Alien Anthology Blu-ray features list

One last thing from the book. When making the alternate cut for ALIEN3, Charles stated that the audio recorded on the set had to be used because bringing back the actors to re-record their dialogue was, and I quote, "forbidden". Well.... said:
the Restored Workprint Version of Alien³, which was originally created in 2003 for the Quadrilogy release, has gotten a new audio mix polish for this Blu-ray release, including having many of the original actors return for new ADR sessions of their dialogue.

Sadly the 'fandom' documentary is not included... but we're hoping for it to be on the BD Live content.

I just ordered my Blu-ray player.....bring it on!!!
Sadly the 'fandom' documentary is not included... but we're hoping for it to be on the BD Live content.
Fandom? Can you enlighten me on this documentary?

I remember watching a documentary called "Alien Makers" (thanks to Willie) which had some very unique interviews with the crew who worked on the first Alien film in a different way that they've been previously interviewed in various documentaries. Probably one of the best behind the scenes documentaries I've seen surrounding Alien. I liked the laid back, non-edited feel that the interviewers gave.
I generally don't care for docs about fans anyway, even though I'm one of them. I have no need to see features about the collector who has every toy released, or the guy who dresses up (even though I do), or the guy who's seen the film 2000 times. Does nothing for me.
I generally don't care for docs about fans anyway, even though I'm one of them. I have no need to see features about the collector who has every toy released, or the guy who dresses up (even though I do), or the guy who's seen the film 2000 times. Does nothing for me.
I don't know. I thought Trekkies was interesting and fun.
It looks like there are flat screen displays inside along with speakers. That's a pretty kick butt way to preview the Alien BluRay set! Now if my friends would rattle the tube while I was inside of it the experience would be complete.
*After spending some time on the Home Theater Forum*

Gah! And I thought using real names would make the forums more proffesional. But no, everyone still wants to associate the "PREDATOR: Ultimate Hunter Edition" with the Alien Anthology.

"He viewed the MASTER, not the TRANSFER.
I am sure the Predator MASTER looks amazing"

"Well the old Legend 2-discer had rotten pasty looking transfers on both cuts so you lose."

"Top Gun is one of the worst blu-rays for DNR
The final cut of Blade runner has DNR
Gladiator had so much DNR that arrows vanished"

Well, if you can't trust Bill Hunt, Willie from Alienscollection, or Charles on how this set will do, who the heck will they trust?
Again, I'm happy to quote directly from thedigitalbits:

And for those of you who may have worried that any of the films will suffer the same DNR-ed fate as the recent Predator Blu-ray, I've heard from multiple sources directly involved now that such fears are unnecessary. All four films have been given brand new HD transfers and the masters reportedly look fantastic. In fact, we've been told that when James Cameron viewed and approved the new Aliens master (Aliens being the most troublesome looking film of the series in the past quality-wise), he was VERY pleased with the results. We'll have more on this set in the days and weeks ahead.
And guys, if you want one on these - in the pimpy, illuminated egg, Sideshow, limited edition packaging - pre-order it now:


Can't emphasize this enough - they're selling out quick.

The regular version (on the left) is a traditional Digipack with outer slipcase. Sideshow's limited edition sculpture (on the right) looks even better in person and it lights up from the inside. A smaller Digipack containing the discs slips into the base. Here's the catch about the one on the right: Here in the States, there are only 5,000 numbered limited editions available, and you can only get them by pre-ordering on (they were also available for pre-order at the Con). The limited edition will NOT be available in stores or on And once the 5,000 are gone, that's it. So if you want one, you can get one for $149.99 (25% off the $199.99 SRP) here while supplies last. Judging by the buzz in the Fox booth... well, let's just say that if you want one, I wouldn't wait too long to get your order in.

Alien Anthology Comicon (Egg Package), The ~ Blu-ray ~ Widescreen - Blu-ray
Somebody asked if they were going to release the movies individually, and I never saw the answer. Anybody know?

I'd love to buy the full set, but I'm tired of buying a complete new version every few years when the "latest-greatest" comes out. Star Wars and Terminator 2 do the same thing. Yes, the Alien Blu Ray set has some extras that were not on the Quadrilogy DVD set. But in 3 years when SUPER HD (or whatever) comes out, then we'll be going through this again... and they'll dig up some more extras to justify us buying it ALL yet again.

It just gets old and I feel like they try to take advantage of the true fan of these films (be it Alien, Star Wars, or Terminator). The only difference is now, many of us are in poor or unsure financial conditions.

Anyways, I'm guessing after the boxset fervor dies down, THEN they'll release the individual movies. I think they did that with the Quadilogy DVDs. I'm gonna wait for that. Or try anyway. ;)

Somebody asked if they were going to release the movies individually, and I never saw the answer. Anybody know?

I'd love to buy the full set, but I'm tired of buying a complete new version every few years when the "latest-greatest" comes out. Star Wars and Terminator 2 do the same thing. Yes, the Alien Blu Ray set has some extras that were not on the Quadrilogy DVD set. But in 3 years when SUPER HD (or whatever) comes out, then we'll be going through this again... and they'll dig up some more extras to justify us buying it ALL yet again.

It just gets old and I feel like they try to take advantage of the true fan of these films (be it Alien, Star Wars, or Terminator). The only difference is now, many of us are in poor or unsure financial conditions.

Anyways, I'm guessing after the boxset fervor dies down, THEN they'll release the individual movies. I think they did that with the Quadilogy DVDs. I'm gonna wait for that. Or try anyway. ;)

Ok, I think I can take a dive on this one.

Chris, unlike Terminator 2, this is the first time the ALIEN Anthology is being released on to BluRay, where as T2 was released twice before the one with the goodies was eventually released.

I wouldn't classify this as a double dip either since each film is being remastered and re-transfered to meet the standards of what BluRay is capable of presenting (i.e. 7gig DVD vs. 50g BluRay). This is a completely new set presentation of the movies that hasn't been done before so you will be getting something new.

I also think comparing it to Star Wars is not only an inaccurate comparison, but also a disingenuous one. When the original trilogy was released on DVD, it was released no less than four times. The difference on the discs? Nothing. Oh, they threw in the much asked for unaltered versions on a separate disc in later versions, but were those versions given the same amount of justice that the Special Editions received? No. The fundamental standard for the best DVD presentations has always been using an anamorphic setting for a widescreen release, so that the picture could better fit a widescreen TV without zooming in or stretching the picture which reduces quality. They did not do that with the unaltered versions. Why? I don't know. It's like Lucasfilm deliberately made the original versions inferior to the Special Editions. That is NOT the case here with the ALIEN Anthology.

As for waiting for a newer format coming out like SuperHD, well, you're screwed. Why? BECAUSE THAT'S THE COSMIC LAW OF TECHNOLOGY! Everything gets better! So if you're going to wait for something, be sure to know what you're waiting for because no matter what, everything will always get better. Will there be a better release of the ALIEN movies sometime in the future? I hope so! After that maybe? Heck yes! After that? Why not?! Things change, and adapting is never free. If you're happy with your Quadrilogy/Single Movie release, than keep it. It's still one of the best presentations of ALIEN out there, and contains some of the best behind the scenes docs I've ever seen. So if you don't want it, you still have something that looks and sounds fantastic.

And there is nothing wrong with purchasing something again, just as long as the reasons behind the purchase are warranted to your expectations. I literally have an instinctive ability to tell which double dips are worth purchasing and which ones are not, and most of them fall into the 'No Buy" category. This is not a double dip. It's a first time, new format presentation of two of my favorite movies. Will adapting cost me money? Sure, but this meets my standards. New formats are always going to cost money, and they should. But unlike multiple double dips on DVD, there is a ton of new work that goes on in these new sets, both in presentation and bonus features that no doubt took a lot of creative effort to get released. Charles even says that he was able to go back and bring in the material he wanted to showcase from the original Quadrilogy in this new Anthology, and that involves some of the pre-existing material from the Quadrilogy. So even though ALIEN3 is on my most hated movies of all time, the restored documentary is going to almost be worth the price of admission on this new set. That and cocooned Burke. :p

So will I be buying this set? Heck yes. I have been with the home video department since I was in diapers, and I know when it is time to upgrade and when not to. Holding out till a new format comes around is just a lazy catch22 excuse, because as I've said earlier, there will ALWAYS be newer and better formats. We have till late October, so that's plenty of time to perhaps save up for it's eventual release in a slow easy manner that doesn't hinder the budget. I know since I've been doing just that. And that's for the egg* release!

*Home Theater Forum says that the egg will include a real genuine living face hugger! Hooray! I've always wanted to experience the act of homosexual oral rape from an Alien that leads to birth and my eventual death. It would be so worth it if the chest burster turned out to be a Queen. Best daughter ever!
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All good points, Jeyl. Your point about the Alien saga not double-dipping is accurate, especially compared to Star Wars and Terminator (and I'm talking all the way back to VHS days, and how many versions of T2 came out on DVD just in the states? I mean, really!)

However, what I don't like is that, as of now anyways, the only way you can get the "good" ones (I don't think anyone will argue against Alien and Aliens being everyone's 2 favorites with Alien3 and Resurrection WAY far back), is to buy the entire series. I guess THIS should've been my gripe as opposed to the double-dipping take. ALIENS is probably my all-time favorite movie. And I love Alien. But I really don't need another version of 3 and 4, no matter the quality and extras.

And that is where I would wait until the next, latest-greatest thing comes out, to buy the boxset. That way I'd presumably get all of the Blu Ray extras plus whatever new ones they pull out of the wood work. But springing for a WHOLE boxset every time a new format comes out, just to see 2 of the 4 movies? I can't keep doing it.

Yes, things will always improve and get better (and be cheaper the day after you buy it). I am VERY stoked to see ALIENS in true HD. I'm just not buying a $150 set to see the one or two movies and some new extras (and still no good doc focusing on the ALIENS props!). Not that I wouldn't watch 3 and 4 eventually, but financially (especially right now) it's not worth it. Just my opinion and situation. :)

And for the record, like most of you, I have ALIENS on VHS, the VHS boxset, Laser Disc (cause that, at the time, was the only way to get the special edition), DVD, Quadrilogy DVD. And yes, if it comes out individually on Blu Ray, I'll buy it.

Also, I am NOT saying people shouldn't buy the Blu Ray set. It does sound very cool. I just can't see me doing it (unless I win the lottery). ;)

Tonight, on JEYL REPORTS THE AWESOME, find out more on the upcoming Alien Anthology set and who's going to get a hug.


John Schad, the vice president of marketing at 20th Century Fox has provided Time Warner Cable with some details regarding the Alien restoration (LINK). It turns out that the first two films have received a frame-by-frame restoration using Lowry Digital! For those unfamiliar with Lowry Digital, they were the ones who restored the James Bond films for the Ultimate Edition for DVD/BluRay(LINK).

The generous folks over at The Digital Bits have decided to post their "Inside the Alien Quadrilogy" on their website for the first time. This unique behind the scenes look at the original 9-disc was originally a part of their book "The Digital Bits: Insider's Guide to DVD". If you're curious on how this release got started and how it ended up being one of the greatest DVD set releases of all time, give it a spin!

And that's not all! The Bits will also post a brand new behind the scenes look at the making of the new Anthology set, so stay tuned!
John from posted a two minute video showcasing the ComicCon 20th Century Fox Alien Anthology booth complete with footage inside the cryotubes! Also details on the free t-shirt give away.


P.S. Wish I could see the whole video that played inside the tubes. I heard it showcased some clips of the MU-TH-UR Mode, a new feature on the BluRay set that has me scratching my head.
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