Thread edition, here is final design, opened lenght 209mm, closed lenghts 117cm blade length 92mm
Please look at post #20 and #66
I can know the amount of interest for one of those options:
-natural stag handle, accuracy and design variation, due to irregular material
-resin handle, designed to match the original prop as much as possible
The sale price is 150€ plus shipping, from about 15(Europe) to 34€ (US)
Each knife from the run will bear hand engraved number, we gan go up to 100 knives, as long as items are not shipped.
Once run will be officially closed, the price will be raised, and knives won't get numbered, but don't worry if you came too late, I may have some knives in stock, as 100 will be made.
Here is how I wish to proceed for that run:
-get te prototype machined [DONE]
-finish prototype, and share on the group.
-if any mechanical issue, reword it if needed.
-once all is ok, ask for payment of the knife cost (150€), paypal fees added (EU located, Euro currency), without shipping cost, you will specify you RPF ID as message on paypal, so I can edit status here.
-I get all the metal parts done, also order the stag and other materials.
-I finish all knives
-I ask for balance, meaning shipping cost depending on location, you specify the address and username
-knives are shipped
-once you get it, hoping you will be happy, you can share it on this thread if you want
Interest list:
1: me R
2: mcintosch275
3: Bert Fink
4: mrwax R
5: jubjub86
6: MandoJedi R
7: LT Craig
8: Chose Poorly S
9: T bone
10: Dri68
11: Indiana Charles (indygear) S
12: Kredepops
13: Imc3 R
14: Knibs7 (indygear)
15: Knibs7 (Indygear)
16: HarlockFan
17: HarlockFan
18: Gone Solo
19: Danbackspacer
20: doriang
21: PsyChris
22: Krrsantan
23: Fett202 S
24: Magnum1911
25: TomVDJ
26: Ethlax18
27: Remote People S
29: Propmaker3000
30: Henrydefense
31: Jpdesign
32: Juliusjammer
33: Fabilousfab
34: BBKDMickeyProp R
35: hammergodsix
36: JemJem
37: Auberon
38: Lightning S
39: Fallen21
40: HenryWDefense
41: HenryWDefense
42: Mitch LaRue
43: elro2k
44: Copilot
45: Bk85
46: ProbablyJarrett
47: MasterJedi322 R
48: drewgarcia618 (indygear)
49: IndyMo (indygear)
50: Stephan Hills (Indygear)
51: IndianaCroft 'Indygear) S
52: Fifthchamber
53: jinxors R
After some searches I discovered some facts about that raider pocket knife.
-it's not a Linder
-It's not a Hubertus
-it's not sourcable anywhere, new or old.
-the bolster is stainless and has no grooves
-the rivets are steel
-the handle is fake stag
-the blade shape is different from any existing knives I saw, especially the base
You can see the colors on this 4K screenshot, notice the bolster shape and color, rivets, stag handle, blade shape:
The stag is not grinded to match the bolster, rivets color and position, closer to linder than hubertus, but color doesn't match any of them, both have brass rivets.
I recently learn the Linder blade size, which would be 1cm smaller than my blade, which I designed based from those pictures.
Bolster is plain like the Linder, and made from stainless, unlike hubertus, which has a german silver bolster
Blade shape especially base doesn't match any of them.
The fake stag is not like any of them, but I have seen this material on vintage knives made in Thiers, I will ask some knifemaker friend to show me some examples.
Please look at post #20 and #66
I can know the amount of interest for one of those options:
-natural stag handle, accuracy and design variation, due to irregular material
-resin handle, designed to match the original prop as much as possible
The sale price is 150€ plus shipping, from about 15(Europe) to 34€ (US)
Each knife from the run will bear hand engraved number, we gan go up to 100 knives, as long as items are not shipped.
Once run will be officially closed, the price will be raised, and knives won't get numbered, but don't worry if you came too late, I may have some knives in stock, as 100 will be made.
Here is how I wish to proceed for that run:
-get te prototype machined [DONE]
-finish prototype, and share on the group.
-if any mechanical issue, reword it if needed.
-once all is ok, ask for payment of the knife cost (150€), paypal fees added (EU located, Euro currency), without shipping cost, you will specify you RPF ID as message on paypal, so I can edit status here.
-I get all the metal parts done, also order the stag and other materials.
-I finish all knives
-I ask for balance, meaning shipping cost depending on location, you specify the address and username
-knives are shipped
-once you get it, hoping you will be happy, you can share it on this thread if you want
Interest list:
1: me R
2: mcintosch275
3: Bert Fink
4: mrwax R
5: jubjub86
6: MandoJedi R
7: LT Craig
8: Chose Poorly S
9: T bone
10: Dri68
11: Indiana Charles (indygear) S
12: Kredepops
13: Imc3 R
14: Knibs7 (indygear)
15: Knibs7 (Indygear)
16: HarlockFan
17: HarlockFan
18: Gone Solo
19: Danbackspacer
20: doriang
21: PsyChris
22: Krrsantan
23: Fett202 S
24: Magnum1911
25: TomVDJ
26: Ethlax18
27: Remote People S
29: Propmaker3000
30: Henrydefense
31: Jpdesign
32: Juliusjammer
33: Fabilousfab
34: BBKDMickeyProp R
35: hammergodsix
36: JemJem
37: Auberon
38: Lightning S
39: Fallen21
40: HenryWDefense
41: HenryWDefense
42: Mitch LaRue
43: elro2k
44: Copilot
45: Bk85
46: ProbablyJarrett
47: MasterJedi322 R
48: drewgarcia618 (indygear)
49: IndyMo (indygear)
50: Stephan Hills (Indygear)
51: IndianaCroft 'Indygear) S
52: Fifthchamber
53: jinxors R
After some searches I discovered some facts about that raider pocket knife.
-it's not a Linder
-It's not a Hubertus
-it's not sourcable anywhere, new or old.
-the bolster is stainless and has no grooves
-the rivets are steel
-the handle is fake stag
-the blade shape is different from any existing knives I saw, especially the base
You can see the colors on this 4K screenshot, notice the bolster shape and color, rivets, stag handle, blade shape:
The stag is not grinded to match the bolster, rivets color and position, closer to linder than hubertus, but color doesn't match any of them, both have brass rivets.
I recently learn the Linder blade size, which would be 1cm smaller than my blade, which I designed based from those pictures.
Bolster is plain like the Linder, and made from stainless, unlike hubertus, which has a german silver bolster
Blade shape especially base doesn't match any of them.
The fake stag is not like any of them, but I have seen this material on vintage knives made in Thiers, I will ask some knifemaker friend to show me some examples.
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