Aliens Smartgun query - which switch?


Master Member
I know the switchgear is from the Kawasaki GPZ750, but does anone know the correct year and right or left side?
Sorry to necro post!

I´m thinking about adding an Aliens smartgun to my collection and want to use as many real parts as possible.
I tried to find informations about the switches/ handles the prop dept. used on the BFG, but couldn´t find all needed the Kawasaki GPZ750 switchgear the only that was used???

What exactly do I need?!

Many thanks in advance,

Markus :thumbsup
You need the left handle bar switches (minus clutch/brake cable lever) for the front handle on the smart gun, you need the right handle plus brake/clutch lever (minus switches) for the rear handle.

You'll also need the pillion rider supports struts from a AR 125, the part numbers are 35011A & 35011. These are the 'cage' like bits on the barrel of the MG42.

Are the stuts still available???

Thanks for the switch info!
Have the left coming, still searching for the right one

Uups..I should read your post more bad :lol

I´m at work atm and only "fly" over the thread.

Full handlebar setups seem hard to come by!?

I find either the switches or the bars...any idea where to get these?
Anyone with a spare set ? ;)
