Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

SW#7: Now is the Time on Star Wars When We Dance


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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The Computer-Generated Menace
Attack of the Gungans
Revenge of the Abrams
A New Trope
The Vampire Strikes Back
Return of the Jar Jar

I'm sorry.

Star Wars: It's Time To Get ill

seeing how JJ will have a beastie boys song in there somewhere
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think BlobVanDam had it right. Just call it "I'm sorry" and that will take care of all the fan disappointment. :lol
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Star Wars: It's Time To Get ill

seeing how JJ will have a beastie boys song in there somewhere

Wow man, this is the second thread I've seen you bashing Abrams in the last 10 min. Do you not tire of hating everything you see? You've all but condemned the new Star Wars before its even gotten off the ground.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I tire of lazy bad hack filmmaking - And my opinion of JJ is not unfounded. If you ever get the chance read his Superman script - or The one he did for Godzilla, Kevlar or Thomas Crown - he's terrible. And all I said jokingly was there may be a Beastie Boys song in Star Wars - if you consider that a bash, well we share a taste in music so lighten up or put me on ignore - either way I'm fine.
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