Terminator T70 Infantry unit finished!


Sr Member
Hey guys,

I just finished my T70 Infantry Unit bust. So my Terminator:Evolution display is nearing completition :D

This started as a raw pull from the molds used to make the T70s at the Universal Studio Show T2-3D. The eyes, neck, neck pistons and jaw pistons are custom made. There are were two different versions of neck pistons used. One for the static display and one for the animatronic versions inside the theater.

I decided to make the first version so I could keep the base smaller. The irises are the same ones as used on the T800 Endo. I chose a military paint and idealized the weathering. A switch on the back of the base lights the eyes.

The first picture shows an original static version, which was once displayed at a store in the Orlando airport.

Hope you like him.





Awesome!!!!! :eek I LOVE the T-70 design! Used to be one of my favourites when I ran eTerminator.com and the one that most visitors would comment on. How the heck did you get hold of a raw pull of this bad boy?!

Oh, and Kroenen in the background is beautiful! :)
Well that's neat.

I've never seen this design before. Was it something Cameron designed?
VERY cool Thomas!

Seems like you´re finished with redoing your basement, right?
Wanna send me some pics of your redone office/ museum ;) ?

I have to see the T70's everytime we go to Universal. Its incredible when they do there display in the audtitorium before the T-2 3-d show. I know another guy with one of these T70 heads from the actual mold. I wish i could get my hands on one of these badboys.
Again awesome display!!
Yeah, Cameron went back and designed bulky looking "prototypes" for the attraction as well as direct the filmed scenes through the bleated landscape....I love the design and the show, itself, is not half bad either!
Thanks again for the nice comments :)

VERY cool Thomas!

Seems like you´re finished with redoing your basement, right?
Wanna send me some pics of your redone office/ museum ;) ?


It's still not fully "decorated". But I'll see if I can snap some pics for you this weekend if you like. Would be better if you come over again :D

How about a close-up of that Kroenen mask? I'd like to see how the dials turned out.


Haven't yet found the right clock dials. They must be very small like on a chronograph. So that's a little on the backburner right now. But Kroenen's mechanical hand is like 80% finished. :D

I have to see the T70's everytime we go to Universal. Its incredible when they do there display in the audtitorium before the T-2 3-d show. I know another guy with one of these T70 heads from the actual mold. I wish i could get my hands on one of these badboys.
Again awesome display!!

Yeah they are abolutely impressive in person. Here's a picture from inside the auditorium:


Man, I wish someone would make kits of that things head....or even a smaller kit of the whole thing.

Nice addition!:thumbsup