New builder needing help, ANH Saber.


Well-Known Member
I recently acquired a Graflex Shop 3-cell replica and the the parts from Awanna-Wanga to make ANH lightsaber hilt. This is my first prop build and seemed a simple enough start.

However, looking over the parts I was surprised to find the Graflex is empty. The ring that connects to the "bunny ears" just kind of floats. I could have sworn I have seen pictures and builds that show some kind of socket below that ring, which I assume was where the flash attached in the original product.

My question is where can you find this socket? This will be only for display and I am not planning on attaching a blade.

I also have this part as well, it is the standard blade adapter.

While this solved some of my problem I am still missing the "socket" like appearance.


The Graflex Shop hilt isn't a functioning flash that I'm aware of, so it lacks the bulb actuation mechanism that the Roman's V1 had. You'll need to buy an accurate blade plug for the inner diameter of the Graflex Shop's blade adapter. PM ARKM and see if he still has any more of the excellent run he did about a year ago or so.
Ya pics would probably help. I am at work and don't have pics of the actual replica, but it is essentially a hollow tube. And missing The socket at the top near the bunny ears. I found hear pics over the last couple days, not sure on the sources, but it shows the parts I am missing, and from what I can gather, the Graflex Shop replica does not come with any internal socket parts.


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Is your blade adapter 3/4" or 1"? If it's 1 inch I'd suggest getting a blade plug from KR Sabers

If it's 3/4 then I have no clue
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