Star Wars Card Games and others

Unless I'm mistaken, the odds of drawing a zero, +2, and +3 are the same odds as drawing a zero, +10, and -10, which is the best hand in the Han Solo Card Game. So, if you replace one with the other, you should be fine.
Wow! That's really cool! Thanks so much for posting this!
I'd never have hoped for anything close to official coming up on Corellian Spike. And this sounds really interesting! Surprisingly it's different enough from the Hasbro Cardgame and could still be matching the movie! (Will be watching these scenes very closely anyway as soon as the DVD gets out...)

Only thing that feels a little odd is the Idiot's Array. While I like that it's being included, just keeping the standard values seems out of place for Corellian Spike.

But will definetely try it out! :D

I agree. The idea of an old school Idiot Array feels odd in Corellian Spike. But I do like that it says that it’s the house rules for the Yarith Bespin and that it may differ. So like any game it’s just another variation that can be pulled from and used. I do like the idea of being able to pull the spike card only when swapping from an already drawn card. Doing my own test play-throughs usually involved the spike giving a zero very early which was really only undone by doubles.
And then here are the winning hands from the Solo featurette.


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Star Wars Show gave a quick Sabacc tutorial at 6:15 in the video.

I notice a small difference in this video compared to the Bespin rules posted a bit ago.
It says third card is dealt face up..they didn’t do that in the video or in SASWS.
With now over twenty views of only Sabacc scenes...I don’t see the cards face up at all during gameplay.
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If you pause the movie at the right time you can see their face up cards on their piles of credits.
There’s this one birds eye view of the table where you can see all the cards
One thing there seems to be some tacit awareness of, but that I haven't seen any specific commentary on is the actual wording I see used everywhere from the Solo visual guide to the Hasbro game is "Corellian Spike favors a 62-card deck". This, to my inner grammarian, implies the possibility of a standard to this variant of more or fewer cards. Given the four suits in EU lore, and the other arcana/trumps in the Rebels deck (also seen on the cover of issue #5 of Marvel's first Lando miniseries), I'm going with "more".

Wondering what y'all think of a conjectural "complete" Sabacc deck of one more positive-and-negative suit, plus the other arcana in the Rebels/Celebration deck, for a total of 92 cards. Like the Idiot, the full deck has two each of the Queen, Endurance, and Balance -- seems to be one pair for each suit. Then one each of Demise, the Star, the Evil One, and Moderation.

Just as the modern 54-card deck (including Jokers) is heavily derived from the older 88-card tarot deck, just with the Knights removed from the four symbolic suits, and omitting the 21-card Trump suit and the Fool.

Brief delve for those unfamiliar with the real-world origins of card games: Chinese in probable ultimate origin. Over several centuries it evolved and spread West into the Islamic world. It came into Europe from Egypt with four suits, being -- wait for it -- Staves (well, polo mallets, but Europeans didn't know for polo, so...), Coins, Swords, and Cups (the EU creators of the first prototypical Sabacc rules pretty obviously knew this). Over the next half-century, the trumps started getting worked in in Southern Europe, as unpredictable game-changers. These varied between an early 60-card deck of four suits (of birds) of 11 and 16 trump cards of Greek gods, up to a 97-card deck that included the four Classical elements and the twelve astrological signs as trumps. The modern deck seems to have standardized with the appearance of the printing press.

Meanwhile, non-trumped versions had migrated North to the Germanic and Frankish regions, and eventually seeing the suits changed to Leaves, Shields, Acorns, Hearts, Clovers, Pikes... *sigh* Eventually, they settled into the modern (partially misnamed in English) Pikes, Hearts, Tiles, and Clovers.

But the general gist is four suits. Interestingly, in several traditions, two suits are valued in reverse order (Cups and Coins typically). Frankly, I wish this were carried more into Sabacc, with two suits valued positive, and two valued negative. That would cut down the number of cards to more manageable levels. I like the notion of Corellians opting for a more stripped-down deck, while still keeping the names of the suits -- even as they were depicted more abstractly. We'd still have to come up with some rationalization for the "Straight Staves" hand having an obvious mix of suits.

I love all the detective work thus far. I don't throw this in to overturn any apple carts, but to spur the creativity that much further. I ultimately want two decks and three cases: A small-size, portable deck of the Solo style -- more abstract/stylized, with all four suits and all the trumps, and cases for both full and Corellian Spike deck sizes; and a slightly larger-format full deck with more depictional/symbolic suit symbols, face cards, and trumps (and a nice case for those, too).

Discuss. :D
Hi everyone. I'm new to these forums and joined it specifically to learn more about Sabacc (and to see if that cool fan-made Corellian Spike deck was still available, but I was too late haha).

Anyway, I bought the Han Solo Card Game recently and have been having a lot of fun playing it and learning various versions of Corellian Spike and how they are played (the deck works great since the values are the same).

To cut to the chase, since this is a big post, I am posting here some versions of Corellian Spike rules that I've compiled from all the in-universe content I could find, and from suggestions offered up by members here. I used the rule sheet shared here as a basis and expanded on it to try to fill in some gaps that still seemed to exist.

I made a few arbitrary choices on some rules when things were unclear or not fully explained, but took into account the ideas many people shared in this forum, and first and foremost tried to primarily base my decisions on what also seemed to make the most sense in accordance with the available in-universe content.

If you want to edit these rule sheets to your own preferences, just create a copy of them in Google Docs (file>make a copy), or download it in whichever format suits you best, and have at it.

I've called the first set of rules based around the Han Solo Card Game and the Solo movie (and bonus content and EU content about Han and Lando's match) "Fort Ypso Lodge Rules" to distinguish it from other variations, since The Lodge at Fort Ypso is where they played their match. I've also included the "Yarith Bespin Casino Rules" from the Tales from Vandor replica journal (shared previously in this thread), which were fairly complete already so they are pretty solid. They're listed after the Fort Ypso Lodge Rules in this document.

Google Doc for Fort Ypso Lodde Rules and Yarith Bespin Casino Rules: Corellian Spike - Fort Ypso Lodge and Yarith Bespin Casino Rules

Here are a few notes explaining some choices I made when compiling these rules:

Fort Ypso Lodge rules:

- Ante - This is described in the recent Star Wars Show feature where the creators talk about how to play Corellian Spike. The amount he said to ante in the video is the same as detailed in the Yarith Bespin Casino rules but reversed in terms of how much goes into the game pot and how much goes into the Sabacc pot.

- Betting - This section is based on general betting rules for card games in casinos and just explains how to place bets.

- Draw Phase: - No playing off of the discard pile - The option to take the latest discarded into your hand is never mentioned or shown anywhere outside the Han Solo Card Game rule book, giving me a strong impression that this was only added to that game to make it easier to score zero, so the game would be more family/kid friendly. None of the solo movie bonus videos talk about it. None of the EU content mentions it, even the very detailed Yarith Bespin casino rules don't allow for it, so I didn't include the option to take the top discard card instead of a card from the deck. In play-testing with my friends, the choice to take the discard made zero scores rather easy to get and scoring sabacc (scoring zero) became underwhelming

- Spike Dice: Dealing when a shift happens - I made a little note about dealing when a shift happens (when the dice match). I can't remember where I lifted this info (I think it was mentioned in some in-universe content somwhere...) but you should deal each player his full hand before dealing to the next player instead of one card to each player in sequence going around the table. This is mainly due to the fact that each player will require a different number of cards so if you try to go around in a circle the deal will be uneven and could get screwed up.

- Winning Hands - I Listed all known names for each hand. Full Sabacc (what Lando calls it in Solo:ASWS) is called Pure Sabacc by one of the creators of the game in the How To Play Sabacc bonus feature video. Straight Staves (what Han calls it in the movie) is listed as Straight Khyron in that same video. Also added the Gee Whiz! hand, shown in the same video. Also clarified that any winning hand scoring zero is called "sabacc" and that if a player wins with sabacc he gets the sabacc pot in addition to the game pot (this is explained in that same video as well as the Yarith Bespin Casino Rules sheet).

- Here's where it gets somewhat arbitrary - I added the Twin Sylops hand that other members here had suggested because it seemed very vague how this hand would rank against others based on the usual scoring rules, and since this would be such a rare hand, it seemed to deserve a place in the winning hands hierarchy. I think members here had suggested calling this hand a "Sylop Spike", but I opted not to keep that since there are other things called "spikes" in this game already (the spike dice, the spikes on the spike dice, the "spike card" in the Yarith Bespin Casino Rules), and I didn't want it to get too murky. I ranked this hand lower than all in-universe hands since those ones are official and we know those are the best available hands. I also added the "Straight" hand, as suggested by other members here, b/c I agree that if you can have "Straight Staves" then other lower straights should be considered as well. Finally, I included "Yee-haa" as an alternate name for the "Gee Whiz!" hand. The reason is that the "Yee-haa" hand is mentioned at the end of the Yarith Bespin Casino Rules but it doesn't explain what it is. That rule set only explains two winning hands and felt a bit empty. It felt to me that the similarity in the terms "gee whiz!" and "yee-haa!" might mean it was a regional/alternate name for that same hand, and I felt it'd be better to use a known in-universe hand as "yee-haa" rather than making one up, so I recycled "gee whiz!" into the Yarith Bespin Casino Rules section under the name "yee-haa".

Yarith Bespin Casino Rules:

- Your hand cannot exceed 5 cards at the end of your turn - Due to the "spike card" (a third card every player gets in the first round), it is possible to end the game with 6 cards in your hand. This presented a problem in scoring since no winning hand shown in in-universe content exceeds five cards. If you could have more than 5 cards, it would mean that top winning hands like Full Sabacc or Straight Staves (which are 5 card hands) could actually be improved to even more powerful hands (like adding the other sylop to Full Sabacc, or adding another number in the sequential order of straight staves to lengthen the straight). I think the fact that this isn't mentioned in the official published Yarith Bespin Casino Rules could be an oversight... OR perhaps you are allowed to have up to 6 cards in that variation. After all, the winning hands actually mentioned in that variation only include up to 3 cards. To me though, this seemed to make less sense, because if you could have six cards why wouldn't they mention any other incredibly-hard-to-get winning hands like a straight comprised of 6 cards? So... I added a rule that if you already have 5 cards and draw a new card, you have to discard a card (per the usual allowed ways to discard a card) on that turn.

- Winning Hands - As mentioned earlier.... I added "Gee Whiz!" to fill in this rule set's missing hand "Yee-haa", and I added the "Straight" that other members here had suggested b/c it seems like a no-brainer that a straight should have a higher value than other hands that don't follow a sequence. I didn't add the "Twin Sylops" hand because in this variation you cannot get both sylops and no other cards (since you start with 3 cards).


If there's anything I missed that people want to ask about, I could try to explain, but I don't see my own compilation and interpretation of Corellian Spike rules as being official by any means, so if you don't agree with any of this or just want to change anything, you are welcome to create a copy of these documents and tweak it to your own liking.

Quick note: In the rule sheets, I used the term "he" sometimes to refer to a specific player. I didn't use "they" since it can mean multiple people, and didn't change it up between he and she b/c I thought it might get confusing in some parts, so I just used "he". I just wanted consistency and simplicity. If you prefer a different term, you can copy it and change it in your own versions to whatever you like.


The Rock-Lion Cantina Rules (a new set of house rules I created):

One last thing! After lots of play-testing my friends and I came up with a set of our own House Rules, which we call The Rock-Lion Cantina Rules. This isn't a real location in Star Wars, but I imagine it as a Cantina in Zaloriis City on planet Zaloriis. The name is inspired by the rock-lion creatures that live on that planet.

This rule set basically combines "the best" of what we liked in the other two rule sets. It has all of the winning hands from both variations (minus Idiot's Array, b/c like others have mentioned here, it seems a bit out of place in Corellian Spike, as it is the iconic winning hand of classic Sabacc). It also has a new dice roll that we came up with called "Binary Sunset". When both circles are rolled on the dice, instead of discarding and re-dealing everyone's hand, everyone gets a free extra draw, a chance to improve the hand. Anyway, I almost hesitated to share this b/c it's our personal set of rules and more arbitrary than the other rule sheet I tried to compile, but if anyone wants to play with it, here it is.

Google Doc for The Rock-Lion Cantina Rules:

EDIT 08/19: I have deleted the rule sheet for the Rock Lion Cantina Rules as I am working on a new sheet that provides the other rule versions together in one document and then has an additional page of optional house rule ideas that can be used in combination with any rule set. Due to this and a greater understanding of the workings of the game (from new official content that has come to light as well as extensive play-testing) I don't currently see a need for the Rock-Lion Cantina rule variation, as it only slightly differs from others and can be easily recreated with house rule variation options I will be listing in my rule sheets. I might revive the name later on if I do come up with a more unique house rules set though.

Thank you for checking these out, and thank you all for sharing every bit of information you've found so far about this game. Everyone's contributions have really helped my group over here to get a nice functional game going with this. We're all pretty addicted to Corellian Spike now, and enjoy all the variations we've played.
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Star Wars Show gave a quick Sabacc tutorial at 6:15 in the video.

I notice a small difference in this video compared to the Bespin rules posted a bit ago.
It says third card is dealt face up..they didn’t do that in the video or in SASWS.
With now over twenty views of only Sabacc scenes...I don’t see the cards face up at all during gameplay.

They also did not talk about discarding. I think there is too much control in the HSCG. I like the Yarith Bespin rule that makes you pay to get a card. IMHO, if you opt to take from the deck, there should be more chance. If you are going to trade off a card, you should choose which card to discard and place it down first, then take a card. If you want the card as an extra, just ask for a card but once you have it, you cannot discard. If you take from the discard pile, you can discard or keep after you pick up the top card.
They also did not talk about discarding. I think there is too much control in the HSCG. I like the Yarith Bespin rule that makes you pay to get a card. IMHO, if you opt to take from the deck, there should be more chance.

I agree with this. The HSCG rules where you can use the discard pile for your hand make it so easy to get to zero, it often just becomes a duel of which player can first form a pair of matching positive and negatives (most hands ended with someone just getting +7 and -7, for example, then taking no risk to get anything else aside from drawing every round to try to get a Sylop, then discarding it if it wasn't a sylop).

In our play-testing, having to pay into the pot to get a new card has been way more fun and adds risk to the decision to take a new card, which is why I suggested that as an optional house rule in my rule sheet even when using the rules based around the Solo movie (despite they don't mention having to pay for a card in that version). It also increases the game pot substantially even when you have "lower risk" players who will not bet as often, so it moves the game along and makes credits transfer between players more readily.

I guess if you wanted to keep the option to play from the discard you could make it cost more credits to take a discarded card, since you already know the value, making it very low-risk, but to me and my group, playing from the discard pile cheapens the game altogether, so we don't use that option.

Had a fun idea today for a Yarith Bespin Casino Rules variation:

I was thinking it would be a fun variation to have a shared spike card, meaning there is only one spike card dealt to the table and it is counted as a part of every player's hand. Whether or not you still want to allow players to swap the spike card with a drawn card on their turn depends on whether or not you want to lose friends during the match. Hahaha. But, I think if players could switch that card freely there wouldn't even be anything reminiscent of a safe hand and betting would be almost pointless, since the value of your hand could change way too frequently and easily, so this variation would probably only really work well if the spike card stays locked and the only way it can change is by rolling double spikes.
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Here is my new sabacc deck holder, now comes painting, protecting foil and the real leather :) If you are interested, check the the "Project Runs"





View attachment 818043
Slowly getting there. The closer we get to the release, the more cards pop up.

This card showed up too, very detailed and hard to recreate just yet.

View attachment 818044View attachment 818045

While waiting for new cards, I did a cheap version of the chips/credits. Made out of wood with the laser cutter.

View attachment 818046

I was wondering, if you used vectorised pdfs for the tokens and coins, and if so, would you mind to share them with the community?
I found some tokens on thingiverse but I would like to have some tokens made of Wood.

Anyway, really nice work you have done withe these props, wish I would be so good with 3D modelling and design :)
Hey everyone. I am new to the RPF but have been following this thread for a while. I saw that there were a few deck runs made by TB-7021, but that he no longer is taking orders. I have created my own Sabacc deck in Illustrator and would love to get it printed, but I don't know how to get nicely cut and coated custom playing cards. Can I get some help on this? I would be willing to do run orders for people, if I can figure out these logistics. I have attached my created deck. I am a very meticulous graphic designer, so this deck was painstakingly made with thorough research. Thanks to anyone who can help!

Sabacc Deck.png
I'm seeing two different deck types - one hexagonal, one poker-like.
Which one is more popular? If I recall correctly, the hexagonal one is for the Corellian Spike (and I see a bit more of it in this thread), not sure where the other one is used.
Does anyone have a full deck of the sabacc cards from SW Celebration Anaheim and could post a picture of the whole deck? I would be interested in recreating it. Would obviously share it as the one above :D
Does anyone have a full deck of the sabacc cards from SW Celebration Anaheim and could post a picture of the whole deck? I would be interested in recreating it. Would obviously share it as the one above :D
If you intend to recreate the Anaheim deck, color me interested!
Hi everyone!
So I recently made this:
long story short; I had just watched the new Solo movie and I had the idea to make a sabacc themed deck for our RPG's custom rules initiative check turns (those who know Deadlands will know what I'm talking about) so I did a quick search online and (obviously) ended up in this thread. And here's the result:
The box is custom made, laser cut DM and lasercut and engraved transparisteel (plastic lol) with real leather and some metalic fixtures and magnets
Excuse the clutter! The cards are printed in high quality paper and laminated with a satin finish.
The backs are a color variation on the original movie's scheme. The faces are inspired by the poster uploaded by Uncharted Leader (1st page on this thread)
Here's some of the cards. I also made some guide cards (the one resting on my dice pouch) as Master, Mistress and Ace and Commander cards graphics might seem too similar to new players.

Note that this is not a sabacc deck, it is a standard poker deck with sabacc-style graphics, which is what we needed for our RPG game.
I'm going to do a full sabacc deck as in the new hasbro game with my graphics, with a (better quality) custom box to go with.
I'm also planing on including different cards and values for different styles of sabacc (hasbro, EU etc, need to do a little research on this) and possibly dice and 3D printed credit chips although these last ones are not planned for the near future (still need to fix my 3D printer, do some prototyping, molds etc)

Printing the cards is fairly cheap, but I'm not ruling out making a run of the sabacc full deck, with or without the box, if anyone is interested.
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