Brooklyn 99 Cancelled


Master Member
So instead of in the near future having to pony up some extra $ for the actors, Fox cancels their #1 rated live action comedy. Like with The Expanse I'm sure someone like Hulu will pick it up. Celebrities such as Mark Hamill are ripping Fox to pieces on Twitter. I have a Dry, twisted sense of Humor and this show always made me laugh, plus had a Diverse without being in your face about it cast of characters.
It's a great show, and it's a bummer that Fox pulled the plug, but honestly, a five year run for a sitcom is pretty good. I'm actually ok with it ending here if it gets a suitable finale. Better to go out on a high note than to drag on for umpteen gajillion seasons when things get stale or where you crap the bed with you finale. (I'm looking at you, How I Met Your Mother!)
One of my favorite shows and the only half hour comedy I watch. It was the perfect replacement for The Office for me.

I feel pretty good that it will get picked up elsewhere though so I'm not super bummed now. Its like Community 2.0.
Other networks are reportedly clamoring to pick up the show, so all is not lost.

At this point, though, Fox should just go ahead and change that O to a U, because that's the perfect description of what they do to everything.
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