

New Member
I'm going to a party in a few weeks that has a zombie theme, and i've never tried rotting flesh, etc. I did some googling and didnt find anything too impressive, so i thought i'd check here. The search function brought up a TON of threads, but none that im looking for.

With that said i was wondering if anyone had any tips/ knew of an existing thread about zombifying someone.

Also, i ordered some liquid latex and some face paints. Any other must haves? i've heard white powder was nice. I was looking into contacts, but seems a little expensive/ time consuming for a one nighter.

Thanks for the help.
I'm going to a party in a few weeks that has a zombie theme, and i've never tried rotting flesh, etc. I did some googling and didnt find anything too impressive, so i thought i'd check here. The search function brought up a TON of threads, but none that im looking for.

With that said i was wondering if anyone had any tips/ knew of an existing thread about zombifying someone.

Also, i ordered some liquid latex and some face paints. Any other must haves? i've heard white powder was nice. I was looking into contacts, but seems a little expensive/ time consuming for a one nighter.

Thanks for the help.

The thing about movie zombies are that they're never the right colour for dead people. Having seen a fair few in my time (dead people, not zombies. I'm a cop!) the recently dead are more of an off-white, waxy pale yellow colour, rather than the flat grey/ white as filmed. After a few days, however, is when they get all black and bloated. Not a good look in anyones books!
As for zombie make-up, try latex dried onto your face and then peeled away. Suggest trying a bit on your hand before to make sure you don't have an alergic reaction. Don't forget the pics
You forgot how bad they smell after a few days too lol. Nobody ever mentions zombies stinking.
here's how i did my zombie costume:

white base coat on the face very lightly with black and purple around the eyes about following the sockets (if you can find yours, lol)

for bites and wounds, i used silly putty rolled out pretty thin and used a toothpick to very roughly carve teeth marks into it (a zombie bite wont be perfectly cut), after which you can cut it to size, apply it to your skin with spirit gum, and add effect paints to blend.

for gunshot wounds, make a small entrance wound about the size of a dime, and an exit wound about the size of a silver dollar to a quarter in size, but be sure the exit wound has some outward flaps. usually you can start with a small mound of silly putty about a quarter inch high, and sculpt that into a volcano type thing. the exit wound needs to be about a half inch high and needs some cuts pushed into the volcano to show tearing flesh.

after attaching to your body via spirit gum, use a wound stack (a stack of five facepaint colors you can buy at party city in the halloween department) and add yellow and purple in light splotches in and around the wound for bruising. add some red on the higher parts for swelling, and for the gunshot wounds, add very VERY light black to the inside and edges of the volcanos. lastly, use a q tip to apply gel blood to the inside of the wounds, adding dripping effects also.

i added light blue contacts from a hair supply shop for the whole otherworldly look. lol

im sure you could add some of this to your dead flesh zombie costume. mine was more of a freshly raised zombie ala dawn of the dead remake. :p
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i want to smack everyone i see in different contacts and a zombie costume. usually they're white eyes, or red eyes, but really, you're dead but your eyes retain their color.

i have friends that have buried their clothes to wear as a costume. if you're comfortable being itchy and dirty, by all means go for that too.

i like to go the route thats been mentioned, with laytex. i use some liquid silicone mold making stuff i found at micheals for 10 bucks 5 years ago. it dries pretty close to my skin color, so i can make it into scars, bite marks(by tearing it while its curing) and other sorts of wounds. a blow drier dries it easily. i havent tried a heat gun yet, but im sure it works.

i also like to use a black wash of acrylic paint to wipe on some "dirty" on my skin. and i make sure i have lots of different shades of red in my nails on my fingers and my hands like grabbed and pulled body parts before being eaten.

also, random tears on places that you could get your clothing snagged on, vs "hey, i'll just rip so you can see my butt." is also a great idea.
that depends on the type of zombie your going for dude. contacts can capture the nature of a new age resident evil/dawn of the dead type zombie who's eyes change due to a viral mutation. (and by the way, your eyes glaze over and become white a few days after you die, so white is plausible for any zombie)

and yea, the latex is good for tears and rips too. i just use the silly putty for gunshot wounds and bite marks as its thick enough to show swelling pre mortem. i think i even used latex on my neck once to create a throat rip effect.

also, if you can get some red body latex, you can paint it on random things like tables in wierd shapes and strokes, then pull it off once dry to get some crazy gore. i think its non toxic once dry so you can walk around chewin on it.
Torn flesh can be achieved using layers of tissue paper coated with liquid latex and then painted.

There's a variety of prosthetics available out there. I've used nose and scar wax... but it's not the easiest to work with.

This stuff is pretty good if you want your blood to look wet:
Pale Night Productions

The thing about movie zombies are that they're never the right colour for dead people. Having seen a fair few in my time (dead people, not zombies. I'm a cop!) the recently dead are more of an off-white, waxy pale yellow colour, rather than the flat grey/ white as filmed. After a few days, however, is when they get all black and bloated. Not a good look in anyones books!

That was the skin tone they were going for in the NOTLD remake after looking at several pictures of corpses.

I attempted that look for a zombie crawl last year... but after getting all the make-up I needed, I didn't have a time to do any test runs. I ended up looking much more green :unsure Next year, I hope to do a better job.

ive seen cat eyes...

I like the white eyes... that are not only at least partly plausible, they give a soulless look to the eyes. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. When there's no color, it looks much more vacant... like the windows are open but nobody's home. Black could work too... particularly for a longer dead one. However, I hate red or anything else. It's too demonic. They bugged me to no end in LOTD... of course there was a lot about that movie I didn't like.
Hey guys, haven't been on here for a while, but I couldn't resist the zombie thread...I did the zombie thing for halloween a few years ago, and the only pic I can find was about part way through the makeup when I decided to stop for a smoke.

My brother in law did the makeup, and I recall him using gelatin to make the scars and ripping on the skin...stayed on all night at the bar and actually grossed out some of the drunks...

I think when it comes to costuming for a party, you might as well go for whatever will look best in the situation...the bar has low lighting, so really white/gray makeup made me look even paler in the low light. We used a really bright red blood mix and I literally stood in the tub with my mouth full of the mix and sprayed and dribbled it as if I had been tearing away at flesh :love

I love the idea of going as authentic as possible, but lets face it, most people will not appreciate the fact that you actually buried your clothes, or you based your makeup off crime scene photos...If its for a costume party and you're going to be in it for a while, you might as well be comfy and enjoy yourself...