Fine Molds 1:72 Millennium Falcon (Definitive 32" Paintjob)


Well-Known Member
Starting a new project for tonight. The model came in yesterday and got some progress done today as well. Will be posting updates on this and hopefully get this done in a few months or so.



I look forward to seeing your progress. It does become a bit monotonous putting all those pieces on but worth it in the end!

This model is known for the mandibles wrong angle, they should face inwards and not parallel. When I built mine, the issue was so visible that I decided to bring out the saw and do some surgery.
Do you plan to do the same?
This model is known for the mandibles wrong angle, they should face inwards and not parallel. When I built mine, the issue was so visible that I decided to bring out the saw and do some surgery.
Do you plan to do the same?
I'm planning to build the model as it is, without much modifications, thanks.
I know people knock it for it proportions, but I love the Fine Molds falcon. The details are just amazing
In some ways some of the Fine Molds details seem a bit more "in scale" than Bandai's, especially when it comes to panels lines
Looking great!

I guess my eyes may not see what everyone is describing regarding the mandibles…they look like they are tapered correctly to me (?)
Yes, in the 1/72 model, the mandibles are perfectly parallel to the front of the ship. The 1/144 model has the mandibles slightly tapered, which captures the look the original model had.
I built this model before AX was available, I used Vallejo Deck Tan & Flat White mixed 50/50, & the unbelievable thing is.... it is virtually indistinguisable to AX light Grime, I actually resprayed a couple of panels on the FMMF & it has the same earthy grey tone,....think it was John Simmons who put me onto the Deck Tan/Flat White route back then

Great job so far JV1138
