Which Photoshop for Prop work


Sr Member
Could someone tell me what form of Photoshop is most useful for
doing various photo and paper props....Thanks
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Re: Photoshop

True, while CS 3 is old, its got all the essentials and then some. I wonder what CS 5 has in store....
Re: Photoshop

I am not sure how far back 'Perspective' transform tool goes, but check out the range of transforming tools available in the versions as they get older.
You can easily bring a heavily angled photo from Id cards etc, back into 'square' using these tools.
Re: Photoshop

Well, before I got CS4, I used Photoshop Elements 2 and I had no trouble using it make some awesome photo manipulations. I mean, look at my "Knight Rider: Legacy" and my "Battle Royale" posters I did back in 2005. I did them with Photoshop Elements 2:

Knight Rider Legacy Poster: http://codebreaker2001.deviantart.com/art/quot-Knight-Rider-Legacy-quot-poster-123291539

Battle Royale Poster: http://codebreaker2001.deviantart.com/art/Battle-Royale-teaser-poster-123040764

So, to me, anything from Photoshop Elements 2 on up are useful in making paper props.
Re: Photoshop

GIMP is free, and can do wayyyy enough stuff for a newcomer that has never done anything in regards of image manipulation.

And so does any older Photoshop version that can be cheaply bought.

Or Corel Photopaint, as part of the Corel Graphics bundle that includes Corel Draw for vector art work you get a great deal with I´d say 85 percent of the functionality you have with the newer photoshop versions.
Re: Photoshop

Are you kidding? I still use CS2! CS3 might as well have been a plugin package for what little it offered over 2, and while 4 has some nice features like 3D painting, I couldn't stand the interface.

Anyway as someone else already suggested, you should use GIMP. I mean it's one of those things where.... if you have to ask, then Photoshop probably isn't for you. It's definatly far too expensive, even going back to older editions, for beginners.
Re: Photoshop

Photoshop got a really nice feature, it is called Content-Aware Fill. You should see it in action here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH0aEp1oDOI

Now with this feature I imagine you can do a lot of things without so much experience.

And btw, I use photoshop CS3 and I really like it. There are a lot of great photoshop tutorials if you just google for it :D