X-wing helmet Size comparison. DP DLX, original


Well-Known Member
I was wondering, can anyone tell me if the Don Post X-wing Helmet Dlx is smaller or the same size as the original.

I saw that the Don Post x_wing helmet standard is smaller than the RA helmets and the original.'

I know it's substantially smaller but I don't have any pics and the few sites I know with pics doesn't have them side by side.
www.starwarshelmets.com has a side-by-side of the standard and the RA.

Chances are the DLX is bigger than the standard but I've never seen a side-by-side with an authentic size Gentex helmet.
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Hi bothanspy - do you mean the deluxe as opposed to the standard? The only reason I ask is because there's arent many deluxes xwings around - I dont think DP made many of them.

I have the DP Deluxe TIE and Storm and would quite like the Xwing


Hi bothanspy - do you mean the deluxe as opposed to the standard? The only reason I ask is because there's arent many deluxes xwings around - I dont think DP made many of them.

I have the DP Deluxe TIE and Storm and would quite like the Xwing



No, I meant the cheapo regular one. You are correct that there are no many deluxe X-wing helmet, and for the price of a deluxe, a conversion kit from RA would make a much better X-wing helmet anyway. Just MHO.
I scored and unfinished DP DLX-wing for 180$. I will put up some comparison shots of it and my Boba Fett MSH2 and DP DLX recast soon.




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Wow, I didn't realize the deluxe had engraved lines for the pinstriping like the standard also has. Weird.