1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne - FINISHED (kinda)

Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne - progress photos added post #53...

hopefully in the future we can light the control panels we just dont have the time to source the correct lights before Jan 1st.

We have already id-ed the head pieces and have them for this build, thanks though...

as far as dimensions or templates, we started doing them when we began but with time constraints and adjustments during the build we kinda lost track... maybe after the rush of everything for the parade is over we can take time to get something together...

stay tuned....


Jon, Tray, & Joe....

By far the best throne I have seen done - looking perfect so far. Any plans on lighting the control panels? I was planning a project myself as soon as my workshop (garage) warms up. I could really use any dimensions on yours that you could provide if you can ever find the time. Do you need help ID-ing the metal detail features for the head piece? I ran across a parts identification a while ago.
Fantastic work!!!
Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne - progress photos added post #53...

It looks awesome, but from the picture of you sitting in it, it looks out of scale.
Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne - progress photos added post #53...

looks like we are gonna be rushing final assembly to get it out for the parade look for more progress pics soon....
well, we didn't have but a month to build the chair and we did it with what materials we had at the time. I know for a fact we will not be building the other 2 chairs the same way. Foam and fiberglass is how I have been thinking I will be doing mine. there are some things out of scale but because we were under such a short work schedule there were things we couldn't correct in time to get the chair finished.

As it is, we finished it last night and it is being picked up today around noon to drive up to Philly to get ready for the Mummer's Parade. One thing that will get changed on the chair once New Years is over will be the cushions. They were not made the correct way and are the wrong color so that is the main change when we get it back. It also still needs a clear coat put over the whole thing.

I am very happy with how it turned out. Thanks to Jon for all of his help in making the chair more awesome than I would have allowed it.

wow, looks great! I always wanted to do a project like this with my dad or my brother or something.. just think of the coolest thing possible, and try to make it a reality. :) Maybe one day! Excellent work though, most impressive! ;)
Outstanding! I have got to build one of these for the basement sometime. I foresee this being the perfect chair for watching movies..

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