The Ultimate X-Wing Pilot Thread


Barbie needs a tiara though.

This one has one on :)
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OK, this thread sort of got hijacked by hijinx, and that's fine - we're all here for fun. But we're also here for info and insights. So...

A couple of things: first, I don't know why I didn't notice this before, or why I didn't see it discussed earlier in this thread...

The ANH X-wing pilots' belts look a darker shade of grey than the harness. At first I thought it was the way the strapping reflected light, but, no, the belt is definitely darker. I had already ordered my strapping all one color - realized too late. A refinement for a later date.

Second, I have been looking all over kingdom come for the black strap adjuster on the back of the flak vest strap, but can't find any with that hole in the top of the fitting. Anyone have a source for that? It's one inch strapping on the flak vest, right?

Third, I have a Rubies I have to mod - maybe some day I will have the $ to do better. One of the most glaring omissions is the black edging around the bottom/front of the sides - I think it might help the helmet hold its shape better, too. It's not the same edging as a TK lid, is it? It looks wider. Anyone ID it?

Thanks very much for your input!

And now back to your regularly scheduled Barbie bashing!

Officially, the adjustment on the back of the flak vest was ID'd as a strap buckle form an Amry Surplus strapping. It has the hole and in the same color as the screen senne ones. I believe they were sleeping bag straps. Check out your local Army Navy Stores.

I never noticed the difference in colros between the leg straps and belt. I'll have to go back and take a look again. I've been planning on Screen capping all 3 versions of ANH for the Rebel Legion Starfighter COmmand Archieve. This is a good excuse to start (why all 3? to see what has been color retouched from edition to edition)

The edging hasn't been Id'd, but car door edging can be used. I believe that's what most of the kit makers use. I know it comes in different sizes, I'd go take a look at what's available, and what looks best.

And honestly, I don't think the Just adding the edging would help keep a rubies from deforming. I just don't think the material is firm enough to every completely hold it's shape on it's own.
I thought I was crazy at first, then I spent WAY too much time doing the freeze-frame thing on the DVD. Scene after scene of darker belts. (Sorry, I can't do frame grabs.) Especially noticeable when all the pilots stand up at the end of the briefing, and every single scene featuring x-wing pilots before the attack on the Death Star. The harnesses are silvery, near white, and the belts are grey. So funny - just absolutely never noticed.

Kind of like I always thought the Rebel Fleet Troopers' helmets were white, but they're actually light grey. Once I read that somewhere, and saw the film again, I was, like, "Oh, YEAH, they ARE grey!" :lol

And don't most of those edgings have a metal core inside that might help give support? My TK lid does. Maybe that's an old kind of trim - my TK armor is from 2002.

Here's a couple of pics of the belts from screencaps. I couldn't find very many at all in the group of pics that I have.

The "labeled" picture of Luke is from an older book. . . can't remember which one.



You could drive yourself crazy trying to match the subtle color variances of the belt and leg straps. I don't think it's worth it to be that anal.

My RA helmet kit came with the same door molding, that thinner molding has no wire in it, just heat activated adhesive.

Since my helmet paint scheme has blue, green and silver, I ditched the black molding and got some silver for mine. It makes it a little bit more distinctive. :)

My surplus ALICE pack I got for my Endor Commando costume (ok, there are more accurate packs out there, but I didn't find them before I got this one) has the black strap adjustment buckles on the small outer pockets.

And so do the shoulder straps. There's a lot of military gear that has them, you could probably find something cheaper to get the buckles off of. But I don't think I've ever seen any without the hole, maybe they don't make them that way anymore.

Someone gave me one of these buckles a few years ago, I believe he did get them from sleeping bag straps, and I'm not anal enough to care that it has the hole in it. I don't even think most people are going to notice.

That "labled" pic of Luke I believe is from the Visual Dictionary. Notice the mistakes? His arm too pocket is very narrow, his belt is turned (one of our unfortunate female pilots in So Cal made her belt wrong, since she only looked at this one photo. She put two buckles on it, with the mini flares in the middle. I don't know why nobody has asked her make a new belt, it looks ludicrous) and his flack vest is on backward.

So, it goes to show that you should never base a costume on one pic from one of the Visual Dictionaries (because we have learned they are often wrong), unless you just can't find any other references. Fortunately there are more for the X-Wing pilots, I just wish our certain female pilot had used them when she made her belt. :rolleyes

I will look forward to seeing more screen caps, as I'm working on my own costume.
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All the strap adjusters I have seen available at retail have no hole. They look like the attached pic. The screen-used version is apparently something unique to the military.

Since the readily available things cost like $0.59 each, I think I'll buy one and drill a hole in it!


PS - Jedi Loreen, I sent you a PM a while ago.
That one is plastic and is inaccurate in ways other than missing a hole.

The true metal adjuster can be found on load bearing suspenders like those pictured below. Often found in surplus stores.

However, I have cannibalized several suspenders for other projects and can send ya an adjuster. PM your address.
FYI, technically, it is a 1" steel black finish double bar buckle, and you can get them from your friendly neighborhood military buckle contract supplier - only $95 for a minimum order case of one thousand! :lol

FYI, technically, it is a 1" steel black finish double bar buckle, and you can get them from your friendly neighborhood military buckle contract supplier - only $95 for a minimum order case of one thousand! :lol

I have a bunch of these buckles. And yeah......I made them in my garage :lol:lol:lol...............Just kidding.

Here some pics.



As is so often the case here on older threads, all the pix are missing from early posts. So the info on the fitting used to attach the chestbox hose to the flightsuit is not really helpful.

"I did this, as you can see in the pic" etc. :confused Well, no, we can't see the pic anymore!

So what do people use for that fitting? I did a run to the local Home Depot and didn't see anything very promising, but it seems like some sort of a PVC elbow should work...

Many thanks for your input!

On mine, in the sprinkler section, I found a nice black elbow that fit perfectly in the hose. Then I epoxyed a magnet inside the elbow. So when I put the chest box on, I put another magnet under the flight suit where I want the tube to attach, and let magnetism work its magic.
Thanks for the responses. I just Googled sprinkler elbows and BAM there's a million of 'em, all black. So that's where I'll start looking.

Thanks again!


PS - Urg, anyone know what the ID and OD of the standard issue kit hose is/are? Looks like the average sprinkler elbows are really small...
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to show off my new leg flare holder I got from Mansugi. It's fantastic. . . the quality is just superb! :)
Here it is with my aluminum flares from Obi1Kenny.



There are even 2 clips on the inside to hook over the tops of the boots!

Thanks, Azman! It's a really great piece. :thumbsup
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to show off my new leg flare holder I got from Mansugi. It's fantastic. . . the quality is just superb! :)
Here it is with my aluminum flares from Obi1Kenny.



There are even 2 clips on the inside to hook over the tops of the boots!

Thanks, Azman! It's a really great piece. :thumbsup

very nice looking leg flare set up there!!! gonna be a hell of a good pilot costume when it's done.

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