Xenforo 2.1 Upgrade Questions/Issues

So post counts, message counts, rep points, and all those previous details are a thing of the past now? I know you can see them when you actually click on a profile, but I did like seeing that info under user avatars for quick reference.

Definitely not a thing of the past, but in an effort to speed page load (largely due to mobile), they are now available by simply hovering over the member's avatar. It is really nice because you get much more information about the user by hovering over their avatar than you could have ever gotten in the past but at the same time, it doesn't crowd up the posts.
How do I stay logged in? So yeh increased load time.

If you are getting kicked out you might need to clear your cookies for the site. It is set to automatically keep you logged in.

Watched threads used to just show ones with new posts - a very easy quick glance feature. Now it shows everything & I have to check dates & times of last posted.

How are these improvements?

It's been integrated as part of the new posts filter system, which can display only watched threads and threads in forums you watch.
Watched Unread Threads.jpg
When I scroll down, there is a toolbar at the top of the screen obscuring part of the content.
I don't see any option to disable it.

I do have a "Home" key on my keyboard, and the toolbar does not offer navigation around the forum, so I don't need it.

When you scroll down, the header compresses and does stay at the top of the screen, providing you access to most of the functionality the header offers. Also, if you notice, when you scroll, a "back to top" icon appears on the lower right side. These are all improvements to attempt to make the ease of use more simple. It will be more useful for some than others.
As someone who browses almost 100% on mobile, I have to say.. The last version was perfect. This feels like a huge step back.

A few things right off the bat, I liked the way watched threads was right at the top of the page, one click. Not behind another folder. I can’t see a way to select the page I want in threads. It used to show 5 or 10 pages that I could click though. Now I can either click next or go straight to the end, but there is no selection. Something I’ve also noticed is photos are only loading half way. I have to open them in a new tab.

All the threads and posts seem to blend together, but perhaps that will get better with time..

I do appreciate the Dark Mode though.
I have to say that I like the dark mode but I've noticed that in the junkyard it still takes a long time for pages to load with all of the pictures and that if you go into a picture intensive thread it again takes a long time to load and in most cases doesn't go to the next unread post in the thread but stays up a where all the pictures were loading.
As someone who browses almost 100% on mobile, I have to say.. The last version was perfect. This feels like a huge step back.

A few things right off the bat, I liked the way watched threads was right at the top of the page, one click. Not behind another folder. I can’t see a way to select the page I want in threads. It used to show 5 or 10 pages that I could click though. Now I can either click next or go straight to the end, but there is no selection. Something I’ve also noticed is photos are only loading half way. I have to open them in a new tab.

All the threads and posts seem to blend together, but perhaps that will get better with time..

I do appreciate the Dark Mode though.

I am very sorry to hear that as most of this revision is specifically geared toward mobile users.
I can’t see a way to select the page I want in threads. It used to show 5 or 10 pages that I could click though. Now I can either click next or go straight to the end, but there is no selection.

Tap where it says which page you are on, in this thread it says “2 of 2” and it brings up the ability to select whichever page you want.
Hey guys, I noticed this today.

On Dark Style, the text for a link appears exactly the same as normal text.

In this screenshot the text “Avengers: Endgame’s Worrying Snap Issue Has Been Solved” is a link to a news article, but to me it looks just like the normal text in the rest of the post.

On 'Whats New'..

Why are we seeing 'profile posts'?

Especially when it has nothing to do with us? (ie: messages/comments between two other people?)
So post counts, message counts, rep points, and all those previous details are a thing of the past now? I know you can see them when you actually click on a profile, but I did like seeing that info under user avatars for quick reference.

^ ditto...

I'd like to see 'something' under the avatar...

Join date/post count.. ANYTHING... that gives me a little info on the user (at a quick glance.. not having to hover)..

post count, 'trophy count', join date... something.

Same as before.. just 1 line.
When you scroll down, the header compresses and does stay at the top of the screen, providing you access to most of the functionality the header offers.
Yes, that is exactly what I am complaining about. There is no functionality in that particular header that wouldn't be present if they header stayed put — and it is obscuring part of the page when I scroll down. (I already browse The RPF at 90% zoom to make more content visible)

What I think would have been useful would have been a pop-down menu for navigating between subforums, like there was two "upgrades" back.

I found a script for the TamperMonkey plugin that makes the toolbar stay in its position on the page and I modified it because it did not work with The RPF at first. I have tested this on The RPF only, and would leave it disabled elsewhere.
There are probably much better scripts out there with specific workarounds for other sites.
In addition to un-sticking the toolbar, a Post / OK buttons stays at the bottom until you scroll down to it.
// Un-sticks toolbars.
// Based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13696100/greasemonkey-script-to-make-fixed-positioned-elements-static
// and https://gist.github.com/vbuaraujo/bddb3b93a0b2b7e28e1b

    document.querySelectorAll("div, nav, header, footer"),
    function (el) {
        var style = window.getComputedStyle(el);
        if (style.position === "sticky" || style.position === "fixed") {
            el.style.position = "static";

On 'Whats New'..

Why are we seeing 'profile posts'?

Especially when it has nothing to do with us? (ie: messages/comments between two other people?)

Profile posts have always been a tricky thing and we have considered removing them entirely because some people seem to confuse a profile post and a private message.
I would think that is a GOOD idea.

That dont even (potentially) pertain to the people viewing them.

ie: I saw some 'member' post on reelprops 'profile' asking about a Jarvis Keyboard...

I understand that the profiles are 'public (per se`)...

but they dont really needs to be seen... unless purposefully going there to check out said members profile. (whatever someone posts on their 'profile wall' is their business)....
^ ditto...

I'd like to see 'something' under the avatar...

Join date/post count.. ANYTHING... that gives me a little info on the user (at a quick glance.. not having to hover)..

post count, 'trophy count', join date... something.

Same as before.. just 1 line.

You are getting 1 line, the user title. User title is derived from your Points count which in turn is derived from many actions you take here within the community.

New Member 0-49

Jr Member 50 - 99

Member 100-199

Active Member 200-499

Well-Known Member 500-999

Sr Member 1000-2499

Master Member 2500-4999

Legendary Member 5000+
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