Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Pre-release)

Save Star Wars? No fan edit can fix the fundamental script flaws in the ST or PT. The revisionism only came about in the OT because George could never make up his mind. This is the problem with trying to expand a complete trilogy and build it into a 9 part saga.

Don’t give up on the PT or the ST yet...

George Lucas proved, via the OT Special Editions, that you can fix any flawed movie by the simplest of changes. These strategic changes alter your movie-watching experience, for the better, and make you say, “brilliant—why didn’t he do that before??”

Oh yes, it can be done.

Picture Luke throwing the saber over his shoulder in TLJ as a newly-inserted Ronto butt walks in front of him from the right to left of the frame. Or, Leia calling upon her awesome colossal mastery of The Force to draw her back into her ship, from the cold depths of space, with a pile of newly-inserted rocks in front of her. A totally different reaction for you as the movie-goer, right?
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Don’t give up on the PT or the ST yet...

George Lucas proved, via the OT Special Editions, that you can fix any flawed movie by the simplest of changes. These strategic changes that alter your movie-watching experience, for the better, and make you say, “brilliant—why didn’t he do that before??”

Oh yes, it can be done.

Picture Luke throwing the saber over his shoulder in TLJ as a newly-inserted Ronto butt walks in front of the frame. Or, Leia calling upon her awesome colossal mastery of The Force to draw her back into her ship, from the cold depths of space, with a pile of newly-inserted rocks in front of her. A totally different reaction for you as the movie-goer, right?

Of course, it's all so simple. They can have Ben shoot first and have Luke digitally duck out of the way of the point blank range shot! Then Luke isn't the coward of the county, any more.
download (1)_1.jpeg
They also said Benediction Cumberbund wasn't Khan.

Weird it won't let me quote the previous one...

So, if not endor, where exactly can one find the remains of a death star? DS1 would have been pulled into the Yavin Gas Giant, DSII is clearly on are they telling us there was a third?
Weird it won't let me quote the previous one...

So, if not endor, where exactly can one find the remains of a death star? DS1 would have been pulled into the Yavin Gas Giant, DSII is clearly on are they telling us there was a third?
Endor was merely a moon. Could be the planet that Endor orbits?
Endor was merely a moon. Could be the planet that Endor orbits?

The Forest moon OF Endor as stated in the Rebel briefing room. Endor is the actual planet while the forest was just a moon. So what we see in the trailer could be Endor itself. Any other planet would just be asking for more pissed fans myself included. I'm having a hard time coping with the fact that large sections of the DSII remained intact when ROTJ clearly showed the station disintegrating completely in that explosion let alone those large section found themselves in a different planet.
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How about this for you anti palpatine returning folks.

The ending of rotj really put a wrench in his big plan. He had no idea it was coming and had severely hurt his pride and position of power. He layed low spirit wise for 30 some years. And finally came up with a comeback for it all.

Having his death as part of his plan does lesson the end of rotj somewhat. But I think it can work if it was all Luke and Vader making it happen. He had to lick his wounds for 30 and recoupe before making a come back.
I'm having a hard time coping with the fact that large sections of the DSII remained intact when ROTJ clearly showed the station disintegrating completely in that explosion let alone those large section found themselves in a different planet.

Technically, there waaas a huge chunk of the Death Star visible falling after the explosion.
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