1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne - FINISHED (kinda)

Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne under construction....

Throne? Will it a lift-up seat and plumbing too? A TP holder would be a nice touch too.

I Keed, I keed.

Nice job on the form, can't wait to see it with the round window in the background.
Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne under construction....

Very cool!

Want to bring it down to Florida for CV? Seriously! We were talking about a charity project, if LFL would let us do it, where people could get their photo taken sitting on the Emporer's lap for a few bucks. It would be hilarious, and I bet we'd have a long line for that!

Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne under construction....

We are talking about coming down for CV maybe we can arrange something that would be cool... I'll be in touch.

Very cool!

Want to bring it down to Florida for CV? Seriously! We were talking about a charity project, if LFL would let us do it, where people could get their photo taken sitting on the Emporer's lap for a few bucks. It would be hilarious, and I bet we'd have a long line for that!

Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne under construction....


Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne under construction....

Do you think Santa could bring me one if a promise to be really really good!
Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne under construction....

Very cool!

Want to bring it down to Florida for CV?


Wait, what? THEY ARE BRING CV TO FLORIDA??? No way! I'm so there!

I'm checking this thread, regularly, to see the WIP. Very interesting furniture construction.
Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne under construction....

Wait, what? THEY ARE BRING CV TO FLORIDA??? No way! I'm so there!

I'm checking this thread, regularly, to see the WIP. Very interesting furniture construction.

Seriously? You haven't heard yet?

Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne under construction....

Thanks guys I will get some more progress photos up this weekend, hopefully we'll be in paint by Sunday if all goes well.

Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne under construction....

Currently myself and two other members of Garrison Carida and the 501st are building this chair in my workshop...

we have about 5 days worth of construction in so far, trying to get it ready for New Years day Mummers parade in Philly.

still making progress...

added a couple of photos from the top construction and more work on the base. Still need to skin the back and side-rear edges its gonna be tricky because of the two directions the curves make....

still shooting for body filler smoothing this weekend and hopefully paint by Sunday.


Awesome work!

Ill will watch this padawan career with great interest.:cool
Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne under construction....

Made some progress tonight thanks for the comments still looking for reference on the control panels... cant seem to find any screen shots that show any quality shots of the greeblies on the inside of the arms or the details of the button/light side... any help on this would be awesome... GINO? any possibility you might have some shots? you always seem to have the coolest sw stuff....
Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne updated pics

Here's the best I could do for you on the arm.
The only other reference I know of that shows it is the cardboard standee.
You can see some of it, but it is not fantastic or anything.

Hope this helps.


Re: 1:1 Emperor Palpatine Throne updated pics

damn GINO you are always the guy with the stuff for the thing... Thanks... that helps!

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