Stop Motion Studio ESB AT-ST!

She's stunning bro, it couldnt be better knowing the white and black ref you got, you nailed it at the max it was possible. Very impressive ! :thumbsup
Cheers bro, head is almost complete now, had to do a lot of tweaking, but all that is left is the black chipping on the rear and non hero side!

Decal now applied, tried with waterslide, and it looked like ass TBH, so i used a micro thin adhesive vinyl, it self seals too so no smudging after printing them, but i did give it a shot of dullcote.

Theres a small edge lip, but hell...i got the decal on, thats me happy!

Most the finer weathering has been done with graphite pencils, and a fine foam "smudger" to blur the marks up some.

The side blast mark is a mix of Tamiya smoke pastel, and graphite pencil!

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Very nice, Lee; you're almost done! :thumbsup I guess you just need the droplet 6-pack on each engine side?

Well, I'm at square one, putting together an efficiency list and about to fire off the first order, mainly older Tamiya kits.

Could you give me a hand with the head/weapon questions below?

1 - are the clear elliptical domes for the sides from Plastruct, the 2-inchers, # VHE-200 ?

2 - what is the part behind the "Gatling gun face" on the right side weapon?

3 - is the "star" behind Lang's return rollers on the back a kit part ? Looks like a motorcycle fuel tank cap...

..and, could you confirm the following?

4 - do I need the AMT 1/25 Titan? It's been mentioned in the threads, but nothing specific regarding which parts. Easy kit to get for around 30 USD

5 - same question regarding the kit referred to as "C600". Is it the Ford C-600 from AMT? If yes, a specific body/length or will any C-600 do?

6 - are the red panels and the circular brackets with two perforated quarter-discs inside Leichter 223 turret bases the only parts needed from the 312B ?

Of course, I've got more questions, but for now, answers to the first three alone would clear the way for the construction of the head.

Thanks :cool
Very nice, Lee; you're almost done! :thumbsup I guess you just need the droplet 6-pack on each engine side?

Well, I'm at square one, putting together an efficiency list and about to fire off the first order, mainly older Tamiya kits.

Could you give me a hand with the head/weapon questions below?

1 - are the clear elliptical domes for the sides from Plastruct, the 2-inchers, # VHE-200 ?

2 - what is the part behind the "Gatling gun face" on the right side weapon?

3 - is the "star" behind Lang's return rollers on the back a kit part ? Looks like a motorcycle fuel tank cap...

..and, could you confirm the following?

4 - do I need the AMT 1/25 Titan? It's been mentioned in the threads, but nothing specific regarding which parts. Easy kit to get for around 30 USD

5 - same question regarding the kit referred to as "C600". Is it the Ford C-600 from AMT? If yes, a specific body/length or will any C-600 do?

6 - are the red panels and the circular brackets with two perforated quarter-discs inside Leichter 223 turret bases the only parts needed from the 312B ?

Of course, I've got more questions, but for now, answers to the first three alone would clear the way for the construction of the head.

Thanks :cool


Its getting late here buddy, bit give me till tommorow and ill sort the info out for you, ill send you a PM or something!

Thanks Flint, yeah she doesnt look too bad huh lol, Looking forward to Allans build, his is looking awesome, what with the vacform head and all, these things really do rock!

Now that is just amazing work!. You could show that to Joe Johnston and he would think maybe the original prop wasn't destroyed after all lol. Anyhoo, you rocked with this build Lee, one of the most enjoyable threads.
Very nice, Lee; you're almost done! :thumbsup I guess you just need the droplet 6-pack on each engine side?

Well, I'm at square one, putting together an efficiency list and about to fire off the first order, mainly older Tamiya kits.

Could you give me a hand with the head/weapon questions below?

1 - are the clear elliptical domes for the sides from Plastruct, the 2-inchers, # VHE-200 ?

2 - what is the part behind the "Gatling gun face" on the right side weapon?

3 - is the "star" behind Lang's return rollers on the back a kit part ? Looks like a motorcycle fuel tank cap...

..and, could you confirm the following?

4 - do I need the AMT 1/25 Titan? It's been mentioned in the threads, but nothing specific regarding which parts. Easy kit to get for around 30 USD

5 - same question regarding the kit referred to as "C600". Is it the Ford C-600 from AMT? If yes, a specific body/length or will any C-600 do?

6 - are the red panels and the circular brackets with two perforated quarter-discs inside Leichter 223 turret bases the only parts needed from the 312B ?

Of course, I've got more questions, but for now, answers to the first three alone would clear the way for the construction of the head.

Thanks :cool

I will try to answer :

1- Yes
2- Dunno
3- Yes it looks like that... but I think it's unknown
4- Yes, the part is on the upper leg
5- Yes the AMT one, yes it's specific, I let Lee give you the correct ref :)
6- No, this kit is also used on the upper leg
Ha, cheers bro! Youll need the AMT C600, Napa or Hertz type delivery truck. Somebody was going to cast these, but i guess itll never happen!

The 312B is also used on the chassis upper deck! Just havent had the time to run all the Q's round my head Adam!

Ill get to them this weekend bro, will touch up and finish the bit of weathering i have to do and add the hoses, from there all i need to do is add the 312t valve stack tops..... when my darn kit gets here!

Thanks Tox and Lee; appreciate the help. :thumbsup

1 - nice :cool
2 - ok, will come back to this later. Add: I also realized that the part between the Gatling assembly and the R dome is the Bandai part from the hatch, only the opposite, making the kit good for 2 parts after all
3 - ha.. NBD if needs to be S/B't
4 - I was suspecting the part with the riveted steps and the lower forward cut-out; ok, putting this one on the list
5 - Napa or Hertz...awesome
6 - Interesting info. I also stumbled upon a few galleries of folks who actually build these racer models and saw the "ribbed double box" painted yellow, also in the engine area

Obviously, I've been checking out the Bay, and man, do the prices swing on the Tamiya racers...sometimes there are huge differences for the same kit just hours apart. Several kits are in a similar situation..

Got to get the big Brabham now, and the head will be covered nicely.:)

Thanks fellas,
Adam, good tip for your F1's, try get re're's off Ebay, HK is your best bet as its very rare you will pay customs.
The Brabham will probably be your most expensive, but the 312b's are rising of late IMO!
The 312t, and Lotus are easy to bag at decent BIN prices TBH!

Adam, good tip for your F1's, try get re're's off Ebay, HK is your best bet as its very rare you will pay customs.
The Brabham will probably be your most expensive, but the 312b's are rising of late along with the Tyrell's IMO!
The 312t, and Lotus are easy to bag at decent BIN prices TBH!

The C600, thats a pretty pricey one too, i stole mine, but i have seen 'em fetch silly money, there are two on Ebay right now FYI!

I love buying the F1 kits TBH, there a goldmine of donor parts and so worth collecting along the way!

absolutely stunning.

i've had a fear of doing an SS model...but if anything gets me off my a$$ it was witnessing this one come together. not only is it easy on the eyes, but you've been a gentlemen on showing us everything that went into it (all the SBS).

one noob question tho.
is there a general concensus of what ppl use for the "star wars rust" orangey powder? product and/or actual color..and even better, a means of application.

much thx
Thanks for the comps bud, as for the rust, on this model i used orange oil washes, watching TESB you can see on the ATAT props, the weathering is very orange, not brown TBH, once you subdue it with filtering and misting etc, it all kinda blends in nicely!

i realize the ref pix are sparse, but...
i'm noticing there is no detailing of the "lateral-thigh" pieces. visually, it would have been nice to see a little there, imho. do the latest-greatest pix confirm that area to be naked or is the thought that if an area isn't confirmed then it stays bare for possible future detailing?
The filming model was finished hurriedly. In fact, the original display model was disassembled, then pieced back together over a metal armature made after-the-fact. The entire affair seems to have been an after thought, the result of Lucas wandering through the model shop and spying Joe Johnston's little study/display model and proclaiming, 'why don't you put it in the show'.

Consequently, only the model's left side appears to have been completely finished. Lee and I have taken to calling that the "Hero" side. I've gone a little different route to building mine, matching the right side of my replica's head to the photo-ref available...which means, it's pretty sparsely detailed.

There is actually one or more detail parts on the inner right thigh - the "thigh" being the uppermost section of the right leg. Unfortunately, neither Lee or I have been able to suss out what those kit parts are from. Would be a simple scratch, but that would just be wrong! LOL
Allan has it in a nutshell lol, the inner thigh part, yeah, thats been omitted totally for the day we do find it, i started to scratch one, but then thought its an easy addition once found, same as the axle part on the chassis upper deck TBH, we would both like to find those QC!

I kinda like the models odd apearance now, its quirky, and adding kit parts to the non "hero" side, would make those legs look way chunky and just not right IMO!

Well i got my 312t, so ill be adding those parts this weekend...woot!

Cheers allan :)
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