Terminator Salvation - Was it really that bad?


Active Member
Firstly, yes, I'm a Terminator fan. Many people are. In order of what I thought were the best goes T2, T1, T3 then T4.
I remember seeing Salvation (T4) for the first time at the cinema. I remember leaving the cinema feeling somewhat underwhelmed. However, I have come to think that after the second viewing on blue ray recently, perhaps that lacklustre first viewing was in part my own doing?
The Arnold Terminator movies are obviously in a class of their own. Did I bring with me to the cinema this expectation for such a movie somewhat unfairly? I'm now beginning to think so.
The first three movies were of a particular format, where as the forth tended to separate from this trend somewhat. To an extent, it definitely is fair to expect a movie from a franchise to continue along this format somewhat. On the other hand, you don't really want to see the same movie made over and over and over again. Then again, maybe you do? That's a matter of opinion.
Upon my first viewing, I already had an expectation of what I kind of envisioned the movie to be. When this viewing played along the grain a little, I guess I was a little thrown off.
After watching Salvation for the second time, I went into it with a different state of mind. Rather that being bummed out for what the movie wasn't, I tried to focus on what the movie was.
In it's own right, I can honestly say that I thought it was a good film. Was it a Terminator movie? Yeah, no, kinda. I think this is where I got caught out last time. It may bear the name, the characters, the story even, so technically it was a Terminator film. Obviously, you wouldn't want to deviate too much from the original formula, which it didn't, but there's no denying it did at least a little.
From a creative point of view, it's easy to understand why they might have wanted to re-imagine the franchise somewhat. Which is fair. Keeping in mind that you need to stay fair to the fan also. I think that a fairly even compromise was achieved.
Come T5, should it ever happen, would I prefer to see a return to the original formula? I would probably say, yeah. Does this discredit T4 at all? I don't think so.
Long story short. Watching T4 again provided promising results. From a fan's point of view, I probably shouldn't have needed to, but again, who was the one being unfair upon my initial judgement? The film maker or the viewer? May be worthwhile having a think about it...
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I found it entertaining even if it went on its own path in some ways, Terminator-storywise it gave me more of an "Origins" feel... Which is cool, and in my opinion, i like it overall. I'll watch it again for kicks
I Tought it was a great first movie of a trilogy. People i guess were expecting JC to be in charge and the revolt in full swing, sorry I never expected that. I wish they'd do the other 2 movies increasing the action and rebellion until BAM we see skynet go down.
I was entertained through the movie, even though I got sick of Bale's batman voice. I got super pumped when Arnold showed up, even if he was just CGI.
If I don't compare it to the other Terminator movies, then it isn't that bad. It is fun to watch, kind of one of those flicks that I shut my brain off and just enjoy it. The Batman voice did get annoying at times but sometimes it was also humorous.
If I don't compare it to the other Terminator movies, then it isn't that bad. It is fun to watch, kind of one of those flicks that I shut my brain off and just enjoy it. The Batman voice did get annoying at times but sometimes it was also humorous.

Yea Batman and Jake Sully's hoarse quiet voices were a tad bit annoying
I happened to watch it again last night and really enjoyed it. I think with a few tweaks it could have been really cool.
McG has had to wear a lot of criticism for this film, but I really can't see why? Yes, at times it dragged on in places, but over all, it's a very polished piece of work. Great fx, good acting, massive scope of a story, and I really feel that he tied it all up well. When going through the special features, it breaks down how they made the scene with Connor going down in the chopper, which was some really impressive camera work. Very cool imho.
Um...yeaaaaah. It was bad. I really wanted to leave halfway through, but I sat through to the end. Big mistake. What a let down. I really can't say anything good about the story. While I did enjoy the Terminator effects, and found some of the lines amusing...it just fell flat for me.

Loved T1 and T2, after that, for me there were no more Terminator films.
I think that, like KOTCS, T4 gets a bit of a bad rap. I didn't think it was as good as T1 or 2, but I figure it's on par with 3. Depending on what day you ask me/my mood. The only thing I can't get over is how lame and unbelievable the heart transplant was.

But I'm a sucker for "robots who can feel" movies. Robocop, T2, Iron Giant...can't get enough of it.
I remember hearing that it wasn't that good, so when I went into the theater I didn't have high expectations. But I enjoyed the movie a lot. Now I'm not the biggest Terminator fan ever, so maybe that factors into it, but i didn't think Salvation was that bad.

On the other hand, I heard so much good stuff about District 9 and I thought it was okay. I think the expectations you have going into a movie influence youre view of it somewhat.
Well, they just don't make movies now the way they did in the 80s. They'll never make movies like that again. Because it's not the 80s anymore.

If you look at it wanting what was there twenty years ago, you're going to be disappointed. That's the source of all the "[Insert director here] raped my childhood!" statements. If you look at these movies in today's terms, as a movie made in 2010/11, then they're not that bad at all.

Another good example is Tron. I mean, have you guys seen the original film lately? Groundbreaking as it was, the movie just really isn't very good. In terms of pure moviemaking, the sequel is far better on almost every level. But people have this idea of what the original was like, in their minds. Indiana Jones, Star Wars, the whole lot. It'll happen again with Prometheus, too. The thing to remember, for the haters, is that they're not taking the old movies away... you can still watch them and enjoy them for what they are. Just like I do. And I'll watch the new ones, and enjoy them for what they are, too.
I think that Salvation was a decent movie but it wasn't what I wanted to see as a fan. What I wanted was 2 hours of the stuff from Kyle's flashbacks from T1. What I got was Salvation, with A10's, submarines and all that jazz. :wacko
Um...yeaaaaah. It was bad. I really wanted to leave halfway through, but I sat through to the end. Big mistake. What a let down. I really can't say anything good about the story. While I did enjoy the Terminator effects, and found some of the lines amusing...it just fell flat for me.

This is EXACTLY how I felt right down to wanting to leave the theater, choosing not to, and being slapped in the face with that ending. Worst waste of two hours. Hated it more than '09 trek... Well "as much" as '09 trek. :lol

The effects were great. The action was good. Even the acting was decent.

The writing fell flat on its face.

Yes it was "that" bad for me.

Your mileage may vary. :)

Saw it twice and that was enough for me.

It was a helluva lot better than T-3 and that aint saying much.
First, it was still better than T3.

That said, I was able to put aside a lot of little things that were wrong with it, until the end. The heart transplant, in concept and execution, really nuked the fridge for me.