Luke ANH Lightsaber D-Ring


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,
I was wondering who has the most accurate D-ring for the Luke Skywalker ANH lightsaber?? Is it Blastech? Tandy Leather? Or someone entirely different?
As I understand it, the silversmith he was working with imposed the limit on the D-Ring production, which makes a second run pretty unlikely.
Hi there,

I've had many requests in the past however it was a limited run but if you are a bit handy with
metal wire and thin metal sheet here are the templates that were used in the making of them.

Here's the template for the clip:


and here for the D-ring:


You'll need to turn a 2.5 mm steel wire several times around a rod of 24.0 mm in diameter. Then cut off a full circle
and bend it according to the template to make the D-ring. Or you could just bend an O-Ring which has to be about
2.5 mm in width and with an inner diameter of 24.0 mm.

Now you saw a straight rectangular piece 43 x 19 mm out of thin metal sheet wrap it in the center around the D-ring.
Hold it in the middle of your graflex bottom. Then and only then will you see where exactly to saw the round ends off
mark them onto your sheet so that the edge goes smoothly along the inner edge of your graflex bottom and the clip
is placed nicely in the center.

Here is what it finally should look like:




I used a rivet to hold it onto the bottom however you may hear the sound of the tiny piece that's left inside. Just put
a small droplet of super glue inside the rivet to make it stop rattling.

Also here's a template how to align the D-ring+ Clip with the graflex clamp:


If you need more info don't hesitate to ask. Good luck and show us your graflex/lightsaber builts soon, okay?


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It seems like your D-ring at least the D itself looks like the same one Blasttech has. Of course the clip looks different more like the TFX studios clip. Your comments? Am I better of using a hybrid of both? Thanks!
The ring from Blastech is smaller. I have one myself and decided not to use it on my saber because it was too small. I just made one myself using Sym-Cha's little tutorial.

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Also do we know for a fact that the D-Ring was riveted on the original prop or screwed on?? Or it riveting it into it just a better way of securing it to the Graflex??
I just would know,there are two ways to lock the rear part,with "graflex" written,each other at 180° rotating,the correct position is the one on photo only?
So the graflex word like on the drawing:

Hi there,

Very nice Almar. My D-Ring is much rounder then a regular D and the width of the clip is larger then Blast-Tech or TFX. Just so you know my templates are based on my personal point of view when looking at the so-called TOE PICTURE :


On every Graflex the text position on the bottom is unique so there is not really an exact screen-accurate way to position the text accordingly . . . hence I used a template without the graflex-text just to show the alignment of the clip in regards to the graflex clamp. To make matters even more complicated here's another template that shows the position of the clamp in regards to the red button/bunny ears . . . again disregard the position of the text!


The rivet does hold the D-Ring+Clip nicely and very tight. However I do not claim it to be
screen-accurate . . . perhaps LONEPIGEON could enlighten us?

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It means the "graflex "stamped part is not stuck exaclty the same way on each flash.
Maybe it's stamped,then stuck on the flash,means all positions are available.
I just have to care about the clamp and emitter.
Thank a lot for your help.
Do you know if you will make a D-ring run,you seem to know lotas about star wars props,so I'm sure your D-ring will be really accurate^^!
I have the main parts:flash and exactra bubble,need just the "new" parts,D ring and black grips.
Hi parfaitelumiere,

I'm not going to start another run however you may use my instructions and templates at #5 to create your own.
I'm still searching for the authentic original black grip material on antique cabinet sliding doors meanwhile besides Saberfreaks original brown grips, of which I have a set, there's only GINO who has the best accurate grips till this day.
Thank you for your kind words . . . OT lightsabers are my speciality for the rest I find my info at The Parts of Star Wars website: ------- The Parts of Star Wars -------- which is in need of an update A.S.A.P.

Show your graflex lightsabers as soon as they are ready and presentable okidoki!

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Thanks for the reply.
I thought it would be better to find a already made d ring,before it will be nickel or chrome plated steel,and not made of stainless steel.
I have find accurate rings but just the rings,I have to do the 3/4x 1"3/4 rectangular shaped item.
I can buy rings and offer some ones here,because there are 20 in the lot...
I ill take a look at the website.
I am not sure if we do but do we know for a fact what type of metal the actual D-ring was made from? Nickel-plated brass, steel, machined aluminum?? I guess there is know way of knowing but I am just wondering if someone knows more about that than I do? Please feel free to post comments. Thanks!
On partsofsw website there is a photo of "seems to be accurate" D ring.

Here is mine:


Maybe no accurate enough...
The maximum inside width of mine is about 23 mm and stands about 18 mm tall from the clip.
Thickness is 2,5 mm!

I was wondering does anyone know or can find out the e-mail of Roger Christian and/or Gary Kurtz and just ask them how the D-ring on the original Luke ANH lightsaber prop whether it was rivited on or screwed on to the Graflex? This way we would know once and for all and there will be no more mysteries about this prop. If anyone knows then it is definitely those two guys.