Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Pre-release)

Are you saying the little mini fireballs are the debris?

How could we have missed this for all these years?!?!?

Indeed, I zoomed in on the lower dish area of the Death Star II as it was exploding...

Sure enough. I was able to find Harold Q. Palpatine getting shot out of the explosion, to the safety of the vacuum of space.

See that speck here? That’s Harold...

You don’t see him???

How about now?

It must have been only a flesh wound that he suffered after having been tossed down a seemingly bottomless shaft, followed by being engulfed in an explosion with the power to disintegrate a planet, followed by the fiery entry into a planet’s atmosphere, and finally crashing into the planet’s surface with great speed and fury. Indeed, ladies and gentlemen, The Force works in mysterious ways.

Still, Rey should be able to easily defeat anyone who could survive all of that by poking at them with a lightsaber.
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This may divert the topic but anyone think the story would have been exciting if Rey turned to the dark side in TLJ?

Ironically the films would set this up pretty well. In TFA, the only character we really know about is Kylo Ren(mix of light and dark, tricked by Snoke, loves Vader) while we know next to nothing of Rey.

In TLJ, we still don’t know much except we see Rey willingly dive head first into the dark side for answers. In the throne rip off scene, we could have had Snoke tempt Rey to the dark side while the light in Kylo turning him good and decide to escape, maybe Luke coming to rescue him.

Given the lack of development, having Rey being an OP unknown entity fits a bad guy better imo. It would make the finale more exciting (we’ve seen Rey trounce Kylo twice and the dark side makes someone stronger so how is he going to win here?). Kylo being the true main character would fit given that he is a Skywalker. Hell, it would also be new since I don’t think we’ve really explored Jedi who have fallen to the dark side and redeemed themselves while alive (the traditional view being once you go dark, you don’t come back).
This may divert the topic but anyone think the story would have been exciting if Rey turned to the dark side in TLJ?

Ironically the films would set this up pretty well. In TFA, the only character we really know about is Kylo Ren(mix of light and dark, tricked by Snoke, loves Vader) while we know next to nothing of Rey.

In TLJ, we still don’t know much except we see Rey willingly dive head first into the dark side for answers. In the throne rip off scene, we could have had Snoke tempt Rey to the dark side while the light in Kylo turning him good and decide to escape, maybe Luke coming to rescue him.

Given the lack of development, having Rey being an OP unknown entity fits a bad guy better imo. It would make the finale more exciting (we’ve seen Rey trounce Kylo twice and the dark side makes someone stronger so how is he going to win here?). Kylo being the true main character would fit given that he is a Skywalker. Hell, it would also be new since I don’t think we’ve really explored Jedi who have fallen to the dark side and redeemed themselves while alive (the traditional view being once you go dark, you don’t come back).
Given how much I actually like Kylo Ren as a character, I think this would have been a really good development for TLJ, because we’ve basically seen Rey win twice so far. Vader was the one winning in ANH and ESB in the OT (as far as duels are concerned), so her turning to the dark side would actually have me wondering whether Kylo could defeat her, rather than being pretty sure Rey will win because she’s done nothing but.
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How could we have missed this for all these years?!?!?

Indeed, I zoomed in on the lower dish area of the Death Star II as it was exploding...

Sure enough. I was able to find Harold Q. Palpatine getting shot out of the explosion, to the safety of the vacuum of space.

See that speck here? That’s Harold...
View attachment 1083018
You don’t see him???

How about now?
View attachment 1083017

It must have been only a flesh wound that he suffered after having been tossed down a seemingly bottomless shaft, followed by being engulfed in an explosion with the power to disintegrate a planet, followed by the fiery entry into a planet’s atmosphere, and finally crashing into the planet’s surface with great speed and fury. Indeed, ladies and gentlemen, The Force works in mysterious ways.

Rey should be able to easily defeat anyone who could survive all of that by poking at them with a lightsaber.
The child inside me always wished for this moment. I can't believe I didn't notice him survive all these years. It's so obvious! I should have seen it.

Sheev you conniving *******! I always knew you had it in you! I'm so pumped to watch him get killed for real this time. If anyone can do it Rey can, because no Jedi in history has been able to up until now. Not even that Yoda character, whatever he was. 900 years of knowledge and experience mean nothing. Nothing I tell you!
Fast forward? Is everyone still rocking VHS/Beta, or did you know about chapter skipping?

I'm an odd man out and my favorite of the OT has always been ROTJ. I was 5 years old when that came out in theaters and seeing Luke reach the point of being able to handle his own and that black garb and first igniting the green saber... HUGE moments for me. The creatures were awesome, LOVE Jabba's palace, the Speeder Bikes, the half-built DS2 and the Emperor arriving... Luke striking Vader down... For me it was just all so cool and will never be dismantled as #1 in my life. Not the popular choice like most with ESB, but that's just me.

Don't really read much in this thread too often, but I have always liked ROTJ the best, even if I know its not the best made or acted. Nice to see some love for Jedi as well. I was a very hyper child growing up, as I have ADHD. I was only 2 when Jedi came out, but my parents, for whatever reason decided to bring me to the theater anyways. They said I never could hold still for they were pretty surprised that even at 2, I sat and watched the whole movie without moving once. Today I'm like, well yeah, its Star Wars. haha Wish I could remember seeing it then. But at somewhere between 5 to 7 I remember it coming on TV and watching it then. At that point I had only seen parts of ANH and had never seen ESB. So probably why I also hold dear to Jedi the most. I still think that the final battle with the death star 2 is the most epic made space battle of all time. But knowing that each model had to be filmed, composited together, shot by shot to get what we got really helps and with the time they had makes it all the more amazing they ever finished in time. CGI can look and do some pretty great stuff, but something about the craziness of using actual real models is more impressive to me.
This may divert the topic but anyone think the story would have been exciting if Rey turned to the dark side in TLJ?

Ironically the films would set this up pretty well. In TFA, the only character we really know about is Kylo Ren(mix of light and dark, tricked by Snoke, loves Vader) while we know next to nothing of Rey.

In TLJ, we still don’t know much except we see Rey willingly dive head first into the dark side for answers. In the throne rip off scene, we could have had Snoke tempt Rey to the dark side while the light in Kylo turning him good and decide to escape, maybe Luke coming to rescue him.

Given the lack of development, having Rey being an OP unknown entity fits a bad guy better imo. It would make the finale more exciting (we’ve seen Rey trounce Kylo twice and the dark side makes someone stronger so how is he going to win here?). Kylo being the true main character would fit given that he is a Skywalker. Hell, it would also be new since I don’t think we’ve really explored Jedi who have fallen to the dark side and redeemed themselves while alive (the traditional view being once you go dark, you don’t come back).
Yes, been saying this since I first saw the film. Kylo turning back after killing Snoke but Rey becoming more power hungry after killing the guards would have been way more interesting. Or the two of them teaming up in one way.
Another huge missed opportunity was putting Kylo and Leia in a place together and have some consequence of killing Han. Would have been a much better demonstration of Leia’s Force than floating in space.
Guess that’s what you get when you turn in your first draft and call it a script.
I always like the idea of Kylo being a double agent. He only turned so that he could defeat the First Order from within and by killing Han he won Snoke's trust so that Kylo could turn on him and defeat the dark side once and for all.
Are you saying the little mini fireballs are the debris?
No, look at the middle of the explosion, at 1min:12sec of that video. It's a crescent shaped chunk. Pretty substantial relative to the size of the Death Star II. In the movie, it's still seen careening down in the shot from the perspective of the surface of Endor. That video ends right before it.

That said, I know it wasn't intentional, and there wasn't a grand plan for it. I'm just saying that there is something in the films that substantiates the possibility of big pieces of the Death Star II falling onto moons/planets below.
No, look at the middle of the explosion, at 1min:12sec of that video. It's a crescent shaped chunk. Pretty substantial relative to the size of the Death Star II. In the movie, it's still seen careening down in the shot from the perspective of the surface of Endor. That video ends right before it.

That said, I know it wasn't intentional, and there wasn't a grand plan for it. I'm just saying that there is something in the films that substantiates the possibility of big pieces of the Death Star II falling onto moons/planets below.

Hmm. I see it there but that's the special edition of that explosion. I only watch the theatricals. I'll have to look and see if it's there on the Despecialized editions.
Another huge missed opportunity was putting Kylo and Leia in a place together and have some consequence of killing Han.

I would have loved (hoped to after TFA was released) to see them in a scene together, and Leia staring Ben in the eyes with tears welt up just give one massive smack in the face. That would have been a very impactful scene showing how much shame she has toward him and also left a lasting emotional mark on Ben. He's had no direct contact with Han (obviously) or Leia after that moment on the bridge. He at very least deserved that from his Mom.
I would have loved (hoped to after TFA was released) to see them in a scene together, and Leia staring Ben in the eyes with tears welt up just give one massive smack in the face. That would have been a very impactful scene showing how much shame she has toward him and also left a lasting emotional mark on Ben. He's had no direct contact with Han (obviously) or Leia after that moment on the bridge. He at very least deserved that from his Mom.
Yeah, it’s been a weird choice for the ST that Ben hasn’t had basically any real contact with his parents outside of killing Han. Missed opportunity for the supposed “Skywalker” saga
I actually thought Kylo Ren turning dark not for the evulz but because he wants to establish order would have made sense. Like it or not, the Empire did establish order in the galaxy and a smart manipulator like Snoke could state all the benefits the empire did (I think they made slavery illegal) while hiding their flaws (there were still slaves owned by hutts).

I can totally see Snoke describe the first order be a bunch of people fighting for order, giving Kylo the chance to fight as a hero for order . Would make Snoke a master manipulator and also justify why Kylo struggles with the light inside him.
I actually thought Kylo Ren turning dark not for the evulz but because he wants to establish order would have made sense. Like it or not, the Empire did establish order in the galaxy and a smart manipulator like Snoke could state all the benefits the empire did (I think they made slavery illegal) while hiding their flaws (there were still slaves owned by hutts).

I can totally see Snoke describe the first order be a bunch of people fighting for order, giving Kylo the chance to fight as a hero for order . Would make Snoke a master manipulator and also justify why Kylo struggles with the light inside him.

This reminds me of The Operative in "Serenity" - guy who had ZERO moral issues with murdering innocent people by the dozens (or hundreds) in the name of 'the greater good'.

- Mal: I don't murder children.

- Operative: I do. If I have to.

THAT was a scary villain.
Why is everyone calling Kylo Ren ‘Ben’, I know that’s what his family named him,.... but his character name is Kylo

I didn't see this posted yet, and this does wonders for my faith in Episode 9 Mark Hamill tells fan to wait for Ep. 9 to come out on cable

Love this guy to bits, he’s so sarcastic that he could be flat out British. :lol:
The article is super clickbaity again btw, Hamill made a joke and there’s am entire article about it, calm your **** web-journalists...:lol:

Why is everyone calling Kylo Ren ‘Ben’, I know that’s what his family named him,.... but his character name is Kylo

They prob all mean to say Ren but make a typo.

Because he was born as Ben Solo. Point blank. Kylo Ren is just his evil alter ego like Darth Vader was to Anakin Skywalker.
That’s true but nobody calls Vader Anakin in any non-prequel movie.
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