Luke ANH Lightsaber D-Ring

Ok, Chaim, I guess you're right. I'm obsessively focussing on the unknown and going far too deep into the details!

“Hmm! Adventure. Hmmpf! Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things.”

I took the liberty of putting a WBC Industries Clip onto one of Roy's D-ring that he left me ... here are some pictures for a comparison :

And on a Graflex 2 Cell bottom which is the same as a 3 Cell size wise :

Looks like a winner to me . . . though it took me quite some force to remove the original clip from that D-ring and bending that WBC clip in a more appropriate shape ;)

As with many members here i have been trying to find a suitable d-ring for my Luke ANH and thought i would share a couple of images.

This is a 1" d-ring i found on a diving website called add helium ( $0.75 + free shipping. I have it pictured below with a scaled print of Sym-Cha's template. Overall i think it is quite similar it terms of the shape, especially the more rounded curve before turning into the straight segment. It is a bit larger however. The flat segment is about 21mm, the width 26mm and height 20mm (all inner dimensions), the wire thickness is 3.5mm. I thought the scuba origin interesting considering other star wars props from ANH had scuba origins.

photo 1.jpg

As an alternative i found some 1" stainless o-rings with wire thickness of 2.5mm as mentioned by sym-cha. Let me tell you, finding an o-ring of that dimension was damn near impossible here in the US even after an extensive internet search. I finally found them and when i was brought to the webpage where they were for sale i realized it was a Canadian fetish supply site, the o-rings were for collars and such...hey they work though! Took me two practice rings to bend it to approximately the dimensions of sym-cha's template.

photo 2.jpg

Finally here is a pic comparing the d-ring i made with wire thickness of 2.5mm and the add helium d-ring (3.5mm) and a modified add helium d-ring shape.

photo 3.jpg

for now i will be using my modified o-ring d-ring but i have to say that i kind of like the heft of the add helium d-ring. Next up is making the strap which after a test last night will be the hard part.
Wow great result with that fetish originated O ring ;) ... if you follow my instructions to the letter how to make your own strap/clip ... you'll do fine :)


Finally found a d-ring that looks the part, and built the clamp this afternoon. Cutting the metal took a few attempts to get a result I'm happy to attach to the Graflex.
That's a great D-ring with strap! ... I'm honored you chose my custom design clip ... be careful when adding to your G R A F L E X bottom now ... add something inside like a piece of wood before drilling a hole otherwise your bottomplate might bend to much . . . due to the pressure.
Also remember what I said about riveting and how to add a drop of super glue inside to stop the rattling sound of the leftover part ;)

Thanks Chaim, having your guide made it a lot easier. The search for the right d-ring took me weeks and then someone suggested I try the shoe repair store I walk past almost every day. A dollar latter I had two good d-rings. I cut the strap out of a metal tray from the Dollar Store.
Here is my finished and hand made Luke ANH d-ring and clip. I posted how I made my d-ring a few posts up. The strap was way more difficult to make. It started off as a strip of stainless steel .457mm x 25.4mm (k&s #87161). I had to buy a special metal cutting disk for my dremel and after that rough cut to the approximate dimensions provided by Chaim. I then bent the stainless over a piece of wire the same dimension as the d-ring and used a chisel with some cloth on the end and tapped with a mallet to tightly form the stainless around the wire. After 45min of grinding, filing, and sanding to the correct shape I came up with what you see below. All in all I'm very happy and can't wait to finish this project up. By the way I have decided to use a hex screw instead of rivet. Thanks for the templates sym-cha, I feel like I have now a better d-ring and strap then I could ever buy from a retailer.

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spoudastis ... before drilling your strap hole, please test fitt the strap tight along the edge of the G R A F L E X bottom ... and then decide where to drill the hole in the strap as well as in your bottom 3 cell ;) ... You may find your D-ring not completely in the center but that's, from my point of view, less important as being straight onto the edge of the bottom, which is the whole purpose of making that strap to my specifications in the first place, isn't it? Also do remember to align the D-ring straight with your G R A F L E X clamp when test-fitting :)




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Nice work!

I FINALLY added the D-Ring to my Graflex last weekend - I went back and forth on whether or not to go with the "custom" or the "found" and went with the "found" instead. If I had the clip you made, it would have been a harder choice.

Why the hex screws? There was something REALLY satisfying about pulling that rivet gun and clamping that clip tight into place.

Here is my finished and hand made Luke ANH d-ring and clip. I posted how I made my d-ring a few posts up. The strap was way more difficult to make. It started off as a strip of stainless steel .457mm x 25.4mm (k&s #87161). I had to buy a special metal cutting disk for my dremel and after that rough cut to the approximate dimensions provided by Chaim. I then bent the stainless over a piece of wire the same dimension as the d-ring and used a chisel with some cloth on the end and tapped with a mallet to tightly form the stainless around the wire. After 45min of grinding, filing, and sanding to the correct shape I came up with what you see below. All in all I'm very happy and can't wait to finish this project up. By the way I have decided to use a hex screw instead of rivet. Thanks for the templates sym-cha, I feel like I have now a better d-ring and strap then I could ever buy from a retailer.

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Thank you! hex screws simply for economy, i dont have a pop rivet gun and dont want to go buy one to install one rivet.

Nice work!

I FINALLY added the D-Ring to my Graflex last weekend - I went back and forth on whether or not to go with the "custom" or the "found" and went with the "found" instead. If I had the clip you made, it would have been a harder choice.

Why the hex screws? There was something REALLY satisfying about pulling that rivet gun and clamping that clip tight into place.
Well the great things about tools... you buy them once, but you have them forever (or until they break)

I've only punched a couple of rivets since I've had mine... but if I ever need it again, at least it's there.
I FINALLY added the D-Ring to my Graflex last weekend - I went back and forth on whether or not to go with the "custom" or the "found" and went with the "found" instead. There was something REALLY satisfying about pulling that rivet gun and clamping that clip tight into place.

Got any pics available?

Got any pics available?


I do... I will post when I get them off the phone.

Now that I'm working on actually finishing up a bunch of OT sabers, I was thinking of just doing one thread of all of it... part of me thinks it's a thread worth doing, but eh... Might do it anyway! Who doesn't want to see another saber thread of ALL the OT sabers at once!

But I'll post the D-Ring here shortly... if I can figure a way to get them off the phone (USB issues and Data issues)
There's something called a manual either on paper or online ... though when if I were a writer of manuals and was solely depend on folks actually reading all the hard work that goes into making a manual, especially for dummies, ... I'd throw myself in the very first working lightsaber I could grab ... possibly a G R A F L E X based one :wacko

Otherwise if it's one of those smartphones ... may I suggest sending yourself an email with those pix attached and open said email on a freakin PC or Mac? It's called a by-pass when all other solutions fail :rolleyes

It's really just that I'm near the end of my data for the month (doesn't reset on the first) and nowhere near wifi right now... so sending myself isn't an option. And something is wrong with the port on my phone that won't let me connect to my computer through usb...

So turns out it all will have to wait until I'm safely at home where I can't get charged for sending my own pics from my own phone to my own computer.:D

There's something called a manual either on paper or online ... though when if I were a writer of manuals and was solely depend on folks actually reading all the hard work that goes into making a manual, especially for dummies, ... I'd throw myself in the very first working lightsaber I could grab ... possibly a G R A F L E X based one :wacko

Otherwise if it's one of those smartphones ... may I suggest sending yourself an email with those pix attached and open said email on a freakin PC or Mac? It's called a by-pass when all other solutions fail :rolleyes

After having this Graflex for a year and a half, I finally riveted on the D-ring...


Very satisfying to finally put that hole in it... even though it pained me to do it.

I went with a clip I had, and a D-Ring I got off a member here (would have to look it up... looooong ago)
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