TOS Boot options...


Sr Member
I posted this first on Trek Prop Zone...

What do you guys think about riding boots as a cheaper alternative? They aren't super accurate, but neither are the ones at caboots and motocowboy. I'd rather not spend $300-$500 on boots that are close-enoughs. I would be willing to spend about $150 though.

So what do you guys think?
Possible alternative to caboots and motorcowboy? Seriously, be critical.

Or if someone has some pictures of their caboots, motorcowboys or even some other brand - I'd love to see them.
Just an opinion, but I think riding boots are WAY too stiff, and too tall, and really not the right shape. TOS boots were close-cut around the ankles and calves (they had side zippers - too contoured to slip on), and were very soft (you can easily see how wrinkled up they got in screen grabs). They were more like women's go-go boots.

Getting good TOS boots on a budget is one of the hardest parts of the costumes. I use the cheap costume boots that everyone hates because they don't last, but I think they're the best inexpensive alternative - I'd rather buy several pairs of $35 boots than have to pay upwards of $300 for one pair.

Just my opinion.

I've recommended to others to check out the Star Wars boots available on the ever so popular auction site, eBay. Aka evilBay ('Cause it sucks your money away on many tempting things).

They're not very expensive and if you just use them for the occation of costuming, they should last for a good while. And they work very well for Star Trek TOS characters.
I have never seen any cheap alternitives that looked good, and as far as riding boots go forget it, those are entirely different boots.

If you are in for the long haul, ie you are going to be costuming for a long time, save up your money and get a pair of Willies.
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Eh... I just use the cheap black zip ups that are like $40. Given that I've had to wear my boots twice, I just can't see paying 300 bucks for boots I wear once or twice a year. Last time I wore them I walked for a few miles in them with no problem... I had insoles of course (a must). Of course, they aren't real leather, so they don't breath... so by the end of the day you'll be thrilled to take them off.
I hear you, thats why I asked how serious he was and whether he would be doing this in the long run.

While I don't go to many Cons any more I used to work many Cons a year and had been doing so for 30 years that and Willie did'nt charge that much in the beginning untill the fanboys started pissing him off.

Most comfortable pair of boots I have ever owned!

Eh... I just use the cheap black zip ups that are like $40. Given that I've had to wear my boots twice, I just can't see paying 300 bucks for boots I wear once or twice a year. Last time I wore them I walked for a few miles in them with no problem... I had insoles of course (a must). Of course, they aren't real leather, so they don't breath... so by the end of the day you'll be thrilled to take them off.
Yeah, I'd wear them to maybe three cons a year. So we are talking about 5 days a year max. A nice pair of Willie's boots would be great to own though. I just can't justify the cost.

I'm usually all about canon over function, but it also depends on cost. Having my photo taken in a dimly lit hotel lobby/convention center - my boots are going to be the least seen.
I have a second-hand pair of custom made TOS boots. Not made by Willie but damn nice.

A few things to bear in mind when looking for suitable TOS boots: They're essentially "Beatle boots" with a 16 inch shaft . . . toe and heel shapes are critical. The original boots had an unlined shaft that fit snugly like a glove . . . a general lack of tightness/conformity around the ankle is where most cheap costume boots fall flat IMO.

There are many women's boots currently on the market that come quite close. Having a heel changed is no big deal.