63 inch BSG Viper

Well I got the wing guns turned. Still need to set up a jig to add some slots running parallel to the barrel. And I am still working on the nose inlet details.


Gag. Thanks for the tips. I will get with you soon on what you have and costs.

To all you that have posted, and are following along on this adventure. Thank you.
I am flattered that some have marked this build as 5 star. I will do my best to live up to that rating. Thanks again
I need a bit of help. I have sent a few hours now looking for any photos or referance to the BSG hd-70 lightning javelin missiles. The best I could do is a screen grab from the blood and chrome video.


The white on looks like some type of sidewinder and the stacked dark ones look like shoulder fired Javelin.
The web references says the viper carries 8 hd-70 lightning javelin missiles. Does anyone have any more info on this? The missile type? Or any screen grabs of website info?
Re: 63 inch BSG Viper (Help request page 3)

Hi Rick,
I was searching for information about the HD-70 missiles today and I found your build thread. I am a Big BSG fan and the Mk-II is my favorite small craft next to the Blackbird.

I am a member of the Battlestar Fan Club and the squadron leader of the "Flying Tiger's" aboard the Battlestar Raven. I am in the process of inventing a new weapons system for the Viper and that's why I'm interested in the HD-70. I was not able to find any info on it the same as you I'm sorry to say.

Your Viper is looking great and I will be following your progress.

Re: 63 inch BSG Viper (Help request page 3)

Hi Reamer. I have been out of town for the last month, so the build is on hold for awhile. But I also have been looking for more information on the Viper weapons system, and found nothing other then the photos I posted.
I would be very interested in your ideas on the missles and firing system and on how you think there installed, I would think they use a launch tube system mounted in the Viper belly.
I will also check out the Battllestar Fan Club, Thanks for your comments
Re: 63 inch BSG Viper (Help request page 3)

Hi Rick,
I'm sorry I don't have any idea how they were mounted or how they were fired. The Viper specs on wiki don't give any explanation as you already know. The person that dreamed them up didn't make them sound very realistic. How could any missiles be stored in the dorsal fin?:eek It sounds like a bunch of BS:lol if you ask me.

It does say that there are hard points under the wing for missiles and added weaponry. I would make some racks like what were used on WWII planes or modern jet fighters. :love

I was doing research and looked at quite a few missiles systems and most of the missiles were over 9 feet long. If you scale this down for your build like I for the 1/32 scale Mk-II they would be longer than the wing and look out of place.:thumbsup

I would copy the look of what ever missile you like:love, but make them shorter to fit under the wings. That's what I plan to do for the two Mk-II's I’m currently building.;)

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Re: 63 inch BSG Viper (Help request page 3)

Hi Rick,

Battlestar Galactica Blood & Chrome was the first time I have ever seen a Viper launch a missile to shoot down a Cylon Raider. The Archers that were used in BSG Blood and Chrome look like the idea I just mentioned. They resemble an early AIM-9 Sidewinder used by the USAF and are about the same diameter (9’ 5” x 5 inches in diameter) but they look about 3 feet long give or take a little. I think the Russians use the name Archer as one of their latest missile systems.

Take a look at this web page to get an idea of how you want your missiles to look. Official Site of the U.S. Air Force - Media Gallery

Just make em look good no one really knows how it's supposed to look!!!!!! You know what I mean.:love:love

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Well, after 9 weeks out of town, I an back in the shop for a few days. Along with working on the weapons systems, I have been searching for Avionics / DRADIS screen views.
It seems the BSG has gone out of favor. Most all of the sites, links, and photos are dead or gone.
If anyone has clear pics they would care to share, I would be deeply grateful.
Wow really surprised to see this get bumped.

Good news and bad news on this. I have been working out of town since February. Only getting home for a weekend here and there. My shop is not temperature controlled. During the summer the original shell warped.
Now that work has slowed down, I have been working on a new shell the last few days. (Between working on my honey do list)
To be honest I think it is better then the first one.
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