Tron Legacy Costume

Hi everyone, relatively new here and have been lurking through the threads gathering ideas for my own Rinzler costume I'm working on, keeping it short, I noticed a lot of people using various methods such as craft foam or rubber armor, or using motocross type gear.

I'm just wondering why no-one has thought of doing a plaster cast followed by modelling in clay and making a foam latex suit and stitching this to an undersuit like spandex (with hexagon pattern for total accuracy, not sure I'm going to do that though). This is the method I plan on using but since I've seen absolutely nothing mentioning this, I'm wondering whether people do know of it and have considered it too hard or expensive? In which case I may have to reconsider, however in the case of total accuracy and longevity of my suit I will be spending a bit of saved cash, also for the helmet but that's not for certain just yet.

Looking forward to everyones replies :)
Hi everyone, relatively new here and have been lurking through the threads gathering ideas for my own Rinzler costume I'm working on, keeping it short, I noticed a lot of people using various methods such as craft foam or rubber armor, or using motocross type gear.

I'm just wondering why no-one has thought of doing a plaster cast followed by modelling in clay and making a foam latex suit and stitching this to an undersuit like spandex (with hexagon pattern for total accuracy, not sure I'm going to do that though). This is the method I plan on using but since I've seen absolutely nothing mentioning this, I'm wondering whether people do know of it and have considered it too hard or expensive? In which case I may have to reconsider, however in the case of total accuracy and longevity of my suit I will be spending a bit of saved cash, also for the helmet but that's not for certain just yet.

Looking forward to everyones replies :)
There is a guy selling Rinzler helmet casts in the Junkyard, bit pricey for me at moment but worth looking into.
There is a guy selling Rinzler helmet casts in the Junkyard, bit pricey for me at moment but worth looking into.

Oh for the helmet I think I'll be ok so for now I'm going to worry about the costume =]. Thanks for the tip though. So is anyone not doing this because of the expense? (e.g alginate + plaster + clay + foam latex will probably be around $400+ for the amount I need) or is it based on other reasons my noobtastic mind has not discovered? :p

I will also be contacting some professionals here on the forums and will update any new info I discover =]
Pix from D*Con: There were several more Tron costumes that I missed getting pix of, but everyone at the photoshoot looked great! :thumbsup
More pix of my boyfriend and I from DCon this year!

If someone took more pix of us on Lionel's bike, please post them!





Pix from D*Con: There were several more Tron costumes that I missed getting pix of, but everyone at the photoshoot looked great! :thumbsup
Those costumes look great! I think I spy a few RPFers in those shots too. :thumbsup
Unfortunately I missed the photo shoot on the Friday night. Somehow I had it in my head that it was the Hyatt, not the Hilton =/
Hi everyone, relatively new here and have been lurking through the threads gathering ideas for my own Rinzler costume I'm working on, keeping it short, I noticed a lot of people using various methods such as craft foam or rubber armor, or using motocross type gear.

I'm just wondering why no-one has thought of doing a plaster cast followed by modelling in clay and making a foam latex suit and stitching this to an undersuit like spandex (with hexagon pattern for total accuracy, not sure I'm going to do that though). This is the method I plan on using but since I've seen absolutely nothing mentioning this, I'm wondering whether people do know of it and have considered it too hard or expensive? In which case I may have to reconsider, however in the case of total accuracy and longevity of my suit I will be spending a bit of saved cash, also for the helmet but that's not for certain just yet.
Looking forward to everyones replies :)

You mean how they actually made the costumes for the movie?
Full body plaster casting and latex molding is beyond what most hobbyists are capable of doing. If you have experience doing sculpting and casting appliances, go for it. But if you have experience, you'd probably already know the time and expense involved to do a full body suit. Know what you abilities are, find a method within your means. If you try something new, be prepared to make mistakes.
Most of us have a day job and do this as a hobby on our spare time. Many come to this thread attempting their first costume.
Watch a couple of episodes of face off to see the work involved in casting.

Seeing all these pics from Dcon makes me want to go next year!
Not to steal our friendly neighborhood siren's thunder, but what's the other siren's outfit made of?
DragonCon SO MUCH DAMN FUN! all my Tron costumes were a success! thank GOODNESS! what stress.

and due to my Siren Gem stress of putting the costume and wig on for the 1st time, not to mention fiddling with that damn LED finger light that I wound up ditching last minute cuz we couldn't get the damn batteries and wiring to work, I missed the Tron photoshoot meet up :( so bummed. I can't believe you guys started on time! Who ever starts on time and ends so quick Grrrrrrrrrrrrr :angry oh well. At least my girl Kit Quinn got her finger light to work, maybe next time for me.

Any way, here are my Siren Gem, End of Line Club waitress and some more of my Quorra. I got one in my Real World Quorra costume on Lionel's AWESOME light cycle Thursday night when I got a "test ride" in the hotel room before Con started.

Good news about my Quorra lighting. For the 1st time, after putting that costume on for I think the 6th time, I actually got the lights to NOT screw up and stay on. No flickering, no wires breaking. I think I almost cried when I got it on and actually wired it all up myself without any help. WOOT! :thumbsup

Wished I could have met up and met you CelticRuins your suit and shoes, contacts and all look great!

Oh and I too was wondering what the other girl wearing a Siren costume, what is her white fabric made out of? It looks rubberized. I know there is a spandex that looks like rubber, maybe a wet vinyl? Is she on this thread to ask her?





First off. Epic Annisse, the first and still very revolutionary. I'm tripped out over the end of line concept maiden.


(cane not part of cosplay)

Aside from the hands all the pieces are twice maybe three time the size of actual tron. And in truth this is actually a really cheap cosplay, because surface area for lights is not that much. The most expensive piece was the guess sleaveless hoodie (too expensive, but it was just so perfect for this cosplay). Aside from that, less than 80-100, not considering time.

I'm still waiting for more pics from my friends amazing camera (its just an actual camera over the crap ones my phone takes). And I got a pm from someone about my gloves, which I will show how. Plus I'm thinking of selling the gloves, because I need the money.

Still looking for anyone else who did the gloves, and I think I'm the only one thats powered. One other used glow stiks and tape, another used reflective.
We were hoping to see you at the Tron shoot, Annisse! We saw Kit, but didn't get a chance to see you! You looked HAWT!

I had a major malfunction with my Tron shoes Thursday night -_-. The wrapping I packed them in STUCK to the shoes due to the humidity. I had a melt down, got some paint delivered to me via my bf's dad who works up there and fixed them...*sigh* Siren costume almost didn't happen.

And yeah her suit was a rubber-looking PVC, I think. Didn't get close enough to inspect and it was dark. I had similar material I was working with to begin with and ended up scrapping it because I couldn't get the pattern right :\. Other costumes got in the way of perfecting our Tron costumes, since we also started out with EL tape and EL wire and ended up using reflective material to save time and energy.

Yeah, maybe it was a cop out, but I thought it came out pretty good! Also, the look on peoples' faces as they took a picture, not knowing about the reflective material, and seeing the outcome was priceless! They were all "WHOA! CRAP! SHINY!" LOL
I'm curious if there is any compilation of finished costumes anywhere... I read through a lot of this thread when it was less than 100 pages, I'd love to see a lot of the "done" ones, but it might take a while.
Not that I'm saying someone else has to go compile them, as that would be far more work for someone than my looking through them all. Just curious if it's out there.
I have been out of the loop for a while, with work and film projects but I finally got a chance to upload my Tron pics. I decided to have a friend of mine wear it because once it was fully put on, it made it very difficult to take it off on your own, and I felt more comfortable doing it my self then having others, I did not want it to get damaged. I don't have a lot of free time these days so this is all I was able to invest in this project, I did not complete the back leg lights, the feet and the lower back middle light. I hope you guys like the suit as much as I have loved looking at all of your projects, Cheers.

You can view more pics at my website
I also uploaded High Res versions on my DeviantArt account. There is a link to it on my website.

mmh looks good

i had finisht my jacket and now i am building the disc holder and reprogramming the disc with a adruino kit an lots of smd led an 3 switches

as attached pics the jacket in dark and light and a pic from the disc at the jacket

i knew its not the best pics but when i am home in berlin i can make betters