Well-Known Member
I am horrible at blogging, and I get ragged on all the time for not documenting my work the way other pros do, and now that I am older, I get the whole "document it" thing being, it's a lot easier to show pics, than it is it to say "Yea I did it, let me get some pics from the person," as in this case, I have been given the green light from BOTH clients - I hate that word - friends, I think is safe to say on some level, to show pics.
If the mods say other wise, I'll totally understand
So, I have also been commissioned by two people; one in Cali and another in Australia to replicate the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle suits of Raphael and Donatello... I thought it would be fun for a lot of people here if I posted the progress - and my inbox is getting full of people asking me for pictures, so here is the first pic from the first day of sculpting, mocking the clay up to be the right size, all that good jazz ;-)
I will have a TON of pics in the next couple weeks, but here goes the start of this 14-day journey; yea, 14 days... we're going to try and make 2 - TWO - suits come to life. I ordered materials over a month ago, and they're just now supposed to be here between Friday and next Thursday, due to a shipping error on the suppliers end.
Fun stuff.
So, here goes on one of the most insane projects I've ever had the pleasure of being associated with LoL.
Notice the awesomeness of the oven - and no, the wires coming out of the door are not the main source of heat - they're just to run the fans on the inside after we treated the interior of the oven.
We're going to be sculpting with the Chavant NSP line of clay and then, using fiberglass molds, will be using foam latex to run the parts for the shoulders/neck/arm area, the forearms and hand, quads and then the calves and feet. The head and shell will be fab'd out in Smooth-Ons' Flex Foam 17, a newer product, but it is amazing as a foam. It has the same softness and feel of the Flex10, but the self skinning of the Flex25; I highly recommend it - even using it on my MMPR Movie suits for the body armor.
So, we started on the legs; here is the mock up - Should actually be, I hope, pretty far along on them tomorrow sculpt wise - I think LoL...
So here is the oven...
And here is the legs... LoL
If the mods say other wise, I'll totally understand
So, I have also been commissioned by two people; one in Cali and another in Australia to replicate the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle suits of Raphael and Donatello... I thought it would be fun for a lot of people here if I posted the progress - and my inbox is getting full of people asking me for pictures, so here is the first pic from the first day of sculpting, mocking the clay up to be the right size, all that good jazz ;-)
I will have a TON of pics in the next couple weeks, but here goes the start of this 14-day journey; yea, 14 days... we're going to try and make 2 - TWO - suits come to life. I ordered materials over a month ago, and they're just now supposed to be here between Friday and next Thursday, due to a shipping error on the suppliers end.
Fun stuff.
So, here goes on one of the most insane projects I've ever had the pleasure of being associated with LoL.
Notice the awesomeness of the oven - and no, the wires coming out of the door are not the main source of heat - they're just to run the fans on the inside after we treated the interior of the oven.
We're going to be sculpting with the Chavant NSP line of clay and then, using fiberglass molds, will be using foam latex to run the parts for the shoulders/neck/arm area, the forearms and hand, quads and then the calves and feet. The head and shell will be fab'd out in Smooth-Ons' Flex Foam 17, a newer product, but it is amazing as a foam. It has the same softness and feel of the Flex10, but the self skinning of the Flex25; I highly recommend it - even using it on my MMPR Movie suits for the body armor.
So, we started on the legs; here is the mock up - Should actually be, I hope, pretty far along on them tomorrow sculpt wise - I think LoL...
So here is the oven...

And here is the legs... LoL

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