The 5 foot SS Falcon at SW Celebration

Funny thing is when we school the ILM guys on their work. They don't remember squat. 10+ guys from around the globe have deconstructed what they did 40 years ago.This is why we have perfect replicas today.

I'm not sure when you last sat down with Lorne, Joe, Steve et al and had a long talk with them regarding these builds. They may have forgotten some of the details (after all these were built at break-neck speed) but they certainly remember a ton of others.
There was a studio scale Falcon at Katsucon in DC in Feb. It was still a WIP. I think it was the same one, though Google failed to verify that.

I went to the panel discussion for the build. Very impressive work.
Could this be the only completed 5ft replica?

I was thinking the same.

This seems to be the only MF that is anywhere near the 5ft size + more ILM-accurate than a kid's toy + finished.

I don't know of any other one that is even in the ballpark with it.
It was definitively the one at Katsacon. Lee was there with it unfinished and he also participated in panels on the falcon and his previous work on the Space 1999 44 inch Studio Scale eagle.
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I reached out to the builder of the model, I emailed him. I asked if he was banned, his reply 'maybe' and he said not to be rude but it's not important to get into. I did tell him about the feedback from some of you in here and he was appreciative and said he was humbled. He wanted to say Thank you. I asked about the engines and cockpit why are they different. He said he wanted to upgrade it a little make it more appealing. He indicated it is all removable and can be any set of engine grill you want to pop in there as well as cockpit.

In my email I also said some have asked a few questions on the build. He said there will be a full breakdown of the build going up on the web soon for all to see. That was about it.

Had the pleasure of staring at this thing at SWCO. Amazing detail. Everything looked spot on and he did an incredible job. Really great work.
Some glorious images on FB of the mighty bird



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Its missing the 3M reflective tape. But in reality.....its the most amazing thing Ive seen in a long time. I think painting the 5 footer would be easier to replicate than the 32 incher. I mean you can really get down to the nitty gritty with the paint chips at this scale.
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There's a couple of other things missing as well as the 3M reflective tape but I'm not going to harp on them. I mean..this guy is the FIRST to finish one of Studio Scales holiest of holy grails. It's amazing.
Out of curiosity what else is missing? Looks complete to me

I was thinking the same, looks a complete ESB Falcon to me!.
I know there's a fair amount of parts missing, but they are of the ANH original condition miniature. Lee has built by looks, the ESB version with extra gear boxes & not added the missing parts. Although having said that, he has added a few parts back that are not present today, so I guess it's his call as to what he wanted to add or leave off.
Thanks Faustus and Eagle. I didn't take into account that it was based on how it is seen in Empire so what I recognised as missing was from how it looked in Star Wars.
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