What The Crap?!

The wording of the auction has me get a bad feeling about the auction.

The term "ptop" is over used and "mask" is underused. It looks like the dome sides are pushed in. Cheap price though.
Without Fibreglas reinforcement I bet the sides are just drooping from Gravity - or being taken out of the mold warm. Freaky.
ghastly.... :confused

I think I've seen that mask before on ebay....not sure but the mount looks familiar somehow. The Y-crease on the widow's peak is almost like the VM01...weird. Looks like they had some real problems with their mold.

Originally posted by sapper36@Mar 29 2006, 07:53 AM
Without Fibreglas reinforcement I bet the sides are just drooping from Gravity - or being taken out of the mold warm.  Freaky.

Didn't you read the description? It's better than fiberglass. :lol
Originally posted by SSRN Seaview@Mar 29 2006, 12:12 PM
Amazing that LFL did not VERO this listing. Seems a pretty blatant rip off of their trademark.

But, it's not a Vader helmet, it's "Vader-like". :lol That excuses any inaccuracies or trademark questions, doesn't it?