Windex OK for MR Cases?

cayman shen

Master Member
Will Windex work on the acrylic and mirrored portions of the MR lightsaber cases? I'd hate to cloud the plastic...I know there are acrylic specific products out there, I would just like to avoid having a cleaning product JUST for my one saber. Seems a bit silly, dontcha know.
Tough question. Most folks do not recommend using windex to clean acrylic because the ammonia in it can haze the surface you are cleaning. Generically any window/glass cleaner product with ammonia is not recommended. But people have been cleaning windows with that stuff for years.

But at the same time lots of folks recommend using products like Brasso to clean and polish plastics like acrylic ....but Brasso also contains ammonia. However Brasso is also a mild abrasive and a polish and it really will polish plastic as well as metals. I've never tested it with transparent/translucent plastics before but I use it occassionally on opaque stuff.

I otherwise tend to use products specifically designed for polishing glass and acrylic. But I have a number of products that I can use them on.

You might want to test Brasso out on something transparent/transulucent and see how it works. It can be had cheaply enough and you can buy it at most grocery stores. And its also multi purpose so you can get a little more bang for your buck.

If any acrylic case has flame polished edges, no NOT use windex on it, it will put tiny cracks in the acrylic. When you flame or heat polish the edges of acrylic you change the original nature of it, and the ammonia creates a NASY reaction to that change in the form of cracking. Be very carefull :)

A lot of bigger hobby stores carry Novus products. Their plastic polish #1 is really good for acrylic cases.
It shouldn't cost more than $3-4 for a bottle that will last you for a looooong time.
It should also be mentioned to NOT use paper towels to clean the surface with. Over time it will put small scratches that will begin to show more each time you use them. Use a cotton cloth.
OK, cool, thanks. I'll use a cut up t-shirt to clean it with--will that be okay? Also, is the mirrored base acrylic or glass (can I windex the mirror)?

Anyone got a cheap source for this Novus stuff?
Definately not. Used water or a specific acrylic cleaner, never use window/glass cleaners on acrylic.
Do not use an ammonia based product to clean acrylic (the mirror bases are also acrylic) as it will cause hazing over time. Either use a mild liquid soap and water or as already mentioned Novus. Plexus is another good acrylic cleaner. Plain water isn't usually suggested as you need a product with good lubricity to keep the dust and dirt particles from scratching the acrylic.

Do not use paper towels. I would suggest a 100% cotton towel. If you find you have scratches in your acrylic, Novus also sells a scratch remover product that works extremely well. I've used it on everything from display cases to motorcycle windshields with great results. Remember to rub lightly when cleaning acrylic as it scratches very easily.