The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit Replica (Finished)

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit Replica WIP

Just thought i'd share how i plan putting webs on my suits.

I use chalk to roughly mark where the webs go, so i can make adjustments if necessary, then i go over the chalk lines with a fine permanent marker (as the chalk usually rubs off before you're done painting) and then finally i trace over the lines with the puff paint.

Also, it may be the flash not doing the blue fabric justice but, does it seem too bright to anyone else? it looks fine in person (not as dark as it is in the film, but not like it looks in these pics) just wanna hear some opinions before i decide weather to add shading or not...



Made a few adjustments to the eye frames as well.

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit Replica WIP

So sweet i frickin love the look of your suit!:D
Oh and yes personally it looks too bright but lighting is key even so it seems like itd be a bit too light in person as well
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit Replica WIP

Alright guys, i'm too chicken to try and darken my suit with spray paint shading. I did a few test on my V1 suit and it just made it look dirty... so decided against it, for now. Might look into airbrushing in the future.

Anyway here's a pic of the suit as it stands...


I'm working on mine and my girlfriend's suits like crazy as we're off to a comic con Saturday morning so i probably won't have time to upload finished pics until after the weekend.

The suit will be lacking palm and finger details, web shooters and shading for the con, but nothing particularly noticeable to the untrained eye ;) I may or may not revisit these aspects in the future, but once this is done i wanna move on with other projects :rolleyes

More pics to come soon!
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit Replica WIP

Looks like the classic comic suit to me, no need to do any darkening, looks great as it is man, good job :thumbsup
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit Replica WIP

I love love LOVE it, man. Woot!

Looks like the classic comic suit to me, no need to do any darkening, looks great as it is man, good job :thumbsup

You are good at making it!

you've outdone yourself dude, great works (as always)

Thanks everyone!

Went to comic con, had a great time and saw some really awesome costumes!

If anyone knows who's in any of these costumes, please let me know so i can credit and thank them! :D






The guy in the last pic's spidey costume was so perfect, and really made my blue look too bright :(

I'll post some more finished pics of the suit soon, when i've gotten some energy back haha!

Stay tuned!


Thanks to Spider-Trooper for posing in the last pic, great costume man!
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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit Replica WIP

I need help sewing my TASM Dgp suit on the legs. Anybody kind enough to assist me by pm? Would appreciate it thanks a lot in adv .

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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit Replica WIP

I need help sewing my TASM Dgp suit on the legs. Anybody kind enough to assist me by pm? Would appreciate it thanks a lot in adv .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sorry man, never attempted to sew a print.

dude. do you take on commissions?

Unfortunately i don't buddy, my free time is rather limited :(


Hey everyone,

i apologies for not posting in a while, but i've been crazy busy with work and other projects etc...
anyway just taken some more pics of the suit on it's own just to give some better views.








This is likely to be the end of my Spidey suits for a while as, i mentioned, i wanna move on with other projects. However I may revisit them in the future as again i'm not 100% happy with the colours, moveablity, stretch of the blue fabric and the detachable mask etc, but for now i'm calling this project done. :)

Feel free to comment and ask any questions, i'll still be around on the RPF and will be starting some new threads and resurrecting some old ones, so keep you're eyes peeled!

Thanks to everyone for the support and advice during this project it has really kept me inspired! Stay classy RPF. :thumbsup
Looking good my man. Do you think the puff paint applications will stand up to moving the around while you're wearing it. I know puff paint after it has aged has a tendency to crack. Looks really nice though man.
Fantastic work!

Amazing. Really.

Looking good my man. Do you think the puff paint applications will stand up to moving the around while you're wearing it. I know puff paint after it has aged has a tendency to crack. Looks really nice though man.

Thanks guys!

Yes it does hold up well when wearing it. Most materials used to make webs tend to crack/deteriorate over time, puff paint being the easiest to make repairs if necessary. However this all depends on how the paint is applied i.e. if the fabric is stretched to size then painted they will hold up better (I'm probably not explaining this well).

Overall it depends on how much you wear the costume, application methods etc. if it's going to see a lot of use i would go with permanent marker web lines or a sub dye print or both! (see Lunaman's thread for some great tips: it won't be 3D but still a great effect and the webs won't crack!
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