Ready Player One (Post-release)

What did you think of Ready Player One?

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I'm gonna be in the minority on this one....

So much like The Rogue One threads, I won't get involved in long discussions being the sour one, but holy balls did I not enjoy this movie.

Also, how were we expected to keep our lunch down when the girl revealed her horrible disfigurement. My gawd, that birthmark. Good thing she found love in the game and someone who can find her attractive for who she is inside.

That last line was sarcasm.
Just saw it. I liked it. I knew nothing about the story at all. Loved all the references to games and movies and stuff.
The thing I found most unrealistic, were how everyone from in the game just happened to all be living close by in the real world.
Also wondering about the ending, where Wade asks the digital Halliday if hes really dead, to which he says he is. But, was he hinting at that hes really not dead, or maybe some type of A.I. He sure wasn't just a recording. Just a bit confused on that part.
I really liked the book. That being said I liked most of the changes they made with the movie. Some of the challenges wouldn't have been nearly as interesting to watch that were in the book. Also I-Rok plays a bigger role in the movie and in a good way! Also Wade is a much less...kinda whiney character in the movie. The stacks are a big less scary in the movie which feels a bit off. I like that they didn't focus on all the expenses that are in the Oasis like in the book. Because in the book it didn't seem like all that great of an escape with all the "microtransactions" just to go anywhere.
Just got back from seeing this movie, what a fun and great film. I have not read the book, I was holding off until after I saw it. Lots of great throwbacks items, characters and sayings. I am definitely glad I saw it on the big screen, of course anytime I can see the Delorean on the big screen it's a plus! I can't wait till it comes out on DVD so I can try to find even more stuff that I missed in the theaters.
Haven't read the book (yet) but really enjoyed the film. Though in several places I wish I could pause it to look at all the references to various properties.

I buddy got on to me for not catching the "Silver Cup" sign during the race. (Highlander reference.)
(maybe minor spoilers):

Thought it was ok. Really didn't care for the continually-rotating-camera-angles on the opening car race scene, but the movie mostly got away from that afterwards. Seemed like the first 2 keys didn't mean squat (given that IOI never got the first two, yet were at the castle going after the 3rd).
(maybe minor spoilers):

Thought it was ok. Really didn't care for the continually-rotating-camera-angles on the opening car race scene, but the movie mostly got away from that afterwards. Seemed like the first 2 keys didn't mean squat (given that IOI never got the first two, yet were at the castle going after the 3rd).
You had to have all 3 keys to get access to the egg, so that was probably just to move the plot along. Saw it last night and I loved it. I think they trimmed the stuff from the book that didnt need to be there, but seemed like it was mostly focused on other types of nostalgia, not just 80's, which I cant remember if it was in the book or not. The shining scene was great though, I think that was my favorite sequence. I would love to see it again and look for other characters in the background that I might have missed.
Yeah i just ended up reading the book a month or so ago. The book was more heavily 80's nostalgia. There were alot more elements and references to Dungeons and Dragons and text based games and that sort of thing. I think the Zork part of the book was a missed opportunity though.

You had to have all 3 keys to get access to the egg, so that was probably just to move the plot along. Saw it last night and I loved it. I think they trimmed the stuff from the book that didnt need to be there, but seemed like it was mostly focused on other types of nostalgia, not just 80's, which I cant remember if it was in the book or not. The shining scene was great though, I think that was my favorite sequence. I would love to see it again and look for other characters in the background that I might have missed.
Also, how were we expected to keep our lunch down when the girl revealed her horrible disfigurement. My gawd, that birthmark. Good thing she found love in the game and someone who can find her attractive for who she is inside.

That last line was sarcasm.

Right there with ya on that one. Also, Wade was supposed to be rather fat. And he was a lot more of a creeper. Glad they downplayed that part. But seriously, I was expecting something a lot more drastic about her appearance (not having read the book until after).

The thing I found most unrealistic, were how everyone from in the game just happened to all be living close by in the real world.

This is touched on, but not heavily. The city is changed from the book, but it's the fastest-growing city in the world, due to being where IOI and Gregarious Games both are. The OASIS is about all anyone has left, so they're migrating/congregating to where the businesses most directly involved in making it all go are.. The rest of the High Five might have started out elsewhere, but they've been in town since they all became Gunters.

I think they trimmed the stuff from the book that didnt need to be there, but seemed like it was mostly focused on other types of nostalgia, not just 80's, which I cant remember if it was in the book or not.
Yeah i just ended up reading the book a month or so ago. The book was more heavily 80's nostalgia. There were alot more elements and references to Dungeons and Dragons and text based games and that sort of thing. I think the Zork part of the book was a missed opportunity though.

There was a brief mention of the Zork mines, but no real elaboration. And yeah, they worked in some of the newer stuff, like Daito deploying from Serenity. But Halliday was born in '79 (god, I feel old now) and his childhood was shaped by the stuff that was new and in re-runs at the time -- BSG, Star Wars, the Golden Age of '80s cartoons...

My personal favorite is Wade's Buckaroo Banzai skin. :)

But yeah, the book has a lot more in the way of D&D and text-based game references. Kira was Halliday's love interest's actual name, rather than her screen-name (which was something else, not mentioned in the movie). She gave him the nickname Anorak when he was younger, which he later used as the name for his Avatar... There's a lot of character detail that Cline omitted in the screenplay version. We could debate endlessly as to whether it would actually have worked in this medium versus prose, slowed the story down too much, whether there was enough story to carry multiple films, etc.

I personally feel it could have been half an hour longer if that half-hour were devoted to more in the way of setting-establishing, character-building, and clarity-enhancing. But it's a fairly straightforward story, and I don't think there's enough there to fill a whole trilogy. Maybe a six-to-eight-episode Netflix miniseries, but the universe-building and translating-exposition-to-visually-interesting-content would have really dragged down a first film that tried to do that without the payoff of an immediate sequel to keep the audience engaged.


Saw Ready Player One opening night (a couple of days before this review hit) and my friend and I then dissected it for a couple of hours.... later, my friend sent this review to me asking "Do you watch so much Red Letter Media because you and Mike think alike, or do you and Mike think alike because you watch so much Red Letter Media"

I actually don't know anymore!

My review/breakdown afterwards was pretty much EXACTLY the same. It's getting weird now.
Saw Ready Player One opening night (a couple of days before this review hit) and my friend and I then dissected it for a couple of hours.... later, my friend sent this review to me asking "Do you watch so much Red Letter Media because you and Mike think alike, or do you and Mike think alike because you watch so much Red Letter Media"

I actually don't know anymore!

My review/breakdown afterwards was pretty much EXACTLY the same. It's getting weird now.

They constantly say exactly what's on my mind. And every once in awhile I'm able to pull a Rich and predict later parts of the movie based on little to no clues.
You had to have all 3 keys to get access to the egg, so that was probably just to move the plot along. Saw it last night and I loved it. I think they trimmed the stuff from the book that didnt need to be there, but seemed like it was mostly focused on other types of nostalgia, not just 80's, which I cant remember if it was in the book or not. The shining scene was great though, I think that was my favorite sequence. I would love to see it again and look for other characters in the background that I might have missed.
I could see them leaving out IOI getting the other 2 keys just for time's sake. I did like the Shining sequence, as well.
Saw it with my family today. My 11yo girl and 14yo boy both LOVED it, as did my wife. Thumbs up all around.

Gave me lots of cosplay ideas for Comic-Con this year... I happen to have a classic Lazer Tag pistol and an M41A pulse rifle, and a love for Buckaroo Banzai.
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