Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Pre-release)

By needing this one film to do the work of an entire trilogy in just 2.5-3hrs

Yeah I loved that scene where we got to see Luke reacting to learning that his best friend just got murdered

Real tear jerker that one

Uh huh.........

Its a real tear jerker, if you understand what's going on.
I saw a friend today who plays a character in TROS. They told me that JJ hated TLJ and had reversed most things Rian did. They were pretty adamant about it. This can only compound the series as disjointed/ inconsistent/ unplanned.

So JJ is saying one thing to the media, but your friend had inside information that says otherwise. I'm going to need alot of salt for this one.
From my experience working on a few films over the years, the things that are said to the media can often times not reflect what the reality of the situation is inside. This seems especially true with bigger, high risk films. I worked on a film a few years back that had a big shake up with the directors involved early on in the process--it was fascinating to see how different the account was in the entertainment news outlets and what I personally experienced while working on it. Also it's never really a good idea to burn bridges or throw anyone under the bus publicly, regardless of how one might feel :D
Uh huh.........

Its a real tear jerker, if you understand what's going on.

I find it utterly strange how you keep repeatedly acting confused at statements like mine when for god knows how many thread pages back now dozens of us have been discussing with you the countless legitimate objective ways that TLJ is a complete dumpster fire in terms of writing, story structure and character development.. How literally nothing of any real consequence occurs in the film making it essentially pointless in terms of progression within this new trilogy, and how TROS now not only needs to make up for that missing development in TLJ, but also the already severely lacking development in TFA that was supposed to be made up for in TLJ
Many points of which you yourself have eventually agreed with...
It feels like you reset after a few days and flush out anything remotely negative in terms of Star Wars from your mind in these discussions

I dont mean this in an insulting way mind you.. I myself just find it frustrating and somewhat confusing that we need to keep repeating these same points over and over with you
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I find it utterly strange how you keep repeatedly acting confused at statements like mine when for god knows how many thread pages back now dozens of us have been discussing with you the countless legitimate objective ways that TLJ is a complete dumpster fire in terms of writing, story structure and character development.. How literally nothing of any real consequence occurs in the film making it essentially pointless in terms of progression within this new trilogy, and how TROS now not only needs to make up for that missing development in TLJ, but also the already severely lacking development in TFA that was supposed to be made up for in TLJ
Many points of which you yourself have eventually agreed with...
It feels like you reset after a few days and flush out anything remotely negative in terms of Star Wars from your mind in these discussions

I dont mean this in an insulting way mind you.. I myself just find it frustrating and somewhat confusing that we need to keep repeating these same points over and over with you

Sounds like a classic case of cognitive dissonance ;)

Also on fixing the Ruin Johnson mess, the easiest fix would simply have been to name The Rise of Skywalker: "EPISODE 7", and start over.
How exactly has TLJ boxed in TROS?
There’s literally hundreds of pages of discussion on this board, most of it involves you too. Why the need to start it again all over?

Uh huh.........

Its a real tear jerker, if you understand what's going on.
I’m pretty sure he meant that it didn’t make it to the final cut.

So JJ is saying one thing to the media, but your friend had inside information that says otherwise. I'm going to need alot of salt for this one.
That’s hardly a surprise. You yourself reflected on how long Ewan was saying untrue things about the Obi-wan series.
Of course it’s all up to ourselves if we take someone’s word for stuff like this so fair play on that.
Just because it's black, doesn't mean it's takes place in the vacuum of space. It could be night on a planet.
You've seen TLJ probably more times than anyone one of us here so you know this isn't true. She's floating in space.

I mean that's just reaching in the worst possible way. C'mon man, you're smarter than that. ;)

The space horses on the hull of the ship has been mention by me and a few others. So laughingly bad.

I just can't wait for this to all be over. Ten years from now few will even care about this trilogy.
That is absolutely correct - of course he wouldn’t disrespect a fellow director and damage the brand publicly - he understands the way things need to work. But In reality he was not at all happy with TLJ.

True, you'll have to forgive me, I'm just a tad bit skeptical. But then again I don't know your friend. I guess I'll find out in a month. Because up to now, all reports, tell us that JJ was little jealous of Rian's script.
I find it utterly strange how you keep repeatedly acting confused at statements like mine when for god knows how many thread pages back now dozens of us have been discussing with you the countless legitimate objective ways that TLJ is a complete dumpster fire in terms of writing, story structure and character development.. How literally nothing of any real consequence occurs in the film making it essentially pointless in terms of progression within this new trilogy, and how TROS now not only needs to make up for that missing development in TLJ, but also the already severely lacking development in TFA that was supposed to be made up for in TLJ
Many points of which you yourself have eventually agreed with...
It feels like you reset after a few days and flush out anything remotely negative in terms of Star Wars from your mind in these discussions

I dont mean this in an insulting way mind you.. I myself just find it frustrating and somewhat confusing that we need to keep repeating these same points over and over with you

That's your opinion my friend. But having just watched TLJ again, :) I respectfully disagree.
You've seen TLJ probably more times than anyone one of us here so you know this isn't true. She's floating in space.

I mean that's just reaching in the worst possible way. C'mon man, you're smarter than that. ;)

The space horses on the hull of the ship has been mention by me and a few others. So laughingly bad.

I just can't wait for this to all be over. Ten years from now few will even care about this trilogy.

Yes Leia is in space, but that doesn't mean Rey and Finn are.

Riding speeder bikes or some other kind creature is much more effective then walking, when trying to get from point A to point B.
There’s literally hundreds of pages of discussion on this board, most of it involves you too. Why the need to start it again all over?

I’m pretty sure he meant that it didn’t make it to the final cut.

That’s hardly a surprise. You yourself reflected on how long Ewan was saying untrue things about the Obi-wan series.
Of course it’s all up to ourselves if we take someone’s word for stuff like this so fair play on that.

And I still disagree with the that assessment.

Oh, that, scene. Its good scene, but prefer the pacing of the movie. What with the "where's Han?" Followed by a cut to Han's son.
Yes Leia is in space, but that doesn't mean Rey and Finn are.

Riding speeder bikes or some other kind creature is much more effective then walking, when trying to get from point A to point B.
But riding on the outside of a ship in orbit makes no logical sense.
Can you give us a hint about who he or she is? Does his name rhyme with Madam Striver?

I saw a friend today who plays a character in TROS. They told me that JJ hated TLJ and had reversed most things Rian did. They were pretty adamant about it. This can only compound the series as disjointed/ inconsistent/ unplanned.
Can you give us a hint about who he or she is? Does his name rhyme with Madam Striver?

Yes—is your friend the discarded Vidal Sassoon hair drier that was converted into a droid for TROS?

Oh the stories it could tell, I bet.

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