suits. Then again, I wasn't crazy about a great many of the designs in the PT either so maybe not...
@ joberg;

I agree!

I saw ANH 21 times in the theater, ESB 12 times and ROTJ once!

besides the ewoks, the other thing that bothered me is in line with your "Just because you can CGI the hell out of a scene doesn't make said scene "believable". even though they may not have been CG the millions of TIE fighters flying through space towards the rebels was just TOO much! most of the ships would have crashed into each other in these numbers! and it did seem more like a video game than a movie!
Actually I hope it isn't merged because it's nice to commiserate with the like minded, once it's merged that changes to....what's wrong with you! LOL well not quite like that but it feels like that.

yes it IS nice o commiserate with other like minded people! the Star Trek fans can openly discuss what bothers them about Star Trek on thee boards so why can't those of us who think this movie was at the very least disappointing do the same thing?

Afterall, discussion is good no?
First, are you the same person who started the last thread like this? I think his name was Tom, or Thomas.. Tone, writing and comments are very familiar. How do you feel about eewoks? ;)
I have never been motivated to, nor have I ever stared a thread like this before! and while I am no fan of ewoks, I hope you are not stooping so low as to attack me on a misspelling!

While some may find the stuck thread a love fest, I find this thread, and the one that it's copying, full of a LOT of hollow issues. Some are right on, but nothing is perfect, except maybe ESB.
I am not copying any thread! but I must agree with you! ESB was totally awesome and what a Star Wars film should be! Ironically enough, it was the one NOT directed by Lucas! lol

Another desert planet? Sure.If it had been a forest planet, or snow planet it would have been "Another _____planet?
No, not really!.......the planet of the PT were much better!

Who was an orphan in the OT?

Luke was with family, was he not? He had blue milk and meals prepared for him after a day of bombing around canyons shooting innocent fauna, while Rey has to scavenge for food and eats alone in the shell of a war machine. Not getting the copycat thing here at all - care to elaborate?

Luke had no parents, making him an orphan no?

Orphan that has the info about a superweapon?

My mistake! instead of info about the superweapon bb-8 had info to find Luke which both sides wanted.

What info does BB8 have about a death star? Maybe droids are the thumb drives of the Star Wars universe. Or in this case, thumb drive holders.

Beach Ball droid designed...? Wasn't BB8 derivitive of an idea for the original R2?

Final battle/Death Star?

Well, got me there. I wasn't crazy about that one either. But I do like Poe's character. Another new thing, not many people going after him..
I agree, I think Poe's character is a good basis to expand upon!.

LOTR character? You wouldn't mention it if Andy Serkis wasn't "playing" the character.
LMAO! I didn't even know it was Andy Serkis!........I just didn't accept the character as "Star Wars"

Kylo.... Agree, somewhat. could have involved more story to it. But they are introducing several new characters, as well as reintroducing 3 OT characters. Tangled web, may have suffered (even more, by some opinions) from getting too attached to one characters arc.

And he's not meant to be a replacement for Vader. This what gets me about the complainers. When they mimic things, its a fault. When they don't, it's also a fault. Kylo is a villain in training, and conflicted about his destiny. He's sorta like Luke in Star Wars. Ah, but there's that whole copying the OT thing again...

I dunno! I just thought Darth Maul was a far better character! even Dooku was better IMO! I mean, for one thing everyone knows who he is! why does h wear that mask exept to tie this movie into the OT and reduce his field of vision to give his adversaries a better chance? Vader NEEDED it! bit imo this character does not!

TIE fighters changed/evolved throughout the OT. There were TWO types of TIEs in TFA, did you catch that?
But there are so many better more "evolved" designs in the games and the EU!

The defecting trooper is a decent idea. It's new, there were no defecting troopers in the OT. Again, something new that it chastised...

I never picked on the deflecting trooper! but now that you mention it,......that arm mounted light saber deflecting weapon just looked unwieldy !

Not getting the hate directed towards CGI characters, especially when so many defend the pT stuff. Double especially when you can look in a cantina scene, and be okay with Mosquito-like characters sitting a table and you can tell they're not real. Nor is the guy with the tusks in his face sitting with the female bounty hunter. Can suspend disbelief for one, but not the other? Maz wasn't that bad... and hardly Yoda-like.

No, but watch Titan AE ( a very good film btw) that character looks A LOT like this one!

I cannot deny the callbacks of the OT with this movie, it works to move the plot along. However, it's not xeroxed as complainers make it out to be.

Things that bugged me: the flying spaghetti monsters. The under use of the gangs that board Solo's freighter (and the fact that they just board with no problem?) There's things I'd like to have seen and didn't, but that didn't ruin the experience for me, and I went in fairly spoiled on details/characters. Not saying it was a perfect movie - it was not. But some of the issues people have - have bigger holes than what trying to call out.
yeah! I was not too impressed with those monsters either!...........but beside ANH and ESB I think we will always find something in these films we love so much that irk us!

It was an entertaining ride for me. I enjoyed it much more the second time. And the third viewing. Have yet to view it on IMAX or large digital screen yet. Can't wait.
Good for you! I hope you continue to enjoy and wish I could share that with you!.....
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I think so far as a soft reboot of ANH goes they have done a fine job. Even if it were a a total reboot I would say it was okay.

Yeah they could have covered the same plot points more subtly. And there was a little too much fan service.
The first stanza was I thought too fast paced and way to many coincidences, Han's monster cargo was somewhat pointless.

Having said that I went into the film with low expectations as I hate being disappointed.
Would I see it again, absolutely I will, it was a good fun exciting film which has the heart and soul of the OT

Good for you! I am envious!

and maybe THAT is the point!

maybe just like Star Trek, it's a "reboot" for a newer generation and as "the old guard" I just don't like the change!?
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If I remember correctly the OP was someone who hated this movie before the details really came to light. I could be wrong on that, but if I'm right then the OP is just one of the people who went in wanting to hate the movie... and then, unsurprisingly, did.

I think there has been a fair amount of that related to this film. There were a bunch of people who were like "I hate J.J. Abrams" "J.J. Trek was interesting, and that's not what Star Trek is all about" or "Disney?! Disney!! They make kid movies. Stay away from my Star Wars" well before the release of TFA. There was just no way this movie would do ok with those people, when they wanted to hate the movie.

This was NOT me!

I NEVER voiced any opinion beore I saw the movie as that would be unfair!
I just don't like this movie!

Is that so wrong?
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Let's sit in a dark room bored , and let all of our feelings out on a forum just to share hate to one another about a movie ....Really ??? Is this our generation now, ranting and raving about a movie on the Internet . Come on focus on topics you do like instead of spreading negativity across the forum !!!! Spread positivity rather than negativity !!!! Write up stuff on something you love or care about, because that is what this forum is made for !!!!! Sheesh
Who decided exactly what we can talk about!!???

If a movie was vey poorly executed should we not be able to say so mein Fuhrer?
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Its funny how the people who don't like the film think the main thread is full of nothing but praise, when page after page of it is nothing but moans and attacks.

Noone is saying you can't say how bad you thought the film was, what people are saying over and over is, there is already a thread for that.

Which you would think the people posting the most in this thread would know, considering its their names I see complaining in the other thread.

Still I guess its easier to believe that your opinion is the correct one when you are surrounded by people that agree with you.
Its funny how the people who don't like the film think the main thread is full of nothing but praise, when page after page of it is nothing but moans and attacks.

Noone is saying you can't say how bad you thought the film was, what people are saying over and over is, there is already a thread for that.

Which you would think the people posting the most in this thread would know, considering its their names I see complaining in the other thread.

Still I guess its easier to believe that your opinion is the correct one when you are surrounded by people that agree with you.


Dude, get over it. It's no big deal that there are TWO threads. Is that harming you in some way?! Good grief. It's the biggest movie for many of us since ROTS, I think we're entitled to have more than one thread discussing the film.

The Wook
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