X-wing RED 2 1:48 - paper model


Active Member

I would like to present to you my paper X-wing RED 2 ANH version model in 1:48 scale.
Model was designed by designer Imcold and is freely available to download from his site http://xwingpm.wz.cz/

I did some changes, added lots of details and made some parts from scratch to match studio scale model as close as possible.

This is what I have done so far:

This is overview of changes so far on original model (red parts vere changed or made from scratch)

I post my new parts here as I progress: http://petrvesely.netdatacomm.cz/x-wing-red-2-designed-by-imcold-extension/

And here are some stand thougths. But I will probably make just simple plain glossy rectange so it do not distract from the model itself:
new stand design.jpgstand2.jpg


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Fabulous job! Paper is a tough medium to work in, but you have apparently thoroughly mastered it. thanks for sharing your project.

Regards, Robert
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around how someone makes a curved and detailed part like this out of paper.
I can't figure out how you make compound curves with a rigid material. Is the cardboard just so thick you can sand it or mill it into shapes? How does the computer file on the left lead to the 3D piece on the right?
Thank you, much appreciated.

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I can't figure out how you make compound curves with a rigid material. Is the cardboard just so thick you can sand it or mill it into shapes? How does the computer file on the left lead to the 3D piece on the right?

No, nothing like that. 3D piece on the right is actualy not my build. It is just reference for drawings on the right. This is my build of the part:

To answer your question: Textured template on the left is printed on sheet of paper (cca 0,2mm thick), cut out and rolled to shape. Then greebles and another parts from paper and wire are glued one by one to finish the piece. It is possible to putty and/or sand a part when you soak the paper with CA glue. But I did not use this technique anywhere on this build.
To answer your question: Textured template on the left is printed on sheet of paper (cca 0,2mm thick), cut out and rolled to shape. Then greebles and another parts from paper and wire are glued one by one to finish the piece. It is possible to putty and/or sand a part when you soak the paper with CA glue. But I did not use this technique anywhere on this build.

Okay, that makes sense! Wow. I never would've even thought of this. Amazing.
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