Deadpool movie suit research thread *NEW PICS*


Sr Member
Aspiring Deadpools, first image of the 2016 film costume has been released.

Re: Aspiring Deadpools, first image of the 2016 film costume has been released.

Looks like some thick fabric. Easy to make it seems
Re: Aspiring Deadpools, first image of the 2016 film costume has been released.

Wow, that is like torn straight from the comics, amazing
Re: Aspiring Deadpools, first image of the 2016 film costume has been released.

Um, are you sure that's the film costume? Because I very much doubt that.
Re: Aspiring Deadpools, first image of the 2016 film costume has been released.

Just you, I think?

The world seems largely supportive.

I mean... as supportive as anyone can be of Deadpool, anyway. Ugh.
Re: Aspiring Deadpools, first image of the 2016 film costume has been released.

Well this is the suit from the leaked footage, so it looks pretty close:


I'm way keen. I love this promo picture, it's so Deadpool haha [emoji14]
Re: Aspiring Deadpools, first image of the 2016 film costume has been released.

It's beautiful.... However if you take a closer look it does seem to have a printed pattern on it.
So far we've got two different pics, but the second one is quite clear.



(click for a high-res pic)

The fabric at first glance seems thick, but I think it's the same way the TASM2 suit looked thick, I think it's just because it has a crossed lines pattern that's screen printed, as you can clearly see in the chest area. There seems to be some padded parts in the neck, shoulders and knees (possibly around the eyes as well?). The sewing lines are a noticeable black.

The head is definitely a custom made faceshell, with possibly CGI eyes, since he looks to be making a face (am I the only one excited about this white-eyed characters finally represented in live-action films?). There's a raised figure in the black parts of the chest, possibly knives (although with that shape how can you take them out?). He seems to be carrying some sort of bag in the back.

Moving down to the belt we count at least three brown leather pouches attached to the belt made with the same material with the deadpool symbol in the middle. In the thighs we see two knives in black leather sheaths followed by yet another set of brown leather pouches in the right thigh. The calves (presumably both with knives attached) seem to be made of a thicher distressed material that ressembles kevlar, also present on top of the shoes, which are presumably black military boots.

That's what I got from the images, but I'm sure I missed a lot so let me know. Overall the suit looks definitely spot on, not the "director's version" of the suit but a suit taken directly from the comic book. I like it quite a lot and since I already work with spandex and leather, starting making them seems quite doable so far. Also since the neck seems padded we might finally get a screen accurate suit where you can take off the mask. This are the little details that show that they're not cutting corners and they're having a lot of eye for details. I believe as soon as we get more pics we'll start seeing runs for the belt, the kevlar pieces and the knives, and I'd love to tackle the full suit at some point, I'm really excited about this suit and definitely excited about the movie. I'll update this with more and more pics when they are released.

What do you guys think?


The main guns are Desert Eagle .50 (thanks to Stirex for the pic!)

and the boots are black Nike SFBs, maybe with a slight mod (thanks to Jango Wes for the find!) as you can clearly see from the sole.


Chest knives are Benchmark Push Daggers thanks to Zephisto!




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Re: Deadpool movie suit research thread

Exactly. The other thread questioned me about whether there was a pattern on the suit, but the pattern is definitely there. It'll be a fun one to build.
Re: Aspiring Deadpools, first image of the 2016 film costume has been released.

I just opened a thread where I tried to pick apart every detail on the suit. I like it a lot actually. I don't like that it's yet another origin story but hopefully we'll get over that with flashbacks, or even better, in the first scenes and cut to Deadpool right away.
Re: Deadpool movie suit research thread

Exactly. The other thread questioned me about whether there was a pattern on the suit, but the pattern is definitely there. It'll be a fun one to build.

Yeah I think we can all agree that you can't pull off a plain colored skin tight suit in real life. Spider-Man, Nolan's Catwoman, last two Superman movies, they all got spandex suits with screen-printed details to add texture and it definitely looks way way better.
Re: Aspiring Deadpools, first image of the 2016 film costume has been released.

I like it, but historically films that have used costumes that came straight from the comic book are not so great.....
Re: Aspiring Deadpools, first image of the 2016 film costume has been released.

I like it, but historically films that have used costumes that came straight from the comic book are not so great.....
I don't know what you mean, Iron Man was terrific and had a pretty spot on suit, Thor is also spot on and we get pretty good stories and even Tasm2 which wasn't great, their spidey was the best portrayal with the best cgi spidey we've gotten live action.
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