WIP: Nicksdad Dredd helmet

Yours is looking Great!:thumbsup

i am working on 2 of them. One for me and one for another member. Here is where i am






Tomorrow I will be shooting the blue and then comes the clear then bake sand and clear again :cool
Hey Judge palmer where did you get your plastizote from in blighty? been searchin around ,found some on flea bay but it was a bit pricey! Thanks in advance :thumbsup

Bought mine from ebay at 99p each, size was 300mm x 230 mm x 9mm! Shop on ebay is: 'Insit-Moulded-Packaging'. I bought 2 sheets which was plenty, they are black to so look ideal for the inside. Hope this helps you out!!
Bought mine from ebay at 99p each, size was 300mm x 230 mm x 9mm! Shop on ebay is: 'Insit-Moulded-Packaging'. I bought 2 sheets which was plenty, they are black to so look ideal for the inside. Hope this helps you out!!

Many thanks citizen i will check them out .

Nice job so far tetmatek , wow your own spraybooth , overkill on the size though ,you could have gotten a much smaller one to spray helmets in :lol
Nice work.

Small update. The lacquer is hard as stone now, flatted down and polished. I have also replace the visor:



The visor has about 80% visibilty - not bad. I used tail-light tinting spray - 4 coats. Because this dries as a film I them gave it 4 coats of lacquer. This enabled me to mask it for the frosting of the bottom of the visor. It worked out OK, but what as pain in the ass!.

Badge, 4mm rubber trim and lining to go. I'll look into the plastazote foam option.
The rubber trim is in and the sides and back have been detailed as per the hero. I have used 4mm rubber covered in lycra.

Note the difference in the appearance of the blue when it's out of sunlight.





I'm just wondering if I should bother to make a helmet mic for this.

That is awesome man!:thumbsup The padding looks great. I need some of that stuff.:love

How did you frost the bottom of the visor?
The rubber trim is in and the sides and back have been detailed as per the hero. I have used 4mm rubber covered in lycra.

Note the difference in the appearance of the blue when it's out of sunlight.





I'm just wondering if I should bother to make a helmet mic for this.


I don't know about a helmet mic but you should definatly make me an interior :love
well you guys have inspired me so i sanded mine down ,added the stripe ,and when that drys i will clear it ,visor broke in two pieces though :cry, so now i need an alternative
and fresh paint , its krylon true blue but the flash make it look lighter , as soon as i get it in natural light i will take more pics
Thanks guys. I used standard Halfords rattle cans for the red and blue. Ford Royal Blue and BMW Zinnobar Red. I drew up a template in Illustrator for the holes. Then spray mounted it to the helmet.

A 2-pack lacquer has been applied. Three nice coats. It still needs to be rubbed down and polished, in a couple of days, once it is hard.

With flash:

Without flash:




An area than needs rubbing back:

I'd love to do another one of these to get it closer to perfect.

I think I have a good solution for the visor tinting and frosting, will know for sure in the next couple of days.


I'm getting the same kit next week, can't wait. :)
Absolutely love the helmet! Just makes me want to go out, and sort a few uncivil citizens around the local neighbourhood!

You ever get bored of that helmet of yours, just pass it my way (with a spare, Dredd supersized firearm), and I'll live my dream - citizen! LOL:lol
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