Cracker's 1/144 Finemolds Millennium Falcon Asteroid Field Diorama (3D)

I was starting to add the streaks but had to pause. Are they supposed to be black, or a deep shade of gray?

Even if I am doing "black" streaks, I don't always use straight black. Dark shades of gray add character to the streaks and it can be a nice way to tone down the weathering a bit by selecting a color that doesn't overpower the base coat too much (or has some transparent characteristics so I can build up slowly). When I do streaks with pastels, I usually have some black powder, but also three or four gray shades (which I sometimes mix to get an effect I am after).
I was starting to add the streaks but had to pause. Are they supposed to be black, or a deep shade of gray?
Assuming you're referring to the various streaks all over the hull, on the filming models they were a variety of colors--dark grays, medium grays, medium browns, rust-colored browns, etc.. The wider the variety of tones you use, the more natural and realistic it'll look. If you're referring to the six circular vents (or whatever they're supposed to be) on the dorsal aft quarter panel, the streaks were medium gray. With regards to the streaks you've applied to that area, in my opinion you're done; that area wasn't as heavily weathered as most people think it was.

One thing to keep in mind--the filming models were more heavily weathered than they appeared to be on screen. In my opinion a lot of modelers use photos of the filming models as a guide, and by the time they're done their Falcon looks far worse (i.e., filthier) than it ever did in the movies. If you're going for an on-screen look, subtlety is key and less is more, especially at this scale. Besides, it's always easier to add a little more weathering than it is to remove weathering that was applied too heavily.

While I'm here, in my opinion you've done a fantastic job so far! The modifications you've made don't look like modifications. What I mean by that is, they're not obvious; they don't call attention to themselves, and it looks like you've built it right out of the box (that's a compliment, by the way). And your paint work is equally impressive. This is well on the way to being a build-up that stands out in a crowd, and I'm really looking forward to seeing your continued progress!
Thanks about the streaks' colors, Jay and Zombie_61! I'll keep those pointers in mind. I'm finding weathering the Falcon so hard a task : ) Hi, Kyuzo, thanks - looking forward to more progress on your Falcon.

It takes a bit of fiddling to cut the masks as they are not pre-cut. I sprayed on some clear flat after painting it - still doesn't look as good as glass-less frames. I knew I should've gotten Scratchy's gunner window instead. Or maybe I can try scratchbuilding something later on.


Some progress with the painting. A few accidents here and there but overall I think it looks OK. Have to do the scratches on the turret and beside the jawbox. And a few more red markings to go. I used the Finemolds red decals as I didn't have the Caboose Red (?) equivalent from the Acryl range and I knew I'll have trouble with the proper mix. Used some microsol. The decals rip quite easily, don't they? And I wonder why Finemolds didn't include any red decals for the engine feathers.
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Great colours and weathering! And I know what you mean about the grey playing tricks on you, I couldn't get my colour right on that model, all the different paint passes I made to get the colour right meant that I had to strip everything off! Wouldn't be a problem to paint over on another model, but the detail is just so small and crisp that it tends to disappear fast - and I'm far from a heavy and thick airbrusher!!

You model is looking fantastic so far, love the weathering
Hi jah5150, thanks - next time I'll keep that in mind. WhiteGrail, so tricky, right? Didn't realize painting a Falcon can be so hard - I look at other builders' photos and I still tuck my tail in. Ineffable13 glad you like it so far. Thorst, thanks for watching!






I wonder what the best way is to route this out. Maybe I'll try drilling holes first.

Dremmeled away until I got my pit deep enough but not too much that I bore through. Pushed the battery compartment in - perfect fit - lucky!


Made sure it wouldn't get in the way and that the turntable rotates freely.


After some burnt fingers - Falcon on the lam again! Really nice to watch her in full flight. That's just one single LED for the engine, by the way. I really like those superbrights. Small-but-terrible little buggers. There's just one in there, but it replaces that full array I put in earlier.

Those aren't snow-capped asteroids. I'm just fixing the asteroids' shapes with some tissue and glue. I'll cover those with poly-filla and repaint 'em tomorrow night. Then just a few more parts to paint like the dish, that little part by the engine deck, some red and yellow tiles and I should be done with this build. The LM's getting lonesome. I'm not really good at shuffling between projects - I tend to succeed at getting them all unfinished.
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Take this with a grain of salt, but if it were mine, I'd make the base, one big asteroid...............I think it would pull it all together nicely. :)
Very nice and inspiring.

What color did you used for the falcon base color ?
This is a mix that is difficult to do accurately, and yours seems to match perfectly the original
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