Hi bothanspy - do you mean the deluxe as opposed to the standard? The only reason I ask is because there's arent many deluxes xwings around - I dont think DP made many of them.
I have the DP Deluxe TIE and Storm and would quite like the Xwing
Hi bothanspy - do you mean the deluxe as opposed to the standard? The only reason I ask is because there's arent many deluxes xwings around - I dont think DP made many of them.
I have the DP Deluxe TIE and Storm and would quite like the Xwing
No, I meant the cheapo regular one. You are correct that there are no many deluxe X-wing helmet, and for the price of a deluxe, a conversion kit from RA would make a much better X-wing helmet anyway. Just MHO.