Stop Motion Studio ESB AT-ST!

Not sure what area of the leg, but there are a few pins used on the build?

The feet on the prop,do not touch the ground, mine are about 1.5mm higher, and no it doesnt bother me at all, i sleep very well on it in fact :lol
Shaving the ankle blocks, a friend of mine did, but i chickened out as if i screwed up, there wouldnt be a replacement..and id be pretty bummed!

The TIE hulls, are cut pretty much spot on to the cut on the studio mini, give or take a thou or two!

My right foot plate is tapped in the centre for display holding, a countersunk allen bolt on the underside of the base keeps accidents at bay!

The tendons, yup they stop it falling flat on its face, they work very well, but spring steel would have been better!

The head, slots over a flatbar neck strut, i built a box section in the lower head that just allows me to slide the head on and off, but this is a pain to remove once you start messing with hoses etc!

Oh man that turned out great! I didn't realize how long legged the ESB one was, looks like a fast scout that can run 150mph.

Well, for now, its done! Two parts have been omitted for now,these are the axle part on the chassis rear deck, and the plate on the inner right thigh...we havent found them, and i didnt want to scratch them, but there easily added, if we ever bag them LOL.

I will endeavor to get some posed pics soon, but i have an idea before i do lol...was thinking of tapping out the rear lower chassis block, for a faux stop motion mount, into this i was thinking of fitting a micro Panavise, and attaching to a post (kinda like the Tauntan mount but from the rear) for total flexibility....hell i could leave the legs floppy then and just play till my hearts content?

Paint work was so tricky to get right (most ref is in greyscale), and man i tip my hat to Rolando on his paint up, maybe elaboration IS way more fun...., but i will say, a good graphite pencil for weathering really works wonders over grey paint!



Not sure what area of the leg, but there are a few pins used on the build?

The feet on the prop,do not touch the ground, mine are about 1.5mm higher, and no it doesnt bother me at all, i sleep very well on it in fact :lol
Shaving the ankle blocks, a friend of mine did, but i chickened out as if i screwed up, there wouldnt be a replacement..and id be pretty bummed!

The TIE hulls, are cut pretty much spot on to the cut on the studio mini, give or take a thou or two!

My right foot plate is tapped in the centre for display holding, a countersunk allen bolt on the underside of the base keeps accidents at bay!

The tendons, yup they stop it falling flat on its face, they work very well, but spring steel would have been better!

The head, slots over a flatbar neck strut, i built a box section in the lower head that just allows me to slide the head on and off, but this is a pain to remove once you start messing with hoses etc!


yeah my explanation was teh crap.
when i was speaking of the pins...i should have properly said:
what are the small clamp like devices on the main pin that connects leg part A to leg part B...they look like mini-flat hose clamps...kinda?
this can be seen on your photo "TESBATSTscratchbuild050". make more sense?

the vader pod hovering wasn't meant as a slander...sorry if sounded like it. was just wondering your POV. was more wondering your take on it in hindsight...and if you'd change anything with more forethought?
y'know, once you look at it, think about its scale...and imagine little guys driving it. i bet it'd probably feel like standing on telephone poles (being a driver who popped his head out of the hatch).
doubt i would feel "safe" up there.
Looks awesome Lee. I plan on finishing mine up someday once I can find the time. Got some projects to get finished first.

Cheers Rich...Isel yes be nice to see you do this sometime, well i just got the rear block off the chassis, came off great with no parts popping off, then realised and Panavise is 1/4" 20 TPI...i dont have a 20 TPI tap thats put me back for the mounting point..arrggh.....seems a silly thing to do, but itll be way safer to play with the model with the legs just lightly nipped up and the Panavise taking the burden of weight!

This way, i can adjust the day away, without fear of popping parts off or damaging any pinch bolts due to excessive "playtime" :lol

Love to see a little stop-motion done with this puppy :)

Quincy, I think what you meant were snap rings, they clamp around the rods at the articulation points and keep the legs pinned together. You can buy sets of 300 pcs on ebay for around 10 bucks, has all the perfect sizes for the walker props (to clamp around the ~1/2" rod stock).
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Matt i wouldnt even know where to begin with animating it :lol but at least i can take some decent snaps in various positions, its really not that articulate...when compared to the ROTJ of course, the way ILM did the hips on this walker especially, really limit the postioning that would be possible.

Ah the circlips...yeah im with you now Quincy, thanks Matt...well i didnt use all mine, they limited a few parts in fitment, but there really not needed on both sides of an axle pin TBH...the pinch bolt takes care of that i guess!

i figured the intentions of the clips, but if the sections are screwed down they "grab" the pin.
it didn't make real "engineering" sense, but wanted to ask just in case i was missing something.
they do make it look a little more tech-y...i likey, but will not use if its of no use, and if they get in the way of mounting the "skin"
thanx guys.
Looks cool! Why what's up with the fiberoptic wires? You should use bass guitar strings. I have an old set if you'd like. These are nickel plated - no worries about rusting. NO charge,except shipping. PM me if you're interested.
Those are actually clear tubes (they were included in a few of the donor kits for this build), and were on the original just like that - weird, eh?
Looks cool! Why what's up with the fiberoptic wires? You should use bass guitar strings. I have an old set if you'd like. These are nickel plated - no worries about rusting. NO charge,except shipping. PM me if you're interested.

Thanks, but as J stated, guitar string is not used on the prop, nor is it F/O strand, its a clear hose from the Tamiya 1/12 F1 kits!

Sharp eyes? Dont know about that, they seem to be failing me lately, all this parts ID is making me squint...think i can sue somebody for that? :lol

i have a technical question about the armature itself and how it works. the joint that connects the lower leg to the middle leg seems to be least more susceptible to "letting loose" than the other joints in the leg. the others have a tightenin/pinch mechanism that grabs the joining pin....however the joint in question seems to be relying solely on ..what i call the "calf"...the mechanism on the back of the legs made of two bars of metal providing a spring action?

is this correct? that the "calf" bars actually keep it upright?
is it that trust worthy? would you add an extra redundent brake system at that joint for security?

OK, rear tendons....When J got a hold of the proto, we had a debate on how it all worked, and this design, follows the prop very closely.

The tendons we have, are alloy, and a little too thick TBH, the design is there, but the media from which they are made, could have been a little better thought out.

Spring steel, would have been the best bet, as yes, these tendons, support this area as a whole, the alloy works fine, but has no memory, thus making some poses a little heart racing.

Its something im working on finding (spring steel strip) while im reworking much of my for your armature, heed this, dont use alloy buddy!

Another thing, the lower calf, isnt supported by a roll pin, instead, ILM used a flat headed screw here (possibly to lock it all up), something i mentioned way back, but hey, this thing was a first, and there is much me Allan, and Jason have learnt over time.

Its not an easy task designing this, and desigining it to accept all our donors, in the same fashion as the prop, well, Allan deserves a medal for doing so damn well anyhow.

Good luck on your quest, and of course, if i can be of help, fire away, but TBH, this was always Allans baby lol.

OK, its been a while, and my walker has undergone some very welcome revisions over the past few months, as and when i get time...still not 100% yet, but pics soon!

Anyhoo, enough about me, this is a heads up, stay tuned to the thread, for a very, announcement.......shouldnt be long...but it is, really cool!

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