Thor: The Dark World (Post-release)

What was the end credit scene by the way ? I saw the mid one but missed the end one.

It starts with a closeup on a bowl of cereal with a spoon in it, so you expect it will be a repeat of the "Shwarma" scene from the end of The Avengers. We pull back to see Jane Foster sitting, looking listlessly at her bowl of cereal. Suddenly, you can hear rolling thunder, followed by a quicker, louder CRACK! of thunder. Jane Looks at Selvig who gives her a look of slight hope. At that moment, the beam from the rainbow bridge can be seen shooting down right outside of her window.

Jane runs to the roof where she finds Thor. They embrace and kiss passionately, while London looks beautiful in the background.

SUDDENLY we cut to the outside abandoned warehouse where the children earlier found the anomaly. A large undulating group of kestrels fly by. A moment later, the beast that crossed from the Frost Giant's home realm into ours is seen bounding after the kestrels like a puppy trying to catch a ball.


Is Mjolnir's nickname "Mjomjo" too in the OV ? When it flies by Jane and the others, right after the two assistants kissed, Jane call it like that, which was kinda hilarious but weird at the same time...
I believe it was Darcy who said the line, not Jane. And Darcy has, since the first film, called Mjolnir "MeowMeow." As it shot past her in the scene I'm thinking of, she exclaims, "MEOWMEOW!" excitedly. Her mispronunciation made the people in the theater I was in laugh. So the French version was probably just trying to create a mispronunciation in French.

...still it sucks you couldn't see it in the original language.

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So the French version was probably just trying to create a mispronunciation in French.

...still it sucks you couldn't see it in the original language.


French. Blech! so you had to watch the Obscure World and not the Dark World :wacko

Good movie but those seeking the exclusive Cap trailer AVX 3D was not the one to see. It only had the regular trailer.
Plus stay to the very end. Don't be fooled by the mid-credit teaser. The entire theater emptied and missed it. :lol
Just got back from seeing it. Thoroughly enjoyed it. The final scenes felt like a game of Portal gone crazy. As for the mid credits scene, it just made me feel even more giddy with enthusiasm about Guardians of the Galaxy since it's obvious that ****'s about to hit the fan on a cosmic level.
I enjoyed it and more importantly my fiancé also thought it was good and she is not a die hard fan like I am. As we walk to the parking lot she asked if we could watch Thor now, and I was like I have been trying to get you to watch that movie since before the Avengers came out. I think we have some very interesting movies in front of us. Guardians has the potential to be amazing on a sort of never before scene level. I was trying to explain to my friends that there is going to be a movie with a Tree and a talking raccoon next year and it somehow fits in with all of this. They were a little lost. Really excited for BDT as revealed in the end credits.
I think I liked it better than the first Thor, definitely better than Iron Man 3, it was much more tied into The Avengers which was awesome, loved the cameo. The movie never did what I was afraid it was going to and honestly surprised me in some places.
It starts with a closeup on a bowl of cereal with a spoon in it, so you expect it will be a repeat of the "Shwarma" scene from the end of The Avengers. We pull back to see Jane Foster sitting, looking listlessly at her bowl of cereal. Suddenly, you can hear rolling thunder, followed by a quicker, louder CRACK! of thunder. Jane Looks at Selvig who gives her a look of slight hope. At that moment, the beam from the rainbow bridge can be seen shooting down right outside of her window.

Jane runs to the roof where she finds Thor. They embrace and kiss passionately, while London looks beautiful in the background.

SUDDENLY we cut to the outside abandoned warehouse where the children earlier found the anomaly. A large undulating group of kestrels fly by. A moment later, the beast that crossed from the Frost Giant's home realm into ours is seen bounding after the kestrels like a puppy trying to catch a ball.


I believe it was Darcy who said the line, not Jane. And Darcy has, since the first film, called Mjolnir "MeowMeow." As it shot past her in the scene I'm thinking of, she exclaims, "MEOWMEOW!" excitedly. Her mispronunciation made the people in the theater I was in laugh. So the French version was probably just trying to create a mispronunciation in French.

...still it sucks you couldn't see it in the original language.


Thanks ! I'm definitely going back to see it in OV and stay until the end this time.
Good thing for the movie is that despite being a comic book movie and strongly tied to the avengers, the two lady friends I went with enjoyed it very much, and neither of them have seen avengers ! Although I suspect Chris Hemsworth had something to do with that...
I loved it. I thought it was really well done. I actually liked Jane in here and felt that the romance came across as more natural. Darcy, as always, was a hoot ("Meowmeow!") and Loki's storyline was great.

The fight with the hopping around the planes and Earth was outstanding!

They really had me going on a few things and I'm now EXTREMELY excited to see what else they've got up their sleeves!
Beautiful art direction/design. I felt like I was seeing some inspiration from the old Tales of the Jedi comics...which I would watch the CRAP out of in movie form, Disney.

Some creativity with the climax kept it better than the same old duking it out. Good stuff.
So the mid-credits teaser is more setting up Infinity Gauntlet. Are they just seeding the third Avengers movie this far in advance since we know now it won't be Avengers 2?

Yes. Guardians of the Galaxy will presumably set it up even further, and the Collector will be appearing in that film as well.

But on that note, did anyone else feel that scene felt like it was really cheaply made or rushed? Like, the set seems like something out of a low budget sci-fi show, and the it looked and felt very amateurish. Apparently it was directed by James Gunn who is directing Guardians, but I hope Guardians winds up looking better than that.
I enjoyed this one more then the first Thor and Man of Steel. I think Iron Man 3 had less boring moments and a tighter movie for re-watching sake, but Thor II has for sure a better ending and was more fun then I thought it could be. I'm actually looking forward to Captain America after that trailer.

I haven't kept up with watching Agents of Shield TV show, but for those who have, were there any references this week to Thor being released?

Yes. Guardians of the Galaxy will presumably set it up even further, and the Collector will be appearing in that film as well.

But on that note, did anyone else feel that scene felt like it was really cheaply made or rushed? Like, the set seems like something out of a low budget sci-fi show, and the it looked and felt very amateurish. Apparently it was directed by James Gunn who is directing Guardians, but I hope Guardians winds up looking better than that.

James Gunn is directing Guardians? Now I'll have to watch it. Yes, it looked like almost TV-ish quality, thank you, I thinking the same thing.
Far better than the first Thor. Loki stole every seen he was in...which was great. Helmsworth was better, and I loved the humor. The CA cameo was by far the best!

The collector scene looked really cheesy. Reminded me of something from 60's Trek. I was hoping for someone more like Hanibal Chow from Pacific Rim.
Another solid film from Marvel Studios. I really enjoyed this one a lot; I can't say it's better than the first Thor, but it's definitely a better looking movie (perhaps even better looking than The Avengers) - thought it was much "cinematic," it just looked better all around.

I read a review that complained about the lack of development for the villain - I don't think we needed anymore than we got. The prologue set it up enough for me and I liked that we didn't spend a whole bunch of time focusing on the Elves, made them seem just more ruthless and powerful.

Chris Hemsworth just owns Thor. I don't know if there's ever been better casting. The man oozed charisma in the first Thor and in this one he does the same... but, now we see more nuances to Thor. Not sure if Hemsworth improved as an actor, has more grasp of the character and/or the character development just worked for me. Whatever it is, it's working.

Of the other actors - Jaimie Alexander; make her Wonder Woman now - she stole a lot of scenes. Surprisingly, Natalie Portman let me down. She didn't do a whole lot and ultimately Jane Foster fell flat. Kat Dennings showed a whole lot of life in her bits and Anthony Hopkins phoned in another one.

Tom Hiddleston? See everything I wrote about Hemsworth. The guy just steals scenes.

The plot was your typical save the world/find your plothole. But, I loved it. I thought they really killed Loki and I was okay with it - they need to move on not have Loki in every Thor/Avengers movie and really found it fitting to kill him off. As Hiddleston and Loki are very popular (rightfully so), it's going to be hard to not overuse him and his death could've been the "out" Marvel needed (but, smart business says keep him around... as they did).

I wish they would've done something better with the the Aether. There was no real explanation why it attached itself to Jane's body and never showed any inclination to do something like that in the prologue and just seemed odd. There was also no reasoning why it became a stone (jewel?) in the credits scene.

The look of the mid-credit scene has be worried about Guardians of the Galaxy. Hated del Toro's look - just looked way to campy and/or stupid... but, so did Asgard prior to actually seeing it in Thor.
Loved it, Marvel knocked another out of the park and I too think it was much better than the first Thor. Didnt like what they did to Selvig, not at all :(
I thought the film was good, but not great. I liked it a little more than Iron man 3, but there was something off about it... It may have been the directing. Although the story for The Dark World was better than the first film, even though it was "bigger", it just felt small to me. Kenneth Branagh's directing made the first film feel more sweeping and grand, while Alan Taylor's results, to me, just felt like it was a super high-budget (but well-made) TV show. I don't know... It just seemed like the film could have (and should have) been epic in scale, but it just didn't deliver.

And I don't understand why there's been a change in tone of the humor in the Phase 2 films so far. I enjoy bits of humor in a serious film (The cameo was AMAZING), but in both IM3 and Thor 2, most of the jokes seemed forced and almost out of place. I don't know if it's influenced by Joss Whedon, and then the jokes are being executed incorrectly by the actors and directors (like how his lightning and frog line in the first X-Men film was supposed to be a throwaway line). And god, I can't stand Kat Dennings/Darcy. I really wish she and Jane died, because I'm not liking either character, as well as the romance between Thor and Jane (I was hoping for Sit to lose it when Thor brought her to Asgard). I'd much rather see that incestuous bromance from the Chinese version of the film. :lol:lol:lol

The film wasn't horrible, even though I'm complaining like a grumpy old man, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it for what it is after repeat viewings. It's just that Phase 2 is slightly disappointing to me so far. I'm praying that The Winter Soldier will be more (evenly) serious and I'm fine with Guardians of The Galaxy being ridiculous and bats#!7 crazy.
Saw it, loved it.

One thing puzzles me: so many people filed out of the theater at the start of the end credits. You'd think it was their first Marvel movie...

Chris Evans' cameo was hilarious.
The Cap cameo was certainly a highlight, and I thought the humor was very natural and fit well with the film. Overall I really enjoyed it, and think it is up there in my top MCU films. Now I need a proper Mjolnir!
Anyone who thinks that this movie had more humor clearly hasn't rewatched the first Thor in a while. The entire movie is a fish out of water scenario, one of the classics of comedy. From the multiple times Thor was hit by a car, to him proudly proclaiming that they couldn't take him down before being injected and having his face press against the glass, to him smashing his glass and requesting another, to him asking for a dog large enough to ride, and on and on it goes.

It was a much funnier movie than people give it credit for or remember it being. Thor 2 is on par with that in my mind. Watch it again and you'll agree. The only difference is that they already established the idea of realms and had less "unfunny" material to cover giving more time for more light moments in the sequel.

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