[FINISHED ]Bandai Y-Wing - Red Jammer


Sr Member
Alrighty folks. 'Tis the season for building the Bandai Y-Wing, it seems, and I'm jumping on board. I recently built the Bandai 1/72 X-Wing as Blue Leader, and I needed a Red Jammer to go with it, so that's what this is going to be. I'm using the pics over at Modeler Magic that Steve Neisen took a while back of the original Red Jammer as reference, while looking at the Studio Scale Jammer that Jason built a while back as well, and sort of coming to a happy medium between the two. I also haven't decided yet if this will be an "idealized" Red Jammer (since it wasn't really completed yet when it got shipped over to the UK in '75), or if I'll be adding a red ring around the other engine cone as well. We'll see. With that said, I'm not going to be super picky about the parts: this will be an OOTB build, with red paint instead of yellow. Anyway, enough meandering. I had some time to work on it yesterday:

This kit has some pretty great details for how freaking small it is!

Masking off the canopy windows... I want a version with glass, and one without, so that required me to do some masking!

Getting it all laid out to paint.

It's interesting that Bandai decided to mold these parts instead of making them a decal, but it shouldn't surprise me too much, because of the red molding on the X-Wing. Oh well. Gotta paint it the base coat and then the red color (that I still need to decide on. Any ideas?), because there is some chipping in the red. one thing that I hope to do with this build is to paint as little coats as possible onto the model, for the sake of preserving the details. I ended up with about 14 layers of paint on the X (I wanted those darn massive, gaping panel lines to go away!), and thus some of the details went pretty soft. Oh well, you live and you learn.

All painted up. I decided upon using Model Master FS36492 Light Gray. It's warm-ish, but not as warm as Camo Gray. The blue canopy and engine parts are now gray, as are the yellow plastic markings.

Now we come to the L'Eggs parts, where there is some chipping going on. Both sides are different, but they share a black coat underneath it all (I think). Sprayed black, and then added some salt for the chipping. Crossing my fingers on this one.


And that's where I've left off this weekend. Hopefully I can get more done tomorrow!

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Re: Bandai Y-Wing - Red Jammer WIP

Okay here are some shots I took this evening of Blue Leader. Like I said earlier, I applied like 27 coats of paint, which made a lot of the details soft. And my painting could improve a lot at this small scale. It was tons of fun to build, though, and I picked up another because I decided to make Blue Squadron. Ignore the droopy cannon. Decals courtesy of Jason Eaton.














SOFT DETAILS!!!!!11one!1






Really like this one.


Re: Bandai Y-Wing - Red Jammer WIP [UPDATED with Blue Leader Pics]

Yep, it was a fun one. Back to the Y though.

I couldn't sleep last night so I masked off the second L'Eggs cone first with liquid mask, and then with some salt around the edges to give it some more chipping.


I guess I got a little salt-happy at 3am. Ha


Painted it this morning and removed the salt and mask. Turned out pretty okay, I think. Those cones are both the same color, it's just that the shadow is harsher on the one on the right because it's closer to the desk lamp.

That's all for now!

Re: Bandai Y-Wing - Red Jammer WIP [UPDATED with Blue Leader Pics]

Looks good!

My Y-wing was the first model I ever did using chipping effect.

Just a warning....it can get away from you...FAST


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Re: Bandai Y-Wing - Red Jammer WIP [UPDATED with Blue Leader Pics]

Haha that's some good advice, astroboy. The Red Jammer doesn't look too beat up though compared to some of the other Y-Wings, but I'll be careful not to let it get away from me.

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Re: Bandai Y-Wing - Red Jammer WIP [UPDATED with Blue Leader Pics]

Cool cool. How did you like the salt technique?

I like it a lot. I feel that both salt (depending on the scale of the model) and liquid masking have their places. On this model, since it's 1/72 scale, I think that table salt works great for chipping like this.

Re: Bandai Y-Wing - Red Jammer WIP [UPDATED with Blue Leader Pics]

Keep in mind also, that various salts come in different sizes. For 1/72nd scale stuff, I use salt packets from McDonalds because the grains are smaller and more in scale.
Re: Bandai Y-Wing - Red Jammer WIP [UPDATED with Blue Leader Pics]

Keep in mind also, that various salts come in different sizes. For 1/72nd scale stuff, I use salt packets from McDonalds because the grains are smaller and more in scale.


Not really sure this warrants an update, but I've got the parts that need to be painted red all masked off with tape and salt for the chips.




Next time you see these, they'll be red!

And speaking of the red color, I've seen a LOT of variations for this bird, from straight-up dark red, to almost orange, and everywhere in between. My question is, what should I go with for this bird? It's smaller in scale, so possibly red with some of the base coat mixed in so that it's lighter?

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Bandai Y-Wing - Red Jammer WIP [UPDATED with Blue Leader Pics]

Yes, generally the smaller a model is, the 'lighter' your paint job should be. Small, dark / saturated models don't have realistic 'scale.'

If it helps, consider it to be a way of simulating the amount of air in between you and the 'real' object. Standing right next to a real car / tank / aircraft? Not so much hazy air in between you and it. If the real 'it' is so far away that it appears to be the size of a toy / model, then there's a lot of air in between you two. That slightly washed out appearance is what you're trying to capture.

There may be a specific term for this, but it escapes me at the moment.

Re: Bandai Y-Wing - Red Jammer WIP [UPDATED with Blue Leader Pics]

Sounds good, I'll take it! All I could think of was zenithal lighting, and I know that wasn't it.
Re: Bandai Y-Wing - Red Jammer WIP [UPDATED with Blue Leader Pics]

This is a great little kit. While he'd like to remain anonymous, I know the CAD artist that was tasked with handling most of its design--he used original kit parts as reference. Look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Re: Bandai Y-Wing - Red Jammer WIP [UPDATED with Blue Leader Pics]

This is a great little kit. While he'd like to remain anonymous, I know the CAD artist that was tasked with handling most of its design--he used original kit parts as reference. Look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Oh that's cool! Well tell him he did a great job! This kit goes together incredibly well, and the detail is astounding for something of this scale. Kudos.

And about the atmospheric perspective, yes, I believe that's the correct term. I'll try some red with a drop or two of yellow, and then a drop or two of the base coat and see where that gets me.

Re: Bandai Y-Wing - Red Jammer WIP [UPDATED with Blue Leader Pics]

The one thing I noticed when I saw the red jammer at the exhibit is that yes, the paint is red, but it looked as if there was a layer of dust on it
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