Am I REALLY the only one disappointed with TFA?

If this thread is "merged" with the other one then the only reason can be to promote conflict, discord, and strife between people who ultimately share the same loves and I sure hope this is not true! I would like to think the RPF is above this kind of thing!

Actually I hope it isn't merged because it's nice to commiserate with the like minded, once it's merged that changes to....what's wrong with you! LOL well not quite like that but it feels like that.

I still suspect there were A LOT of complaints to the mods that helped push them into merging that first thread. Too many people just couldn't stand a "stand alone" discussion like this as it brings attention to some negative feelings, and they would rather those comments be squashed and buried in 70+ pages of love :lol
You're not the first to bring up these points. There are at least 2 or 3 other threads where others have said the same thing. Please read those threads before starting a new one.

By the same standard why isn't anybody critical of Fury Road for being just as derivative of The Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome? Max is the reluctant savior of a bunch of people he encounters in the wasteland and is the only one who can protect them from an evil gang.

In The Road Warrior Max falls in with the great northern tribe. In Thunderdome it’s those Blue Lagoon kids. In Fury Road it’s the brides. Max starts by hating those people and ends up being their reluctant savior.

Lord Humungous = Aunty Entity = Immortal Joe.

Gyro Captain=Jedediah=Nux ... heck, they even used the same actor for the Gyro Captain and Jedediah

All three movies feature a "promised land" (north coast = "civilization" = "Green Place") where the people want to go and inevitably end up at Bartertown/Joe's Citadel.

All three movies have the exact same climax featuring a large rig of some sort pursued by smaller vehicles.

In fact even less happens in larger arc of these films than in SW. Max begins and ends in the exact same situation and lives the same story over and over again in each movie.

And yet Fury Road is universally praised... that's because, like TFA, it's one of those films whose virtues are in the execution and the journey. TFA has special meaning for those who have known and loved Star Wars and felt something was lost after 1977 or 1980.

(yes I'm going to dupe-post this in the other threads)

Fury Road would have to have been rebooquel of Mad Max to compare... pre-apocolypse and we would see the family lost all over again and the baddies hunted down by Max or Max-like character.
First, are you the same person who started the last thread like this? I think his name was Tom, or Thomas.. Tone, writing and comments are very familiar. How do you feel about eewoks? ;)

While some may find the stuck thread a love fest, I find this thread, and the one that it's copying, full of a LOT of hollow issues. Some are right on, but nothing is perfect, except maybe ESB.

Another desert planet? Sure.If it had been a forest planet, or snow planet it would have been "Another _____planet?

Who was an orphan in the OT?

Luke was with family, was he not? He had blue milk and meals prepared for him after a day of bombing around canyons shooting innocent fauna, while Rey has to scavenge for food and eats alone in the shell of a war machine. Not getting the copycat thing here at all - care to elaborate?

Orphan that has the info about a superweapon?

What info does BB8 have about a death star? Maybe droids are the thumb drives of the Star Wars universe. Or in this case, thumb drive holders.

Beach Ball droid designed...? Wasn't BB8 derivitive of an idea for the original R2?

Final battle/Death Star?

Well, got me there. I wasn't crazy about that one either. But I do like Poe's character. Another new thing, not many people going after him...

LOTR character? You wouldn't mention it if Andy Serkis wasn't "playing" the character.

Kylo.... Agree, somewhat. could have involved more story to it. But they are introducing several new characters, as well as reintroducing 3 OT characters. Tangled web, may have suffered (even more, by some opinions) from getting too attached to one characters arc.

And he's not meant to be a replacement for Vader. This what gets me about the complainers. When they mimic things, its a fault. When they don't, it's also a fault. Kylo is a villain in training, and conflicted about his destiny. He's sorta like Luke in Star Wars. Ah, but there's that whole copying the OT thing again...

TIE fighters changed/evolved throughout the OT. There were TWO types of TIEs in TFA, did you catch that?

The defecting trooper is a decent idea. It's new, there were no defecting troopers in the OT. Again, something new that it chastised...

Not getting the hate directed towards CGI characters, especially when so many defend the pT stuff. Double especially when you can look in a cantina scene, and be okay with Mosquito-like characters sitting a table and you can tell they're not real. Nor is the guy with the tusks in his face sitting with the female bounty hunter. Can suspend disbelief for one, but not the other? Maz wasn't that bad... and hardly Yoda-like.

I cannot deny the callbacks of the OT with this movie, it works to move the plot along. However, it's not xeroxed as complainers make it out to be.

Things that bugged me: the flying spaghetti monsters. The under use of the gangs that board Solo's freighter (and the fact that they just board with no problem?) There's things I'd like to have seen and didn't, but that didn't ruin the experience for me, and I went in fairly spoiled on details/characters. Not saying it was a perfect movie - it was not. But some of the issues people have - have bigger holes than what trying to call out.

It was an entertaining ride for me. I enjoyed it much more the second time. And the third viewing. Have yet to view it on IMAX or large digital screen yet. Can't wait.

First, I started a new thread so as not to belittle, argue, disagree with, or denigrate those that liked this movie!

If you did, then go for it and continue to enjoy it and please do not read on!

but for me Episode 7 was a complete let down, here is why for me:

episode 7 : the force snoozes.

episode 7 : the slight and unimaginative "re-imagining" of Episode 4; A New Hope!

Another desert planet??

Another desert planet orphan?

Another desert planet orphan that has information about a Death Star super weapon inside a droid that the bad guys desperately want!!??

A beach ball droid designed purely to sell toys to 8 year olds!!??

Another "Death Star"!!??

Another final battle against the Death Star!?

A character from Lord of the rings running the "first order"!?

they could have made the whole kylo ren grandfather/father thing surprising and/or suspenseful instead of just throwing it out there so unimaginatively!

kylo ren looks nothing like either Han or Leia!

with two crew member......where exactly are the TIE fighter engines?

Han dies and Chewie and Leia just walk past each other afterwards without even acknowledging it let alone consoling each other.

They may be "the first order" but they are not even a fourth rate Empire!

kylo ren would be an embarrassment to Darth Vader and is THE lamest SW villain ever!

I think the whole creative process got away from them when they came up with and congratulated theselves too much for the whole defecting stormtrooper idea and then this:

jj: " I know!......instead of Threepio having a silver leg,.......let's make his arm red!"

Applause from the production staff! ; "brilliant jj!"

jj; and let's reverse the colours the TIE fighters to make the different too!"

" Brilliant jj!" respond the staff!


Is this all ya got??

and THE worst bit of disney direction for the new movies: the little Titan AE, Yoda-esque Character saying: " the lightsaber called to you"! WTF?

Can the horrible 8 year old humour and disney channel laugh track be far behind?

PS, capitalization given only where deserved!

So is it just me?

I would like to hear that it's not!

I think so far as a soft reboot of ANH goes they have done a fine job. Even if it were a a total reboot I would say it was okay.

Yeah they could have covered the same plot points more subtly. And there was a little too much fan service.
The first stanza was I thought too fast paced and way to many coincidences, Han's monster cargo was somewhat pointless.

Having said that I went into the film with low expectations as I hate being disappointed.
Would I see it again, absolutely I will, it was a good fun exciting film which has the heart and soul of the OT
Strange, how some articles pop up, recycling ideas that have already been printed elsewhere, complaining about recycled content.

Plenty of good reviews to read out there for those that loved it.. but you will find the word "derivative" recycled in them too.
As I stated earlier, I wanted a place where those of us who were not thrilled with this movie could come and communicate without detracting or offending those that do love it!

Is there something wrong with having my own opinion?

No, it's just that the main discussion thread has a balance of pro and con view points that seem inline with general audiences, so it's a fair vetting of the film. If a film has over a 90% audience approval rating sure it will seem like a love fest but there are also contrary opinions being contributed. We had multiple threads running and the mods consolidated them, so they cleat intended for there to be continuity of the discussion.
No, it's just that the main discussion thread has a balance of pro and con view points that seem inline with general audiences, so it's a fair vetting of the film. If a film has over a 90% audience approval rating sure it will seem like a love fest but there are also contrary opinions being contributed. We had multiple threads running and the mods consolidated them, so they cleat intended for there to be continuity of the discussion.
But it is NOT a balanced thread. Sure there are people saying they don't like some things in that thread, but they are met with the following attitude:
No, it's just that the main discussion thread has a balance of pro and con view points that seem inline with general audiences, so it's a fair vetting of the film.
I think that may be the case with users here but most people I've spoken to first hand whilst they enjoyed it, felt it was no way as good as it should have been or had anticipated many were disappointed. It was mediocre especially when you consider how much was thrown at making it. Consider it wasn't badged Star Wars would you really come back to watch this film - probably not.
I think that may be the case with users here but most people I've spoken to first hand whilst they enjoyed it, felt it was no way as good as it should have been or had anticipated many were disappointed. It was mediocre especially when you consider how much was thrown at making it. Consider it wasn't badged Star Wars would you really come back to watch this film - probably not.

I certainly would and can't wait to share it with my 3 year old son. But I'm not here to throw sunshine on your rain parade, just pointing out the thread is redundant. Carry on.
Plenty of good reviews to read out there for those that loved it.. but you will find the word "derivative" recycled in them too.

Pot/kettle thing. I'm implying that some reviewers are copying/pasting content in to their own reviews, from other reviews - then calling out the movie as derivative. I wonder if some/many of of those reviewers have actually watched the OT. (I wouldn't argue TFA is not derivative, but not to the point that some are implying).
I saw ANH (in '77 at the age of 19) 30 times in one week. Several years later I then saw ESB 35 times in one week...ROTJ 10 times. The prequels? Once each, that's it!
TFA, once. Many points (good/bad) were raised, but my main concern is that more and more movies are made to be like video games ( The scene with the MF and the TIE Fighters was enough for me:behave:rolleyes). Just because you can CGI the hell out of a scene doesn't make said scene "believable". I prefer, by far, the battles done in the OT than the ones done in the other films. Agreed with the Kylo Ren comments: acts like a dangerous spoiled child (should've explored more of that side) and the reveal was too early for my taste.
As for the other CGI creatures, there's a lot of fantastic animatronic artists out there to make a believable character in real please, skip them pixel mugs!!
Rey's behaviour would've been much more clearer if we could've hear the voices (Ben, Luke) giving her instructions as how to fight, how to pilot the MF, etc...and the acknowledgement of hearing those voices in her head.
I think the "Death Star" concept has to be done with (now it's an entire planet that serves as one...o.k. whatever) The "defection" of Kylo is an interesting concept...more to come I hope? My two cents worth;)
Admit it: 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' stinks -- and here's why

Good lord, what a stupid a pointless rant!

"WAAAAGHH! I went to see TFA, and it was a well-executed classic SW movie instead of some dark gritty antihero flick like I prefer!"

I guess I should give him credit for saying it out loud so clearly, instead of burying that opinion & leading people there in a more roundabout way like many other people do.
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If I remember correctly the OP was someone who hated this movie before the details really came to light. I could be wrong on that, but if I'm right then the OP is just one of the people who went in wanting to hate the movie... and then, unsurprisingly, did.

I think there has been a fair amount of that related to this film. There were a bunch of people who were like "I hate J.J. Abrams" "J.J. Trek was interesting, and that's not what Star Trek is all about" or "Disney?! Disney!! They make kid movies. Stay away from my Star Wars" well before the release of TFA. There was just no way this movie would do ok with those people, when they wanted to hate the movie.
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