I am blown away by the gifts this year! Thank you Indy Magnoli
A very well wrapped package arrived containing a cast, almost ready to paint Nur-Ab-Sal medallion from Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (always interested in hearing tips on paint effect finishes, so I’ll send you a DM).

But also inside the package were 3?! film cell sets for the original trilogy Star Wars! These will sit very nicely next to a few other framed Star Wars items I own



Anyway, thank you again Indy Magnoli, thanks to Mike for organising and I hope everyone has had a good break so far and has a great new year!
A slight delay in opening my SS gift as we had so many presents everywhere for the little mans first Christmas, i forgot this was in the study when we left the house followed by being knocked for six with a raging headache that was not booze induced like i have never had before. so finally feeling normal I got to tear into this and was greeted by an amazing box individually wrapped gifts that had instructions to unwrap in order and some clues too. i love the no time to dad sticker that is right up my street. and i cant go without letting everyone know about coe craft if they didnt already so check them out on etsy. this origami shuttle in a bottle is so unique and different, and the skill and dexterity to work at that scale is inspiring too. so massive thanks again and merry Christmas. and sorry i haven't shared any updates on the space ship from last year, I genuinely will get on to it at some point i promise.
Some really amazing gifts :D Still nothing received for me unfortunately, so I'm starting to worry maybe it was delivered and stolen off the porch or something, but I'm not losing hope just yet. I will definitely post again as soon as I receive anything :)
Not complaining, but I have not received my gift yet. Just don't want my Santa to get cross with me.

No worries, I still have company and haven't had a chance to open my COW SS gift.
Apologies for the delay in posting but WOW !!!!! Thankyou so much SS (Shaunsheep) the work & obviously TIME you put into this is amazing.
Just in case you don't know where its from ......
Its a page from 'The Friars manuscript' seen in 'Indiana Jones & the last Crusade'. The maker has carved wooden blocks to print the text in a traditional press (see imprints on reverse. Then hand coloured in inks and ganache. Awesome.....

My 1st year of SS & BOY am I in it now forever !!!!!! :love:

HNY !!!!


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Sorry it’s been a few days, but we’re super excited about our gift! I say our, as they are more oriented at my Hubby’s costume plans than mine, which is appropriate cuz he actually did the majority of the work on the gift we sent out. :p Beautiful work on the finishing of the printed props!

Kanan Jarrus mask. I want to make the Jaig eyes into a decal for our Oculus too. :p

Din Djarin knife

Din Djarin action figure!
Thank you so much theacerbiccafe ! Finally made it back home and opened up my gift. The Muppets Christmas Carol is our family holiday movie tradition and I love that you pulled such a fun obscure reference from it . I will find a good shelf and make sure no rats or..... Whatevers get near it.


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Thanks a lot ot my Secret Santa ThomasMcFly! My gift exceeeded my expectations by far!
I got an RC Grogu Toy together with a huge pile of Belgian Sweets! :D
The little fellow ended up being THE most played with toy of the whole family :love:. Having him follow you around the house and "using the Force" is really fun!
Still got an Britsh Army Bag lying around, so I guess now I have to build him an appropriate "home".;)
WhatsApp Image 2023-12-27 at 21.56.39.jpeg

A good start into the new year for everone!