T'is the season! Luke's Holiday Special lightsaber!

Looking at my current saber (earlier in the thread) I may paint the silver on again...

Funny though, when teecrooz originally showed me the new pic from Empire I actually wrote "The box is so much thicker!... mine looks closer than most so not gonna mess with it... for now"

*Smash cut to this thread*

Now I gotta do some weird custom saber cuz I don't wanna throw out my controll box. That was a pain to make.
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I spent so much time pulling apart a red button and affixing it with a sanded down LED bulb I'm never changing it!!!

(until someone finds exactly what it is then I can't leave well enough...)
I spent so much time pulling apart a red button and affixing it with a sanded down LED bulb I'm never changing it!!!

(until someone finds exactly what it is then I can't leave well enough...)

LOL same here! it was too tall so I had to pry that bad boy out, dremel it down, reinstall it, the whole nine.
Pain in the butt.

All control box orders shipped out today BTW. Thanks guys.
I have the graflex 2773 and I wasn’t sure if it was correct or if the graflite 2773 was correct. I ended up getting an answer here about that,but being impatient and obsessed with being screen accurate I ordered a graflite before I saw a response. Anyway I figured I’d just throw the graflite in the parts bin,but to my surprise when it arrived today the lettering (graflite)is not stamped in the metal. It is just printed on top which can be removed. Does this mean that it was in fact a graflite that was used since there is no visible logo on the saber(that we can see).does anyone else have a graflite?is the logo engraved?
Does this mean that it was in fact a graflite that was used since there is no visible logo on the saber(that we can see).does anyone else have a graflite?is the logo engraved?

I was sure to have used a Graflite, so i just went to my display cabinet a few seconds ago to check your question.

But while looking i wondered i couldn´t find the GRAFLITE writing - until i looked closer and noticed the writing GRAFLEX under the t-tracks. So .... sorry, i have no answer.

I don´t believe we can say for sure what it was. They painted the top and the arrows black, so i see no reason to believe they couldn´t have used a silver spraycan (or removed it another way) to delete any fabrication markings before adding the greeblies (seems they did that all the time one way or another, at least after ANH). At this point i wouldn´t get worried if i have "the correct" version, not yet, not until we know more.
Yeah it’s so iffy thst I really don’t think it matters. The only reason I said graflex is that’s what I’ve always been told and because the graflite text couldn’t be seen. But if it can be removed where the graflex version can’t then yeah I’d probably lean more towards the graflite. Is it the same for the text on the ports and around the lip?
Yea everything is just printed on the graflite,no engraving at all. the catalog 2773 number,the warning label and all the port writing is just printed on.on my graflex that is all stamped into the metal.im really leaning toward the real deal being a graflite.i am going to hold onto the graflex just in case more info comes out,but for now I will be using the graflite for the build.
The Graflite Jr would also work in a pinch, just fyi. Correct size, but fewer ports.
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Yea everything is just printed on the graflite,no engraving at all. the catalog 2773 number,the warning label and all the port writing is just printed on.on my graflex that is all stamped into the metal.im really leaning toward the real deal being a graflite.i am going to hold onto the graflex just in case more info comes out,but for now I will be using the graflite for the build.
That is very interesting! Good to know!
I'd be very happy to be corrected on that point as it seems the graflite versions are also easier to find!
Need to get to work...


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