The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit Replica (Finished)

Hi can anybody just help me? I've been asking professional people in other suits and over 15 people or so but they all CANNOT HELP ME. I need help sewing a dgp TASM 1 part ,I've been stuck at the legs for months as I'm not sure how to proceed. And can somebody here be nice and provide aid instead of all being inactive ? Would appreciate any pms...

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Hi can anybody just help me? I've been asking professional people in other suits and over 15 people or so but they all CANNOT HELP ME. I need help sewing a dgp TASM 1 part ,I've been stuck at the legs for months as I'm not sure how to proceed. And can somebody here be nice and provide aid instead of all being inactive ? Would appreciate any pms...

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Lol you wont get any help with a DGP print
Wow... Just simply wow. Fantastic job tom!

Thanks man!

You made your lenses from acrylic? If you don't mind me asking, how did you cut it?

I used a dremel with a cutting disk, a palm sander to neaten up the edges and some wet and dry paper to finish it off.

Hi can anybody just help me? I've been asking professional people in other suits and over 15 people or so but they all CANNOT HELP ME. I need help sewing a dgp TASM 1 part ,I've been stuck at the legs for months as I'm not sure how to proceed. And can somebody here be nice and provide aid instead of all being inactive ? Would appreciate any pms...

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Sorry buddy, but as i mentioned before i've never sewn a print.
I had no idea about that earlier as I got my print from someone. That someone makes spidey stuff and is famous here too on rpf. So it doesn't mean that I'm a nobody here and you guys will just ignore. IF anybody here knows please help, I've spent a year plus studying and doing a suit, stucked at the leg part for months, no progress, nothing but 2 arms and a mask.

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So, he airbrushes it with black shading? Sorry, sorry, excuse me for being a total amateur with this whole deal-o.

I haven't actually seen how he does it but yes that's what i would do, airbrushing is basically a more controlled, economical and generally better alternative to spray paint.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit Replica WIP

Thanks everyone!

Went to comic con, had a great time and saw some really awesome costumes!

If anyone knows who's in any of these costumes, please let me know so i can credit and thank them! :D

View attachment 258445

The guy in the last pic's spidey costume was so perfect, and really made my blue look too bright :(

I'll post some more finished pics of the suit soon, when i've gotten some energy back haha!

Stay tuned!

The guy in that suit is SpiderTrooper, a good guy :)

Met him at the London Film and Comic Con last year, he's really nice! When I met him he was with the other Doc Oc (can't remeber the guys name now)
His is a Raimi suit by Yuri at SpideyPlanet iirc.
Check out his FB page for pics of his Blue Beetle build :)

Your suit is amazing, I really want to build a suit for this years London Film and Comic Con, going to buy tickets for a Stan Lee photoshoot, want to be in Spidey gear for that!
Amazing job, man! You've really helped inspire me to finish mine! I was starting to lose hope.

Thanks, glad it inspired you!

The guy in that suit is SpiderTrooper, a good guy :)

Met him at the London Film and Comic Con last year, he's really nice! When I met him he was with the other Doc Oc (can't remeber the guys name now)
His is a Raimi suit by Yuri at SpideyPlanet iirc.
Check out his FB page for pics of his Blue Beetle build :)

Your suit is amazing, I really want to build a suit for this years London Film and Comic Con, going to buy tickets for a Stan Lee photoshoot, want to be in Spidey gear for that!

Ah cheers buddy, i'll be sure to credit him on the photo :thumbsup

awesome man add boots and you will be ready to fight crime

Thanks, but it does already have boots :confused

Aww man! This suit is freaking awesome Tom! If you don't mind me asking, what did you think was the overall budget?

Thanks man, i think it was somewhere between £60-£70
This is a great build, I'm planning on making one in the summer, I hate to ask because I'm sure you've already answered but I must have missed it if you did, how many yards of red and blue spandex did you use?
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