What SCALE is the Master replica's Falcon?

Depends what you consider "full" size.
The large exterior Falcon sets were all undersized for the films.
I would say the "true" scale would be about 1/43.
The cockpit interior is bigger than that though.

The recent run of figures are around 1/36 or 1/38.
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The recent run of figures are around 1/36 or 1/38.

Yeah... I was going to say about 1/35, which is close to what Chris suggests via the figures.

Also, the Fine Molds (marketed at 1/72) is just about half the length and width of the MR. 72/2=36
It all depends on what you define as "the reference" version. That could be a model, a full size moke up, a drawing ...
If the filming miniatures for A New Hope were all build in 1/24th scale and the ESB Falcon miniature is half the size of the ANH Falcon miniature, then the scale of the MR Falcon is 1/48th scale.
(Btw.: I am not sure, if the Fine Molds models are really 1/72th scale.)

Trying to keep a consistent scale in regards to an often-times fictitious or non-existant real world set was not the main factor in trying to determine the size of these miniatures.

Level of detail, depth of field, manageability on the stage were all more of a consideration. By having the fighters the same scale meant that they could be positioned relative to each other in the frame without having to scale the MOCO camera move for one particular model that was oddly sized.

The Falcon model in SW was particularly onerous to handle on stage. It required 5 people to lift it and a huge rig to hold it in place. Now, for the moves it did in SW, it was fine. But for Empire, it needed to be a more flexible prop. 32" was probably determined to be the smallest they could go and still hold up to close-up scrutiny on screen.

And I wouldn't be surprised on bit if the conversation in the modelshop went something like this -

Modelmaker #1 - "So how big should this new Falcon be?"

Modelmaker #2 (Holding arms out) - "I don't know. How about this big?"

Modelmaker #1 - (Getting tape measure) - "Yeah, fine. 32" long. What's for lunch?"

I would think the fact that it's half the size of the ANH is telling. Makes all the math for the construction (and the scaling of the MOCO moves, as you point out) much easier. Plus, that enables the use of donor kits at half the scale of the originals, some of which were indeed used.

So I suspect Modelmaker #2 would've said "I don't know, how about half?" ;)
Funny, since when are the model makers going to care so much about accuracy, between the different sized models.

When lunch and getting paid are so much more important.

GKvfx knows a lot more about that world than most of us.
MOE: if you calculate the tubing, and how huge a man is inside
MOE: 1/42
Frank: sounds right...there is a thread on the RPF
MOE: he compared the studio set, some cut aways drawings etc
MOE: + the interior
Frank: well..studio set is not realistic
MOE: and he would say the ship is 35 meter long, adn not 27,5 as the official measures are
MOE: so 35 meters would be more accurate then its about 1/42
MOE: 3 inch tubes - 3x24x2,54= 3,20 meter
MOE: minus the floorhigh in the tubes, makes 2,5 meters
MOE: and there are room for a wookie then
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And I wouldn't be surprised on bit if the conversation in the modelshop went something like this -

Modelmaker #1 - "So how big should this new Falcon be?"

Modelmaker #2 (Holding arms out) - "I don't know. How about this big?"

Modelmaker #1 - (Getting tape measure) - "Yeah, fine. 32" long. What's for lunch?"


Modelmaker #1 - "So how big should this new Falcon be?"

Modelmaker #2 (Holding arms out) - "I don't know. How about this big?"

Modelmaker #1 - (Getting tape measure) - "Yeah, fine. 32" long. What's for lunch?"

Modelmaker #2 - "Dunno... But for some reason I'm thinking hamburgers.


MOE: if you calculate the tubing, and how huge a man is inside

MOE: 1/42

Frank: sounds right...there is a thread on the RPF

MOE: he compared the studio set, some cut aways drawings etc

MOE: + the interior

Frank: well..studio set is not realistic

MOE: and he would say the ship is 35 meter long, adn not 27,5 as the official measures are

MOE: so 35 meters would be more accurate then its about 1/42

MOE: 3 inch tubes - 3x24x2,54= 3,20 meter

MOE: minus the floorhigh in the tubes, makes 2,5 meters

MOE: and there are room for a wookie then

Curly: Well!? What's the damn scale then!?
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Mm1: I was thinking of putting this tank part here.
Mm2: But that's not the same as the larger model.
Mm1: Here have another hit, now what about that tank part?
Mm2: What tank part? I have the munchies big time.

It was the 70's.
mm1. I cant find another of these wheel type parts!

mm2. Well what kit was it from?

mm1. I dont know, wait ill pick it off!

mm2. dude, thats a gherkin you got there.

mm1. ahh theyll never know, ill put it back on.

Actually, that is not correct. Four to five percent in shrinkage would mean the model is 1.29 to 1.6 inches too short!!!

I got out my notes from the archive reference trips that we did. (It took two trips to get all the data for the Falcon.)

I took a tape measure and got some numbers off the filming model. (We were allowed to handle the model as long as we wore gloves.) :love

In particular...Length: 32.25 inches.

I just ran downstairs and measured my MR Falcon.

32.25 inches.

So...where did it shrink???

Remember...the model is built on an aluminum skeleton and is comprised of 1100 separate parts; many of which are injected plastic. If the model shrank 4 to 5 percent, the proportions would be waaay off and the no-shrink ABS plastic parts would be conflicting with each other. But, they don't.


I completely reworked/ repainted my Falcon back in December. I spent about 60 hours pouring over this model. The factory paintjob was...not good. Comparing the reference images we took at the archive in 2003 and a reference CD supplied by ILM of the ANH and ESB models AS FILMED, I DID notice that there are five parts that are missing on the MR model.

One example; the BIG shield in front of the top guns. I can't believe we all missed that part :confused it is very obviously there during the filming of ESB. At the archive, you can see the bits of plastic and glue still stuck on the model where it snapped off.

I replaced them on mine. Not sure if you guys noticed that or not when you did that parts diagram. BTW: You did an amazing job on that. I printed it out and have it on display along with the specifications next to my model. People are amazed how much work went into this thing.

I am very proud of it. Kudos to all involved. We rocked :lol
I DID notice that there are five parts that are missing on the MR model.

One example; the BIG shield in front of the top guns. I can't believe we all missed that part :confused it is very obviously there during the filming of ESB. At the archive, you can see the bits of plastic and glue still stuck on the model where it snapped off.

Thanks for the info, Steve.
Is there any chance you could tell us what parts are missing, where, and what kits we need for these parts for us Falcon nuts please?
One example; the BIG shield in front of the top guns. I can't believe we all missed that part :confused it is very obviously there during the filming of ESB. At the archive, you can see the bits of plastic and glue still stuck on the model where it snapped off.

Don't feel too bad - FWIW FIne Molds missed that too. One of the MANY modifications QuartZ and I added to our FM mini Falcons.

http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=7548&page=10 Post #93

http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=7548&page=12 Post #113
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Thanks for the info, Steve.
Is there any chance you could tell us what parts are missing, where, and what kits we need for these parts for us Falcon nuts please?

A few of the other missing details are mentioned in another thread.

I'd be curious myself to know the others that you found Steve and if anyone knows what the kits are. Were the three details in the other thread part of your missing 5 or do you have others?