Vader's MPP shroud (update)

There's no close-ups of the ANH sabers to know for sure. The ESB/ROTJ hero is one of the best photographed pieces thanks to being found by RPFers. That said, the shroud on it, like Roy said, is so oddly unique being steel that it's never been found on an MPP in the wild with the same type of shroud.

Since we know most of the ANH props were restored and returned I'd hazard to say that the ANH versions were probably wrinkle-painted.
The steel shroud looks great, looking forward to combining it with roman's mpp. I have a question about the screw - is it known how deep the knurling is? It looks a little deeper in the propstore shots than on your prototype - but I can't be sure! Viewing on a decrepit work computer screen.
Here are the best reference photos of the thumbscrew, courtesy of d3po2u.

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Surely it wasn't rusted during filming.... ??
I'm sure it had to be somewhat rusted. Not as bad as it is today, but that thing made it through (at least) 2 films. I've had mine one day and the steel is already getting a nice patina.

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They are here, & they are beautiful! :thumbsup
They are just shy of fitting onto a Heiland. But I like it that way better than it being too loose. Too tight is an easy fix.
As always, Roy, you've made a masterpiece! :cheers

& thanks to Tom for the shipping assist to us U.S. folk.
I know the concensus regarding the paint for esb is black, however, the more I keep studying the photos, the more it looks like worn down or sanded wrinkle paint. I need to back this up with a photo so here it is.

This is my son's E11. HE WANTED HIS CLEAN AND UNWEATHERED. Anyway, look at the top near the site. Full, untouched wrinkle paint. Directly under it, notice the smoother part. This is wrinkle paint only.
I know the concensus regarding the paint for esb is black, however, the more I keep studying the photos, the more it looks like worn down or sanded wrinkle paint. I need to back this up with a photo so here it is.

View attachment 731375
This is my son's E11. HE WANTED HIS CLEAN AND UNWEATHERED. Anyway, look at the top near the site. Full, untouched wrinkle paint. Directly under it, notice the smoother part. This is wrinkle paint only.

When I zoomed in on the best available reference of the shroud (propstore's pics) there are areas that look undisturbed by cleaning/sanding (like small intact bumps), It may be a different kind of texture paint to the wrinkle paint. Some cameras have this kind of finish where it is rough and textured with little dots over it for grip. I've seen lens hoods that are almost the same, hard to describe.
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