The new Captain America??

He's not a good choice, in my opinion. But if you want to evaluate him, I'd at least watch Leatherheads instead of the office. There, he's in a more serious role, he's an admired and elevated character (football star) in a period piece.
I can easily see him in the role of the sickly guy before he gets the super-soldier serum. I dunno if I can imagine him as Captain America though. I like him alright... maybe he's versatile enough to do it but I've never seen him do anything OTHER than Jim on the Office.
I love this guy in the Office but I can't imagine him in a super hero role. Then again, I have never seen him in anything else, so he very well could have another capacity the directors saw. At one point, people were saying the choice for Tony Stark was a fall from grace.
I think it'll be a great choice. I remember reading in a magazine WAAAAY back when that Michael Keaton would be Batman and was appalled. "Mr. Mom can't be BATMAN!" Obviously I was proven wrong, so I try and give these actors a chance to nail the role before casting judgment.

I'm just concerned since Krasinski strikes me as the 'nice guy'. I've never seen Cap in that light. Friendly, but not a 'nice guy.'
I'd heard way back that he was going to replace Toby in Spider-man 4, but now seeing how they are doing Twilight/Spider-man, I guess they thought he may play a good Cap. Actually, I like the idea. He's easy to like and a good actor.
I think it'll be a great choice. I remember reading in a magazine WAAAAY back when that Michael Keaton would be Batman and was appalled. "Mr. Mom can't be BATMAN!" Obviously I was proven wrong, so I try and give these actors a chance to nail the role before casting judgment.

I'm just concerned since Krasinski strikes me as the 'nice guy'. I've never seen Cap in that light. Friendly, but not a 'nice guy.'

I was going to mention Keaton, too. I didn't run into anyone who thought he'd be good prior to seeing the film.

Gotta say, though, it would take a major CA suit to make him look like a beefed up super soldier. I suppose he could train rambo style or something, but i can't advocate that kinda HGH regimine :)
I think the guy who play's Chuck's brother-in-law, Captain Awesome would be a good choice. But that's just me.
I think the guy who play's Chuck's brother-in-law, Captain Awesome would be a good choice. But that's just me.

I'd second that suggestion. "Awesome" would be a great Cap in my opinion - he's got the looks, the physique, the right kind of personality...
Brad Beyer - Stanley from Jericho, although now a tad old at 37 , had the perfect look for Cap.

I love the Office, but John Krasinski-Jim Halpert doesn't really have the right look.

Chris Pratt, Andy in Parks & Recreation, has a better look for Cap. (...and up until just a minute ago, I though he played Roy (Pam's fiance' in the Office).
Let's face it... Cap is a soldier, and soldiers should look battle-hardened. It looks like the hardest thing JK has ever had to do was wait in line for his Starbucks.
To be fair, I think most of us have Jim Halpert on the brain.
"Jim Halpert as Captain America???!!! :lol:lol:lol"

However, for your consideration: What if he was someone we weren't familiar with? Give him blonde hair and let him heavily work out for a few months. Now let's pretend he is a good, solid dramatic actor that we haven't seen yet.
Personally I think he could do a fine job. Maybe not the perfect Cap in my minds eye, but I certainly think he can pull it off.